Online ISSN: 1535-0703
There have been many attempts to define Information Systems (IS) success but they have mostly been in the private sector. This paper reviews existing IS success models and then takes into account stakeholders as well as public sector perspectives in conducting qualitative case studies of 3 major Western Australian government agencies. Findings of the study identified key IS success variables relev ...
The teaching and learning of a complex section in Theoretical Computer Science 1 in a distance-education context has been enhanced by a supplementary interactive e-learning system with tutorial and practice functionality in a classic computer-aided instruction (CAI) style. A participative action research process was used to develop, evaluate and refine the application over a longitudinal period. C ...
This paper describes the experience of the authors with the development of scoring rubrics for projects in the core subjects of an Information Systems program. It presents an overview of student learning assessment issues in professional courses and the role of educational projects for that purpose. Then the steps of deriving project rubrics in different subjects across the Information Systems pro ...
Automated Essay Grading (AEG) technology has been maturing over the final decades of the last century to the point where it is now poised to permit a transition in ‘assessment-thinking’. The administrative convenience of using objective testing to attempt to assess deep learning, learning at the conceptual level, has now been obviated by efficient and effective automated means to assess student le ...
Computers, digitalization and the Internet have transformed modem society. Commerce, education, communication and socialization will never be the same. Surprisingly, many universities do not require a computing course in the core curriculum. Critical information technology (IT) competencies are often taken for granted, to the detriment of students who lack computing and Internet skills. This paper ...
Today’s market continues to introduce many and different information communications technologies. As a result, end users are faced with a variety of interfaces which they need to learn and use in a short period of time. The motivation to learn a new interface is subject to many variables most importantly is level of computer competencies, and openness to experience. The aim of this study was to ex ...
Computer-phobic university students are easy to find today especially when it come to taking online courses. Affect has been shown to influence users’ perceptions of computers. Although self-reported computer anxiety has declined in the past decade, it continues to be a significant issue in higher education and online courses. More importantly, anxiety seems to be a critical variable in relation t ...
Collaborative Learning in group settings currently occurs across a substantial portion of the UK Higher Education curriculum. This style of learning has many roots including: Enterprise in Higher Education, Action Learning and Action Research, Problem Based Learning, and Practice Based Learning. As such our focus on Collaborative Learning development can be viewed as an evolutionary. This collabor ...
In 2005 an undergraduate course in project management was converted from face-to-face mode to wholly online mode. The online course was designed with an underlying problem-based learning (PBL) pedagogy and used a simulated, fictitious telecommunications company, United Enterprises (UE), as a case study learning resource. The students worked in virtual teams to complete online learning activities a ...
During the past decade the globally networked digital technologies that operate within the realm of the internet have encouraged academicians and educators the world over to communicate, collaborate, and share knowledge. They have stimulated the creation of transgeographic educational initiatives which broaden the opportunities of learners and are an effective means of eradicating ethnocentrism, x ...
This paper investigates a pedagogic model appropriate to the integration of the industrial practices in software development into the learning activities of our undergraduate students, especially in the context of group-based project work. Specifically, we are interested in the potentialities of this model enhanced from the problem-based learning context, such that people collaborating in the pecu ...
The paper deals with business renovation, effective utilization of information technology and the role of business process modeling in supply chain integration projects. The main idea is to show how the performance of the supply chain can be improved with the integration of various tiers in the chain. Integration is prerequisite for effective sharing and utilization of information between differen ...
Embracing inapt infrastructure technology is a major threat in developing extensive and efficient Web-based systems. The architectural strength of all business models demands an effective integration of various technological components. And middleware, the center of all applications, becomes the driver—everything works if middleware does. In the recent times, the client/server environment has expe ...
Proponents of e-commerce have known for some time that limited participation by consumers partially reflects their concern over the privacy of personal information. To address consumer concerns, web site operators have employed security mechanisms, including privacy policy statements to increase their perceived trustworthiness. While empirical evidence is limited, there is some question regarding ...
