InSITE 2016: Informing Science + IT Education Conferences: Lithuania

Jun 27 - Jul 1 2016, Vilnius, Lithuania 


Online ISSN: 1535-0703

Azad Ali , Ava Omar Fatah, Frederick Gregg Kohun
This paper explains the development of a system of academic ranking across the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) colleges and universities. The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MHE) at KRG has embarked on a project to develop a system for ranking the universities under their jurisdiction. The MHE wanted their ranking system to be modeled on other established university ranki ...
Academic Ranking System, Kurdistan Academic Ranking System, Kurdistan University Ranking
1 - 19
Norman Williams, John Beachboard, Robert Bohning
The expanding role of English as an international lingua franca has had considerable effects on higher education (HE) provision around the world. English has become the medium of choice for African HE, and its position as a medium of instruction in the Europe and Asia is strengthening (Coleman, 2006; HU, 2009). English-medium tertiary education is also commonplace in the Middle East including the ...
IT Education, English-medium university courses, English-medium teaching in higher education, multilingual language policy, content and language integrated learning (CLIL), STEM courses, English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
21 - 29
Martine Robinson Beachboard
Marketing communication agencies are in the business of branding other companies. In the current media landscape, ad agencies need to demonstrate their communication expertise through the Internet including their homepages. This pilot study collected data and user impressions on the websites of 42 randomly selected small advertising agencies. Companies with 10 or fewer employees were of specific i ...
branding, branding elements, corporate image, credibility, digital branding, differentiation, message clarity, small advertising agencies, unique selling personality, unique selling proposition, USP
John P Egan
In this paper I examine both philosophical and operational aspects of cultivating a peer review of teaching process that embraces online learning as an integral, unique part of university teaching and learning endeavors. Reflecting on my own experiences as both a candidate and reviewer, my analysis seeks to disrupts presumptions about observation, interaction, teaching and assessment, which are ex ...
online learning, peer review, evaluation of teaching, quality
33 - 39
Michael Dreyfuss, Yahel Giat
We develop a two-stage model for identifying IT system modules with high security risks. In the first phase, we identify the subsystems that pose the highest risk and which require further investigation. In the next phase, we identify the high-security-risk modules using a more detailed approach. The output of this model helps managers decide on how to invest efficiently in improving the security ...
Information security, risk management, academic institutions, composite risk factor, information technology systems
41 - 51
Michael Jones, Valerie He
Many organisations around the world are beginning to move towards a position of increased diversity in their numbers. There are many ways to look at the issue and achieve satisfactory outcomes. This paper explores an approach which offers strong advantages and benefits for the functional integration of minority groups. Operating on the theoretical principles of Diversity Acceptance and Organisatio ...
Diversity, Inclusion, Volunteering
53 - 57
Samie Li Shang Ly, Raafat George Saadé
In this study we combine an immersive learning environment, an evidence based management method and the knowledge management SECI mindset to investigate students’ learning from scientific journal articles. The study entailed the use of a web-based peer to peer system (P2PS) that, gives an identified subject matter, engages students in extracting knowledge from a source, processes that knowledge t ...
Evidence Based Management, Immersive Learning, Information Technology, Learning Models, Educational Evolution
59 - 70
Paul Nieuwenhuysen
This contribution identifies challenges in information literacy didactics in contemporary higher education all over the world:
• Heterogeneity among organizations for higher education hinders co-operation.
• Information literacy is competing with media literacy.
• Leadership and responsibility are needed in information literacy education.
• Developing information literacy training materials re ...
Information literacy, didactics, information centers, co-operation, Internet, higher education
71 - 83
Mathews Nkhoma, TRI K LAM, Joan Richardson, Booi H Kam, Kwok Hung Lau
This study proposes the use of case study in teaching an undergraduate course of Introduction to Business Information Systems Development in class, based on the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. According to the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy of cognitive skills, it includes six levels which are knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, evaluation, and creation. The lower level of skill is required to be ...
Incremental Learning, Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, Case-based Learning, Cognitive Skill
85 - 93
Raafat George Saadé, Syed S Shah
In this study, we adapted the agile approach to teaching. Students took an idea from inception, through the first and second agile project management iterations, and incorporated feedback from their classmates in between. The goal was to demonstrate through a flexible process how products/services can be improved. We started with the practice and followed up with the theory. The results and metric ...
Agile, Project Management, Teaching, Informing
95 - 101
Ulrich Schmitt
Knowledge Management (KM) is governed by an ill-structured mishmash of complementing as well as conflicting interdisciplinary methodologies and based on physical and social technologies, which too often struggle to achieve their stakeholders’ objectives due to diverse scholarly contributions, repetitive polemic discourses, and misguided organizational KM system generations.
A novel Personal Know ...
Personal Knowledge Management (PKM), Design Science Research (DSR), Informing Science (IS), Popper’s Three Worlds, Knowledge Worker, Organizational Knowledge Man-agement (OKM), Human Capital, Capacity Development, Lifelong learning, Memes, Memex, Knowcations
103 - 130
Robert Allen Schultz
The purpose of this paper is to describe and explain a central property of modern technology that makes it an important potential contributor to human extinction. This view may seem strange to those who regard technology as an instrument of human growth. After discussing modern technology and two important candidates for extinction, other technological candidates for serious contribution to huma ...
technology, classical technology, modern technology, information technology, gradual extinction, sudden extinction
131 - 145
Jyothi Thalluri, Joy Penman
The flipped classroom is one of the recent innovations applied in teaching science concepts to nursing students. It is thought that a more engaging and meaningful learning environment is created, but how exactly this is achieved in flipped classroom is unclear.
The aims of this paper are to describe how a flipped classroom was effectively created for beginning off-campus nursing students studyin ...
Flipped classroom, Off-campus, Nursing students, Teaching sciences
147 - 157
Moshe Yitzhaki
