InSITE 2018: Informing Science + IT Education Conferences: La Verne California

Jun 23 - 28 2018, La Verne, California, United States 


Enjoy and learn from workshops in the morning and afternoon. Select one of the two morning and one of the two afternoon workshops or either one of the full day workshops.

Morning Only
  • Technology and Learning Theories for Engaging Teaching (John Bartelt and Linda Bartelt, La Verne)
    Traditionally, formal education was designed around reference books and authority.  Can today’s students' laptop computers improve upon this design? Can students' computers serve as a socioeconomic equalizer?  Can they improve learning by providing deeper learning?. This workshop combines learning theories (brain function, schema, and learning modalities) with technology tools (including mobile devices, student engagement apps, and assistive tools) to inspire you to employ fresh and creative teaching strategies in your teaching.
  • Exploring Data Sets and Publishing Opportunities (Vinaya Tripuraneni, Jennifer Cady, and Donna Bentley, La Verne). Looking to find more publishing opportunities, or just looking to evaluate the journals you are interested in submitting to? Session will cover, Cabell’s, a database that evaluates publishers and journals in the business, education, psychology, computer science, and health administration disciplines. This session will also cover how to discover and use data sets, open and otherwise. 
Afternoon Only

Two 90 minute Workshops:

  • 1) Who Owns My Research?  Academic Work and Intellectual Property (Tim McFarlin, La Verne College of Law) Do professors own their own research?  Does their university?  If two or more professors work together, who owns the research?  How about when a professor and a student work together?  This workshop addresses these questions and more.  It will (a) offer participants an overview of how intellectual property law, employment contracts, and institutional policies impact the ownership of research in the university setting, (b) sharpen participants’ understanding of the policy debate over faculty versus university ownership, and (c) help them take informed action regarding the ownership of their academic work. 6 Mb PPTx Download
    Embracing Neurodiversity in Higher Education (Patricia Taylor and Niki Elliott, La Verne LaFetra College of Education)An increasing number of students with autism, ADHD, dyslexia and mental health diagnoses are enrolling in institutions of higher learning. Most faculty and staff feel poorly prepared to include and support this growing population of students. The goals of this interactive workshop are to 1) help participants develop a working understanding of the basic concepts of neurodiversity, 2) understand strategies and considerations that help neurologically divergent students thrive in higher education and 3) present the Center for Neurodiversity, Learning and Wellness as a model that can help colleges and universities increase retention rates by creating empowering, respectful and inclusive environments for all learners.
All Day

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