The global society is living in the electronic age where electronic transactions such as e-mail, e-banking, e-commerce and e-learning are becoming more and more prominent. This paper primarily focuses on e-learning and how important it is to ensure that proper Information Security measures are put in place to ensure that all information within the e-learning environment is properly protected. This ...
In the ACM guidelines for curricula at educational institutions, the recommendations for Information Security Assurance (ISA) education do not specify the topics, courses, or sequence of courses. As a consequence, there are numerous ISA education models and curricula in existence at educational institutions around the world. Therefore, it is appropriate to evaluate the quality of academic informat ...
This paper discusses on the development of the Honeyd@WEB. Honeyd@WEB is a system that can deploy low-interaction, production, dynamic and manageable virtual honeypots via a web interface. It runs open source programs, such as P0f (a passive fingerprinting tool) and Honeyd (a low-interaction honeypot). Honeyd@WEB can automatically determine; how many honeypots to deploy, how to deploy them, and wh ...
Information security and privacy on the Internet are critical issues in our society. Importantly, children and adolescents need to understand the potential risk of using the Internet. In this research, we examine factors that motivate students’ Information Security Behavior on the Internet. A pilot survey of middle and junior high school students is the source of the data. This study provides a mo ...
Software security breaches are now very extremely common and a larger percentage is caused by software design defects. Since individuals and organizations now completely depend on software systems for their day-to-day operations, it is then important to produce secure software products. This paper discusses the problems of producing secure software products and provides a model for improving softw ...
A holistic approach to security education is important to providing practitioners the scope of learning necessary for integration of their skills into the enterprise. Specifically domains of knowledge can easily be identified that allow for this holistic approach to be implemented into a new program of study or curriculum for information assurance and security. Within the Purdue Calumet CIT Depart ...
This paper presents a critical look at the likely demise of Computer Science (CS) as a discipline, in the light of various mishaps that academics in Universities have met with due to trial and error. We trace the issues of the past and present and, identify the reasons why computer science as a discipline in many Universities has not moved with time - in particular why it is not kept up with the p ...
This paper will examine the various predictions about how technology will transform society. We live in an era of rapid technological development and deployment. Teachers are expected to prepare student for this onslaught on biomedical breakthroughs automation and communica-tion/computer tools. In light of these advances, students need to be anticipatory and congruent with rapidly changing technol ...
The Advanced Technical School from Novi Sad set up a completely new study group for web design in 2004. The paper explains its organization and gives course descriptions. When it was established, there were not many similar groups in the world exclusively dealing with web design, whose programs could serve as role models, hence the curriculum and syllabus had to be based on our own experience. The ...
The selection of a programming language for introductory courses has long been an informal process involving faculty evaluation, discussion, and consensus. As the number of faculty, students, and language options grows, this process becomes increasingly unwieldy. As it stands, the process currently lacks structure and replicability. Establishing a structured approach to the selection of a programm ...
Current demand for Information System (IS) graduates requires that they master specific technical skills needed by industry and government institutions. Revising the IS curriculum to keep it up to date while meeting demands of the Information Technology (IT) labor market continues to be a challenging task. In order to graduate students that are competitive, post-secondary educational institutions ...
The information systems marketplace is changing rapidly requiring students to be well versed in skills that go beyond traditional IT skills. To achieve this, management information systems (MIS) instructors in MIS programs across the country need to design courses that reflect these changes. Failure to incorporate these changes in the MIS program will lead to graduating MIS students who are not co ...
Database tuning practice is mainly conducted as a consequence of user’s complaints on the performance. There is a need for a reactive monitoring and tuning tool enabling a real-time overview of the main resource consumers in order to detect and solve performance bottlenecks. With an assessment of the Oracle’s high-availability database, in terms of the main architectural components and their impac ...