The free flow of unfiltered information, as facilitated by current IT, poses great challenges for a conservative community that strives to retain its members, and especially its youngsters, within a traditional lifestyle. The study explores the ways by which the Israeli ultra-orthodox community, a conservative minority one, upholding a unique subculture, copes with the challenges of unrestricted i ...
ultra-orthodox community, Israel, information flow, barriers, conservative societies, Internet filtering
159 - 164
Estelle Taylor
[The final form of this paper was published in the journal Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning.]
Soft skills are becoming increasingly important and will be critical for success in the Information Systems profession. Employers complain about a lack in soft skills among graduates from tertiary education institutions. No agreement exists about what these skills actually are ...
soft skills, higher education, information technology, industry
Retta Guy , Gerald Marquis
[The final form of this paper was published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology.] The authors present the results of a study conducted at a comprehensive, urban, coeducational, land-grant university. A causal-comparative design was chosen for this study to compare student performance in two different classroom environments, traditional versus flipped. The study ...
flipped classroom, instructional videos, podcasts, student performance, traditional lecture, video-taped lectures
Eugenia M. W. Ng
[The final form of this paper was published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology.] The study involved student teachers enrolled in early childhood teaching at a teacher training institute in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Seventy-four students participated in flipped classroom activities during their first semester of study. Students were told to learn fr ...
flipped classroom, generic skills, online videos, photo editing, student teacher
Kevin A. Johnston
[The final form of this paper was published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology.]
The impact that mobile web-enabled devices have had on the lives and behavior of university students has been immense. Yet, many of the models used in the classrooms have remained unchanged. Although a traditional research approach of examining the literature, developing a methodol ...
Mobile web-enabled devices, Usage, Impact, University Students, Social Network Systems (SNS).
Dale C MacKrell
[The final form of this paper was published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology.]
This paper reports on the educational aspects of an information systems work-integrated learning (WIL) capstone project for an organization which operates to alleviate homelessness in the Australian non-profit sector. The methodology adopted for the study is Action Design Research ( ...
Work-integrated learning, workplace learning, non-profit, reflection, engagement, IT
Ruti Gafni , Idan Nagar
[The final form of this paper was published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology.]
CAPTCHA - Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart - is a test with the aim to distinguish between malicious automatic software and real users in the era of Cyber security threats. Various types of CAPTCHA tests were developed, in order to address a ...
CAPTCHA, Cyber Security, User Experience
Azad Ali , Kustim Wibowo
[The final form of this paper was published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology.]
The most common course delivery model is based on teacher (knowledge provider) - student (knowledge receiver) relationship. The most visible symptom of this situation is over-reliance on textbook’s tutorials. This traditional model of delivery reduces teacher flexibility, causes lac ...
Simulation Software, Office Simulation Software, eBook and Simulation Software
Seta Boghikian-Whitby, Yehia Mortagy
[The final form of this paper was published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology.]
This longitudinal, quasi-experimental study investigated students’ cognitive personality type using the Myers-Briggs personality Type Indicator (MBTI) in Internet-based Online and Face-to-Face (F2F) modalities. A total of 1154 students enrolled in 28 Online and 32 F2F sections tau ...
Online learning, Distance Education, Face to face (F2F), Myers Briggs (MBTI), Longi-tudinal, Learning Style.
Antoinette Lombard, Hein Johan Wiese, Jan Smit
[The final form of this paper was published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology.]
One of the key attempts towards a collective African vision is the New Economic Partnership for African Development (NEPAD). Barnard and Vonk (2003) report that “53 countries have been urged to implement ICTs in three crucial development arenas: education, health and trade”. While N ...
Economic upliftment, Social development, Digital astuteness, Rural areas
Timothy Haig-Smith, Maureen Tanner
[The final form of this paper was published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology.]
Agile global software development (AGSD) is an increasing prevalent software development strategy, as organisations hope to realise the benefits of accessing a larger resource pool of skilled labour, at a potentially reduced cost, while at the same time delivering value incremental- ...
Cloud Computing, Agile Software Development, Agile Global Software Development, Agile Principles, Scrum
Gila Kurtz, Yehuda Peled
[The final form of this paper was published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology.]
This paper presents a validation research of seven Digital Learning Domains (DLDs) and sixty-five performance statements (PSs) as perceived by students with experience in learning via ICT. The preliminary findings suggest a statistical firmness of the inventory. The seven DLDs ident ...
Digital Learning Literacies, 21st Century Skills, Learning Skills
Janice Whatley
[The final form of this paper was published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology.]
Project work forms a large part in work undertaken by graduates when they enter the workforce, so projects are used in higher education to prepare students for their working lives and to enable students to apply creativity in their studies as they present a solution to a problem, us ...
Team project, employability, transferable skills, external client
Rimvydas Skyrius, Igor Katin, Michail Kazimianec, Svetlana Nemitko, Gediminas Rumšas, Raimundas Žilinskas
[The final form of this paper was published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology.]
The field of business intelligence (BI), despite rapid technology advances, continues to feature inadequate levels of adoption. The attention of researchers is shifting towards hu-man factors of BI adoption. The wide set of human factors influencing BI adoption con-tains elements of ...
business intelligence, business intelligence adoption, business intelligence culture
Thang Manh Tran, Dorian Stoilescu
[This paper is published in the Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, Volume 15.]
This paper explores and analyses similarities and differences in ICT curricula, policies, and assessment between the Vietnamese and Australian educational systems for the final years of secondary educational level. It was found that while having a common core set of tendencies, the Australian ICT cu ...
ICT education, comparative studies in ICT education, ICT curriculum, ICT policies
Irena Malgorzata Ali
[This paper is published in the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, Volume 11.]

