Important Deadlines
Important Notice:
Coronavirus COVID-19 Update.
Dear InSITE 2020 Conference Delegate,
It is with considerable regret that we have decided that it is not possible to hold InSITE 2020 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia as originally planned. In recent weeks it has become clear that many of our participants are not being allowed to travel and we would be doing a disservice to both ourselves and our hosts to hold a conference that was substantially less well attended than our previous InSITE’s.
Given the effort that our authors and reviewers have put into preparing for the conference, we are not “cancelling” the conference. Instead, we will be relocating it to two alternative venues:
- For those who cannot travel: We will run a series of synchronous paper sessions using video conferencing technologies. Once we know how many individuals are taking advantage of this option and where they are located, we will create a schedule—taking into account local time zones and what technologies best meet member needs. The fee for participating in this option will be $150USD, which includes a one-year membership in the Informing Science Institute. If you wish to participate in this option of InSITE 2020 please register and pay by the 30th April, 2020.
- For those who wish to present in person: We have reached an agreement with the International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS) to allow us to run InSITE tracks as part of their September 13-16, 2020 multiconference in Orlando, Florida, USA. Our president and other ISI officers will be attending and participating in that interdisciplinary conference, which has a long historical relationship with the ISI. Attendees will be welcome to attend both ISI and IIIS presentations and activities. The additional cost for this event will be $490, (this will equate to $640 – 490+150 above). This includes a one-year membership in the Informing Science Institute. Individuals will register for it on our website. More information about the event and its venue can be found at If you wish to participate in this option of InSITE 2020 please register and pay by 31 July, 2020.
- For those who who simply wish to attend the Orlando conference: The cost will be $640. This includes a one-year membership in the Informing Science Institute. Individuals will register for it on our website. More information about the event and its venue can be found at If you wish to participate in this option of InSITE 2020 please register and pay by the 31 July, 2020.
Please register for these events at:
As is the case for all InSITE conferences all papers from delegates paying the basic conference fee of $150 will be published in the proceedings, and the best will offered fast-tracking for publication in one of our journals.
We apologize for the need to disrupt everyone’s plans. I am sure that many of you were looking forward to visiting Cambodia as much as the Informing Science Institute’s governors were. But the health and safety or our members needs to be our principal concern. And past experience has taught us that it is better to make a painful decision in advance rather than waiting to the last minute in the hope that things will get better.
We will be running the conference in Phnom Penh with the same trips and setup and at the same time in 2021. Hopefully, we will be over this period of uncertainty by then, and we look forward to meeting all of you again.
We look forward to seeing many of you online or in Orlando this summer.
Thank you for your support!
The Board of Governors.
The Informing Science Institute.
January 15
Reviewing Starts. Papers submitted by this date will undergo the most complete and mentoring review and are the most likely to be selected for fast-tracking (publication in one of ISI's journals for the highest quality submissions.) However, submissions will be accepted after this date.
February 15
Authors notified of decision regarding submission.