The aim of this paper is to evaluate, propose and improve the use of advanced web data clustering techniques, allowing data analysts to conduct more efficient execution of large-scale web data searches. Increasing the efficiency of this search process requires a detailed knowledge of abstract categories, pattern matching techniques, and their relationship to search engine speed. In this paper we c ...
Recently the role and importance of database application in supporting the decision making process has been still increasing. Data warehouse can be an answer for this challenge. Data collected in a warehouse deliver different information e.g. about market, demand, selling goods, trends, anomalies on market. The paper presents data warehouse as a potential source of business information.
Content management can be viewed as the concepts, processes, technologies and practices that deal with the development, management and publishing of information. Traditionally, a Content Management System (CMS) does not offer the means for content classification, management and retrieval of data based on dynamically defined information models. Furthermore, Content Management Systems usually rely o ...
This paper examines the theoretical linkage between ICT and advances within a business in a rural community in the North West Province of South Africa. Various aspects are addressed like services and service delivery mechanism, locally adapted content and context, realistic approach to technologies and financial sustainability. A rural community centre in Itsoseng was investigated regarding the ab ...
Proponents of hybrid learning proclaim it to be an effective and efficient way of expanding course content that supports in-depth delivery and analysis of knowledge (Young, 2002) and increases students satisfaction (Campos & Harasim, 1999; Dziuban & Moskal, 2001; Rivera, McAlister, & Rice, 2002; Wu & Hiltz, 2004). In the years to come, hybrid learning is poised to cause a paradigm shift in higher ...
Research indicates that to effectively participate in today’s global digital information age, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) familiarity is essential for individuals and communities. There is concern, especially amongst developed nations that advances in, and the rapid growth of, ICTs has the possibility of creating a new form of inequality among individuals. The New Zealand gov ...
The World Wide Web provides a wealth of information - indeed, perhaps more than can comfortably be processed. But how does all that Web content get there? And how can users assess the accuracy and authenticity of what they find? This paper will look at some of the problems of using the Internet as a resource and suggest criteria both for researching and for systematic and critical evaluation of wh ...
Delivering course content via portable/mobile audio players can be a part of an effective selfregulatory strategy that also accommodates multiple learning styles while overcoming intrusive thoughts and the anxiety that accompanies them. As a result, academic performance can improve, while increasing self-concept and self-efficacy. Preliminary results of a literature search tracing the impact of in ...
Mobile learning (M-Leaming) integrates the current mobile and wireless computing technology with education primarily to enhance the effectiveness of the traditional learning process. One of the difficulties in implementing M-Learning is to deliver the content efficiently. This paper focuses on the development of M-Learning management tool in campus-wide environment using the Microsoft .NET infrast ...
The author describes his experience with students interacting with some websites he made for didactics and research and how this led him to an appreciation for the need for better searching tools and strategies for education. The students’ difficulties emerging from the above observations were a special case of the more general problem evidenced from people while searching information on the web. ...
eLearning has profoundly changed many aspects of society and, inevitably, it is having a significant impact on Higher Education, where it has now evolved from a marginal form of education to a commonly accepted alternative to traditional face-to-face education. The term can cover different delivery models ranging from courses that are delivered fully online (no face-to-face meetings) to courses th ...
This study investigated the students attitudes toward the use of World Wide Web Course Tools (WebCT) and its influence on learning taking a course Introduction to Computers in Business offered at the College of Commerce and Economics in Sultan Qaboos University in Oman. Sultan Qaboos University is a co-educational institution where in most computer classes the male and female students are equally ...
This paper discusses the feeling of isolation among doctoral students; its’ origin and the effect it has on the decision of the students to leave doctoral programs. The paper explains the development of isolation feeling within four stages of completing the program. It explains how each stage contributes to increasing the feeling of isolation among the students and then suggests counter measures t ...
The Professional Doctorate (ProfDoc) is attracting increasing attention because of its perceived greater than the Doctor of Philosophy’s (PhD’s) focus on meeting the needs of the knowledge economy. The paper examines the nature of the ProfDoc vis-a-vis the PhD and identifies significant characteristics of the ProfDoc, especially in respect of relevance and performativity. It then analyses these ch ...