This paper reports on research with a broad objective to examine the relationship between two organizational entities, the formally structured organization and informal organizational structures, in a changing operational environment, more specifically during military deployments. Th ...
organizational studies, formal and informal organizational structures – symbiotic re-lationship, organizational adaptation, organizational agility, organizations and institutions, complexity, frameworks, case studies.
Grandon Gill, Matthew Mullarkey, Joseph E Mohr, Moez Limayem
[This paper is published in Informing Science: the International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, Volume 19.]

As the complexity of a system grows, the challenge of informing the stakeholders of that system grows correspondingly. Nowhere is that challenge more daunting than in business education, where globalization, technological innovation, and increasingly complicated regulations conti ...
informing science, informing system, internships, externships, business education, case studies, research, channel, complexity, rugged landscape, business school, impact
Klaus Moeller, Julian Gabel, Frank Bertagnolli
[This paper is published in the Journal of Information Technology Education: Discussion Cases, Volume 5]

The investment decision was made last year, and after a time-consuming selection process and intensive negotiations, the contract with the general contractor was signed. The business segment Fixing systems of the fischer group of companies faced a significant investment in its logistics – th ...
change management, communication concept, order picking technology, warehouse logistics
Helen Emasealu, Susan Nnadozie Umeozor
[The final form of this paper was published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology.]