This paper introduces an initial effort towards developing a framework for writing an effective literature review. The target audience for the framework are novice IS researchers or other researchers who are constantly struggling with the development of an effective literature-based foundation for the proposed research. The proposed framework follows the systematic data processing approach compris ...
In the past, Information Systems Research (ISR) mainly has focused on developing, designing, and implementing computerized parts of informing systems. Even studies from a "user" perspective relate to information and communication technology (ICT), often on an abstract level. Since the advent of the ICT industry there has been a tendency to describe professionals in their practice, or people in the ...
The predecessors of this research project were the efforts to classify the Information Systems (IS) research along paradigmatic lines. While the paradigmatic classifications are very useful philosophically, examination of an issue such as the use of Information Systems and the related socioorganizational issues require a classification that is centered around the social phenomenon of the use and e ...
This paper explores how the engineering design process might balance conflicting constraints of technical product design and the social demands of users. Some insights from Buddhism, cybernetics, phenomenology and neurophysiology set the scene to help illustrate how Designers and Users build or access their respective ‘experienced-' and ‘expected world’ and achieve their aims. A prototype 3D ‘diam ...
This paper outlines a case study in which a management development learning process was tightly coupled to organisational change and development objectives. The case discusses how a research and consulting team came together to develop highly reflexive pedagogy to support the work of internal managers who were organised into teams (‘learning sets’ of sorts, but which came to be known as 'ThinkTank ...
Communicating with friends, family, peers and colleagues has always underpinned work and social behaviour. However, the devices that act as conduits to this communication have changed over time, and differ across the globe. People in industralised corners of the world are more and more frequently using advances in information and communication technologies (ICTs) to assist both the senders and rec ...
The under-representation and poor retention of women in computing courses at Victoria University is a concern that has continued to defy all attempts to resolve it. Despite a range of initiatives created to encourage participation and improve retention of females in the courses, the percentage of female enrolments has declined significantly in recent years, from 32% in 1994 to 18% in 2004, while a ...
Educational programme for lab-lectures of Business Information Systems module is presented. There, first year undergraduate business students of Faculty of Economics Ljubljana University Business School acquire important hands-on knowledge, which is expected from them by future employers in business practice and by lecturers during their studies. The programme evolved over a course of years of ins ...
Data from the national databases about the population and education shows that about 283 693 under 5-year old children stepped into the Finnish educational system in 2004. Their future learning, a lifelong interaction amid developing and decision-making people, is supported with the education that promotes understanding the decisions and knowledge related to them. In Europe, the demand for a high ...
For the past several years, the authors have been studying the impact of prior experience on performance in introductory Information Technology (IT) courses. Since 2002, data has been collected on all incoming freshmen and performance has been measured by the grade received in initial courses. The grades are expressed in the traditional four-point scale used at most US colleges and universities. P ...
At a time when the IT industry in general and the IT academy in particular face major challenges, some accuse universities of producing graduates with poor or inappropriate skills. This qualitative study, based on interviews with fifteen senior IT executives and managers in the Australian financial services industry, examines what employers seek when they recruit new graduates. We find that employ ...
Communication is one of the fundamental elements required for facilitating learning. It is present in the work of (Vygotsky 1978) and more recently (Wenger 1998). These authors are concerned with understanding learning and explaining it. Others have focused their attention on the development of frameworks to facilitate learning. In particular, work related to the introduction of information techno ...
Managed Learning Environment (MLE) uses technology to enhance and make more effective the network of relationships between learners, teachers and organizers of learning, through integrated support for richer communications and activities”. Educational institutions are faced with the challenge of setting up of a hi-tech infrastructure and preparing a new generation of teachers to effectively use th ...
Starting with the introduction of Visual Studio .NET (VS .NET) application developers can write programs that may be used for different languages listed in VB .NET globalization. However, this globalization list is incomplete and is missing many languages. Among the languages that are missing from VB globalization is the Kurdish language. This paper makes a case for adding the Kurdish language to ...
Support for personalized learning requires further assistance than currently available with most learning management system. Software agents have been proposed as one way of providing such assistance. The paper identifies three kinds of software agents, pedagogical, function and process agents. The paper then concentrates on process agents, which guide learners to develop personalized preferred le ...
Latent Semantic Analysis, when used for automated essay grading, makes use of document word count vectors for scoring the essays against domain knowledge. Words in the domain knowledge documents and essays are counted, and Singular Value Decomposition is undertaken to reduce the dimensions of the semantic space. Near neighbour vector cosines and other variables are used to calculate an essay score ...
Being a distance education institution, our current infrastructure does not allow group or collaborative work on undergraduate level. Although students are allowed to work together and assist each other, each student is required to submit individual attempts for assignments and/or projects. Assignments that are so similar that we could not accept them as individual attempts are considered cheating ...
In order to become a crucial resource for learners, Web-based learning must take into consideration that education has triggered a shift from the teaching paradigm to the learning paradigm. As a result, students are becoming more independent from the teacher. Besides the evolution of the learning paradigm, educational technologies are evolving constantly. Moreover, changes caused by academic insti ...
This paper is designed to help identify specific behaviors that present challenging decisions for faculty in terms of questionable ethical behavior or conflicts of interest and ways to deal with the various situations. The behaviors are divided into five sections: 1) Dishonest or unethical behavior in teaching 2) Dishonest or unethical behavior in research 3) Sexual Harassment 4) Neglect of Univer ...
A practical IT education is a combination of lectures and exercises, as well as learning and putting into practice the theory of a fundamental system technology. The following is presumed. It is important to execute such education by directing the accumulation of knowledge and the expansion of knowledge through the spiral model, making it more educationally effective. The present treatise consider ...
This paper details the development and implementation of an adventure game based assignment exploring the use of ciphers as part of a final year undergraduate data communications course. Students were presented with a document that contained a narrative to help them along the journey to the solution, one section of which required decipherment of a key instruction. The author reflects on the (pre-i ...
This paper describes the design and use of a simple method for comparative website evaluation that has been used for the purposes of teaching web design to University students. The method can be learnt within two hours by a novice user or typical customer. The method is not dependant upon the environment being used by the tester and can be adjusted according to the subjective preferences they may ...
Learning styles are relatively-stable characteristic behaviors that indicate how students prefer to leam. To maximize student learning, it is important for instructors to address learning styles when designing their lessons. What does the research say about learning styles? What should instructors do to factor learning styles into traditional lessons? What should be done differently with respect t ...
The emerging field of Information Technology is one of several fields that require students to leam computer programming. A large proportion of the students were having difficulty getting through the programming sequence and ultimately changed majors or dropped out of college. To deal with this problem, curricular reforms were implemented and active learning techniques were added to the classroom. ...
Professionals in the information technology field are bombarded with an incessant stream of innovations in hardware and software as well as practices, methods, and techniques. IT educators are among the first targets in the market and must decide if and when to adopt these innovations in their instruction of students and professional endeavors. The risks are not small: educators must weigh the imp ...
Names are important in many societies, even in technologically oriented ones which use e.g. ID systems to identify individual people. There are many elements of personal names which vary in different cultures. Names such as surnames are the most important as they are used in many processes, such as identifying of people and genealogical research. On the other hand variation of names can be a major ...
Traditional information systems design and development methodologies tend to overly focus on the technical details of the system such as memory management, system internals, algorithms and modules. It is not unusual for system designers and developers to often completely omit from the thought process the human element. This article offers a new information systems perspective particularly for info ...
This article discusses the relationship between the informing science and information view of organization. Both approaches are described, similarities and differences between them demonstrated, and the contribution of the latter to the former discussed.