The paper reviewed the emerging roles of the 21st century librarians, charged with the responsibility to manage repository services across libraries in present-day information technology environment. Librarians need to be trained and empowered with requisite skills and knowledge n ...
Repository services, Academic libraries, Emerging trends, Role of librarians, Developing countries
Dan Bouhnik , Yahel Giat , Issachar Zarruk
The transition from printed to electronic sources of information has resulted in a profound change to the way procurement officers seek information. Furthermore, in the past decade there have been additional technological revolutions that are expected to further affect the procurement process. In this paper, we conduct a survey among forty nine university procurement officers in Israel to examine ...
Public procurement, information seeking behavior, notebooks, smartphones, tablets, information sources
Bill Davey, Karoly Bozan, Robert Houghton, Kevin R. Parker
Group work can provide a valuable learning experience, one that is especially relevant for those preparing to enter the information system workforce. While much has been discussed about effective means of delivering the benefits of collaborative learning in groups, there are some problems that arise due to pragmatic environmental factors such as the part time work commitments of students. This stu ...
action research, group work problems
Klaus-Dietrich Kramer, Annedore Söchting, Thomas Stolze
Many degree courses at technical universities include the subject of control systems engineering. As an addition to conventional approaches Fuzzy Control can be used to easily find control solutions for systems, even if they include nonlinearities. To support further educational training, models which represent a technical system to be controlled are required. These models have to represent the sy ...
Fuzzy Control, FHFCE-Tool, Teaching Models, FC-Debugging, FC-Tracing
Rachel Or-Bach
This paper describes the employment of a Personal Response System (PRS) during a Decision Analysis course for Management Information Systems (MIS) students. The description shows how the carefully designed PRS-based questions, the delivery, and the follow-up discussions; provided a context for eliciting and exercising central concepts of the course topics as well as central skills required for MIS ...
Personal Response Systems, Clickers, Quantitative methods for decision analysis, Decision Trees, Modeling
Stephen Burgess, Scott Bingley, David A Banks
Many higher education institutions are moving towards blended learning environments that seek to move towards a student-centred ethos, where students are stakeholders in the learning process. This often involves multi-modal learner-support technologies capable of operating in a range of time and place settings. This article considers the impact of an Audience Response System (ARS) upon the ongoing ...
Blended learning, audience response systems, information systems professionals, ethics
Dimitar Grozdanov Christozov, Stefanka Chukova, Plamen S. Mateev
The following definition of “option” is given in Wikipedia - “In finance, an option is a contract which gives the buyer (the owner or holder) the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset or instrument at a specified strike price on or before a specified date, depending on the form of the option.”. Option as a risk management (mitigation) tool is broadly used in finance and ...
warranty of malfunctioning, warranty of misinforming, options, asymmetry, utility, risk of misinforming
Ismar Frango Silveira
The Open Software movement serves as a landmark and a starting point for many “open-something” initiatives, such as Open Educational Resources (OER) and Massive Online Open Courses (MOOC). However, under a pragmatic point-of-view, many of its basic principles are not considered specially when dealing with the above mentioned initiatives: common, industry-standard OER and MOOC lack a considerable s ...
Open Educational Resources, Massive Online Open Courses, 5R Principles, Open Licenses, Open Standards
Herman Koppelman
The number of online resources available for teaching and learning in higher education has been growing enormously during the last decade. A recent development is the emergence of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and of Open Educational Resources (OER). The result is a huge number of videos that are available on line. Can these videos enrich learning? As a pilot study we added sixteen videos to ...
Distance Education, Video, Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), Online Resources, Podcasts, Human-Computer Interaction
Ewa Ziemba
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) encompassing computer and network hardware and software, and so on, as well as various services and applications associated with them, are assuming a growing presence within the modern homestead and have an indelible impact on the professional and everyday life of people. This research aims to explore factors influencing the successful adoption and ...
ICTs, households, ICT adoption, ICT usage, success factors, Poland
Celina M. Olszak, Jerzy Andrzej Kisielnicki
The main aim of this paper is to provide a theoretically and empirically grounded discussion on IT-based organizational creativity support. This study attempts to answer the following questions: (1) what is the issue of organizational creativity and its IT-based support, (2) what is the demand for IT –based organizational creativity support; (3) what are the main determinants and barriers to IT-ba ...
Organizational creativity, IT-based organizational creativity support, success factors
Erastus Karanja, Donna M. Grant, Shinetta Freeman, David Anyiwo
This study investigates the skill sets necessary for entry level systems analysts. Towards this end, the study combines two sources of data, namely, a content analysis of 200 systems analysts’ online job advertisements and a survey of 20 senior Information Systems (IS) professionals. Based on Chi-square tests, the results reveal that most employers prefer entry level systems analysts with an under ...
System Analysts, Information Systems, Education, Skills, Content Analysis, Empirical Study
Jerzy Andrzej Kisielnicki, Anna Maria Misiak
The global Business Intelligence (BI) market grew by 10% in 2013 according to the Gartner Report. BI has been the top implementation priority for organizations for many years now. Today organizations require better use of data and analytics to support their business decisions. Internet power and business trend changes have provided a broad term - Big Data. To be able to handle it and leverage a va ...
Agile methods, Business Intelligence, efficiency, end-users needs, advanced analytics, sprint, and iteration
Jeremy J Storer, Joseph T. Chao, Andrew T Torelli, Alexis D Ostrowski
Non-expert scientists are frequently involved in research requiring data acquisition over large geographic areas. Despite mutual benefits for such “citizen science”, barriers also exist, including 1) difficulty maintaining user engagement with timely feedback, and 2) the challenge of providing non-experts with the means to generate reliable data. We have developed a system that addresses these bar ...
Citizen Science, Cell-phone Spectrometer, Water Contaminant Analysis, Web and Mobile Development, Visualization
Elsje Scott , Terrina Govender, Nata van der Merwe
In the fast changing global economic landscape, the cultivation of sustainable entrepreneurial ventures is seen as a vital mechanism that will enable businesses to introduce new innovative products to the market faster and more effectively than their competitors.
This research paper investigated phenomena that may play a significant role when entrepreneurs implement creative ideas resulting in s ...
entrepreneurial start-ups, partnerships, education, idea generation, innovation, design thinking, common features for the foundation of a successful company

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