For the last few years school teachers in Malaysia have access to ICT tools in their schools. However, these tools are used mostly for record keeping and word processing purposes. An in-depth study to identify the problems of using ICT in the classroom is currently being done to elicit information concerning the needs of secondary school teachers in the Northern region of Malaysia. This research-i ...
Nowadays, the amount of information grows in an exponential way, mainly because of technological advances in media. This scenario claims for the development of different skills in order to increase learning abilities, making them personal and customizable. Such factor is significant in a changing society, which implies in a range of mechanisms which would allow to identify, in a non-intrusive way, ...
This paper presents an advanced an innovative Video Learning Object (VLO) application model for optimal dynamic VLO reusability. The model contains three essential elements - the metadata, the links, and a learning center. Each element of VLO application system is configured for a specific assignment. The model allows for dynamic reconfigurability of VLO metadata based on usage profile. This leads ...
The paper aims at analysing Business Intelligence Systems (BI) in the context of opportunities for improving decision-making in a contemporary organisation. The authors - taking specifics of a decision-making process together with heterogeneity and dispersion of information sources into consideration - present Business Intelligence Systems as some holistic infrastructure of decisionmaking. It has ...
The Teaching and Learning Group, in the Faculty of Arts, Deakin University, Australia, has successfully implemented Stage One of a Teaching and Learning Database. The database is unique in Deakin, and aims to integrate the core functions of curriculum, unit chair and assessment panel maintenance, academic workloads and quality assurance reporting for the Faculty of Arts. Stage One developments hav ...
Despite the fact that money has been and always will be a hot topic, research has ignored it especially when it comes to payment issues in online commerce. It seems that people in the money business are busy making and spending it and have no time to study it and publish their findings. Come to think of it, why would one publish a methodology to save money when he/she can use it solely for themsel ...
This is an inquiry into the background and the origins of bias and disinformation as viewed from the philosophical perspective. This paper demonstrates the undeniable analogy between the philosophical framework defined by Schopenhauer and the informational model of decision situations as viewed today in operations research, management sciences, and decision sciences. Bias, and disinformation—the m ...
The problem of enhancing success in e-Commerce requires reducing or sharing the risk of misinforming. The objectives of this paper is to raise and discuss the difficulties in quantifying the risk of misunderstanding caused by information asymmetry in a communication process; and to propose a mathematical model, developed to measure the risk of misinforming. Usage of warranty, as the most popular t ...
This paper explores the design and application of information communication technologies and human computer interaction for people recovering from severe mental illness wishing to gain employment. It is argued bias, misinformation and disinformation limit opportunities for people recovering from mental illness who are seeking employment. Issues of bias are explored in relation to systems design as ...
This is an inquiry into the “actionable credibility” of information values in informing and how it depends on other attributes of data and information quality. Empirical survey-based research by Wang and Strong (1996) ignores the multidimensional aspects of credibility. Studies that ignore them may produce unreliable results. Most publications discuss these attributes as independent quality factor ...
There are many ways to present information to visitors and users of 2D and 3D interface environments. In these virtual environments we can provide visitors with simulations of real environments, including simulations of presenters in such environments (a lecturer, a sales agent, a receptionist, a museum guide) and including audience participation in these environments. Our research aims at generat ...
Annotation of video content has been commonplace in the entertainment industry for many years and is now becoming a valuable tool within the business world. Unfortunately its use in education has to date been limited. Although research and development is being undertaken to apply video annotation techniques to assessment and both software and hardware exists to facilitate this process, it must be ...
The Faculty of Business and Law at Deakin University (Victoria, Australia) decided to dispense of all printed post-graduate learning materials and replace them with CD-ROMs from the commencement of the 2006 academic year. In addition, CD-ROMs were developed for a limited number of undergraduate units as part of a future delivery plan for this cohort of students. The following paper describes this ...
This paper presents a virtual learning environment for Mobile IP (Internet Protocol). The learning environment has been produced in a production circle of Virtual Polytechnic of Finland. Protocols and mechanisms for secure mobility in the Internet are surveyed. A detailed description of the development of the learning environment and the content of the Mobile IP animation is given. The chosen dida ...
Reliable transport protocols such as TCP are tuned to perform well in traditional networks where packet losses occur mostly because of congestion. TCP is intended for use as a highly reliable end-to-end transport protocol for transporting applications such as World-Wide Web (WWW) between hosts in packet-switched computer communication networks. TCP was originally designed for wired links where the ...
The pervasiveness and the seemingly unpopular nature of unidirectional data transfer has greatly necessitated the efforts of this paper. We investigated the performance of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) over IP-based wireline and wireless networks. The conceptual model was developed and tested using Network Simulator 2(NS2) and its bevaviour was monitored over the two networks. The results of the si ...
The origins of the concept of benchmarking show us the reason for its popularity primarily under the pressures of rapid internationalization in a wider context. The international competitiveness, the ‘movement’ for qualities, and the rapid growth of information technology, which has made sophisticated data collection possible, were usually identified as main economic and social impacts on the prac ...
In the highly competitive nowadays markets, many companies actions assume the project form. In special, Information Technology (IT) projects assume great importance, enabling the dynamic actions that organisations need (Porter, 2001; Tapscott, 2001). However, IT applications assume different roles, from operational support to strategic, according to companies’ strategies and operations, besides th ...
Experience with a large scale virtual university learning system is presented. A newly designed curriculum for medical studies is made available in electronic multimedia form and is serving the needs of 2500 students per semester. We describe the concept, the technology based on a 3-layer-software system, and especially problems and solutions in connection with mapping medical knowledge onto a mul ...
The aim of this research was to develop a scale that could evaluate an individuals confidence in using the Internet. Web-based resources are becoming increasingly important within higher education and it is therefore vital that students and staff feel confident and competent in the access, provision, and utilisation of these resources. The scale developed here represents an extension of previous r ...
Over the past decades Information Technology has made a tremendous impact on the lives of humans, so much so, that one can safely state that humans eat, breathe and live IT. Each and every aspect of the life of those living in the “modern” world is under the spell of IT. The talk of the day is E-economy, E-education, E-commerce, E-finance, E-government, E-entertainment, E-communication, E-mail; E- ...
When freedom from Communism largely eliminated overt government censorship of newspapers, other political and business pressures appeared. Consequently, Southeastern European newspaper publishers faced threats to financial viability and editorial integrity. The editor-in-chief of one newspaper in the former Yugoslavian republic of Slovenia claims to have found freedom from political and advertiser ...
This paper demonstrates that advanced technologies and the increasing acceptance of academic open access e-journals offer an opportunity to reconsider their form and function as a medium to enhance scholarly communication. The academic open access e-journal is envisioned as a platform and a portal within the context of an open source community including a format and functions that enable it to ach ...
Discussion of the relevance of Information Systems research to the practitioner community began in the 1990s. Though the issue has faded from top-tier journals, the problem remains. This article provides the first comprehensive consideration of the major papers relating to IS research relevance. It also recognizes that the problem of relevance is not one that is likely to be solved at the global I ...
Since the advent of data communication over networks, it has become imperative to ensure security of information. Cryptography is a technique that is being employed. This paper takes a look at an important aspect of the public key encryption scheme, the modular exponentiation technique, with the view of optimizing it. Taking a look at some public key encryption schemes, it would be observed that t ...
This paper presents a comparative analysis of Remote Method Invocation (RMI) and Mobile Agent (MA) paradigm used to implement the information storage and retrieval system in a distributed computing environment. Simulation program was developed to measure the performance of MA and RMI using object oriented programming language (the following parameters: search time, fault tolerance and invocation c ...
There are several techniques and tools that attempt to effectively represent different modelling perspectives according to business process modelling purpose and goals. One of widely used techniques for process modelling is process maps. The technique is based on flowcharts and one of its most important advantages, that is extremely important in early phases of business process change projects, is ...
This paper reports on an investigation into first year students’ perceptions of IT as a career. There are many stereotypes of the typical IT professional. These stereotypes are often depicted in the media and affect students’ perceptions of the career and whether they should study IT or not. An exploratory study into male and female first year students’ perceptions of the IT professional is presen ...
This research explores the impact of technology and culture on higher education in two Arab countries. In western countries where higher education is common, individuals regardless of their gender can meet, communicate, and collaborate at anytime at any place of their choice. This may not be true in Arab countries due to the social, cultural, and religious reasons. We argue that adoption of techno ...
In social science research, the demographic categories of ethnicity are linked to what the census bureau considers as a person’s ethnic heritage. However, these categories are based on the societal assumption that members of a given category share the same characteristics and life experiences, even though the heterogeneity between members within a category may be as diverse as between categories. ...
Science and technology of Republican China (1912-1949) often replicated the West in all hierarchies. However, in 1949 when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) declared the nation the People's Republic of China, it had assumed Soviet pseudo-science, namely neo-Lamarckian and anti-Mendelian Lysenkoism, which led to intense propaganda campaigns that victimized intellectuals and natural scientists. Not ...
This paper discusses the changes in Information Technology (IT) investment philosophy of both private and public sector companies. Based on the available published material in scholarly journals and magazines, our analysis is focused on the USA and the UK. The paper analyzes the past and current behaviors of business investments in technology and the factors that have prompted companies to change ...
Over the past 20 years, computers and the sharing of information have penetrated nearly every aspect of educational life. Indeed, the reliance on Computer-aided Learning has impact on the economic structure and the cost per learner. The demand for electronic learning (e-learning) today is rapidly growing worldwide with the demand simply over stressing the limited infrastructures and resources avai ...
Information systems development takes place within an economical context. However, the economical conditions, which shape systems development in practice, are hardly researched. In this paper we are investigating the question how a given price structure influences systems development projects. Our analysis is based on a multi case study and a Grounded Theory inspired research approach. Our work is ...
The third year systems development group project forms an essential part of the Information Systems major at the University of Cape Town. The field of Information Technology / Information Systems requires the maintenance or development of large information systems which often involves complex tasks. As effective teams are at the core of high performance organizations exposure to teamwork is import ...
The learning of software development is difficult for many students. Given a problem statement, students have to be able to: design a solution to the problem; implement a solution in a programming language; and test the solution. Often students miss out the design step and start writing programming code immediately. And yet instructors aim to encourage their students to develop a design in, for ex ...
Workflow modeling has been able to handle requirements down to the point where the specification gets executed on a specialized engine. Present day information systems, however, pose new challenges. Data and decision logic are spread out across a collection of heterogeneous applications of different ages, provided by various vendors, supported on diverse technologies. “Running” a business workflow ...
Task complexity is a construct widely used in the behavioral sciences to explore and predict the relationship between task characteristics and information processing. Because the creation and use of IT in the performance of tasks is a central area of informing science (IS) research, it follows that better understanding of task complexity should be of great potential benefit to IS researchers and p ...
Information Technology (IT) provides the infrastructure for communication and collaboration tools for virtual teams, but Henttonen and Blomqvist (2005) suggest that it is the relational communication and factors of trust, commitment and communication that attention. This case study presents a team building strategy for such interaction. Off-campus students in an undergraduate course apply technolo ...
The paper presents a research case study that describes the three year history of the Increments and Transformations Institute (ITI) at the University of South Florida. The ITI's goal is to encourage faculty members from all disciplines to enhance the effectiveness of their teaching through the appropriate use of technologies and pedagogical strategies. Institute participation consists of a year-l ...
In a Finnish study of four different academic disciplines, Ylijoki (2000) found that in Computer Science there was a disparity between the conceptions held by undergraduate students and staff about their discipline; students viewed it as being far more pragmatic and results focused than did their instructors. Not surprisingly, here at our Australian university where the undergraduate Computer Scie ...