InSITE 2020: Informing Science + IT Education Conferences: Online

Jul 7 - 8 2020, Online 


Online ISSN: 1535-0703

Elizabeth (Betty) Boyd
This document contains the description of the InSITE conference and the schedule.

A printable copy of the full conference proceedings can be downloaded from
InSITE, informing science, IT Education, proceedings, conference
Michael Jones
Table of Contents: Proceedings of the 2020 InSITE Conference
proceedings, InSITE, conference, informing science, IT education
.i - ii
Gila Cohen Zilka
Aim/Purpose: This study examined how peer feedback, received and given face-to-face and on the course site, shapes the teacher’s image, from the student’s point of view as the one providing and receiving feedback.

Background: This study examined the effect of receiving and giving peer feedback, face-to-face and on the course site, on forming the teacher’s image, from the student’s point of view a ...
preservice teachers, written feedback, oral feedback, peer feedback, social emotional learning (SEL), public feedback, virtual feedback
1 - 13
Norman Van Wyk, Kevin A. Johnston, Klaus Moeller, Florian Haas
Aim/Purpose: Academics are often requested to create and teach courses for emerging technologies with perhaps no experience or guidance on how to do so.

Background: A Framework to develop IT courses for emerging technologies was created and tested to assist academics; the framework was then tested by developing an IoT course.

Methodology: A literature review was conducted to discover theories, m ...
instructional design, framework, motivation, course development, educa-tional technology, emerging technology
15 - 45
Yahel Giat, Dan Bouhnik
Aim/Purpose: The first goal is to develop a decision support system for pricing and production amounts for a firm facing high levels of product returns. The second goal is to improve the management of the product returns process.

Background: A food importer and manufacturer in Israel with a significant product returns rate.

Methodology: A decision support module was added to the plant’s informat ...
supply chain, pricing model, Israel, food industry, product returns, decision support system, ergonomics
47 - 59
Ulrich Schmitt, Grandon Gill
Aim/Purpose: While traditional Knowledge Management (KM) continues to neglect the self-interests of knowledge workers as well as generative innovation potentials, it also seems unable to respond to rising complexities, opportunity divides, and entropies. This article follows up on a decentralized KM system-in-progress with a specific focus on how its alternative architecture seeks to address the s ...
knowledge management, personal knowledge management system, design science research, informing system, digital platform ecosystem, generativity, entropy
61 - 78
Maor Weinberger, Dan Bouhnik
Aim/Purpose: In this exploratory study we examine personal information management within music streaming applications. Also, we investigate the sense of ownership over songs being played on music streaming applications and whether the use of these services may be considered a social activity. In addition, we explore the extent of user privacy concern in using music streaming applications.

Backgr ...
music streaming applications, personal information management, privacy, music genre, social activity
79 - 81
Eli Cohen
Aim/Purpose: The paper introduces new concepts including the cognitive map, message atoms, and message resonance.

Background: Existing models of the informing process cannot explain how messages are created nor how people deal with multiple messages.

Methodology: Theory development.

Contribution: The theories presented offer new ways to conceptualize the informing process.

Findings: Th ...
cognitive map, informing science, message fragment, message resonance
83 - 84
Albertus A. K. Buitendag, Frederik Gerhardus Hattingh
Aim/Purpose: In this research the authors present the designs of three different knowledge object meta-data wrapper models as a supportive technology to assist the knowledge intensive operations of a network of knowledge, such as a living lab.

Background: Within any knowledge driven network environment there is a need to increase the corporate knowledge capacity of the network. The role of exp ...
JSON, JSON-LD, knowledge objects, network of knowledge, knowledge ob-ject wrappers
85 - 116
Vaughan Henriques, Maureen Tanner
Aim/Purpose: Given the underlying philosophy of the agile manifesto, this study investigates whether an increase in agile maturity is associated with improved perceived project success.

Background: The underlying philosophy of the agile manifesto is embodied in principle one which promotes the continuous delivery of software that is deemed valuable by the customer, while principle twelve encourag ...
Agile, Scrum, XP, Maturity Model, Agile Maturity Model, Agile Process Im-provement, Project Success, Agile Success
117 - 156
Christine Bakke
Aim/Purpose: To examine crowd-sourced programming as an experiential learning, instructional medium. The goal is to provide real-time, real-world, artificial intelligence programming without textbook instructional materials.

Background: Open source software has resulted in loosely knit communities of global software developers that work together on a software project. Taking open source software ...
crowd-sourced programming, artificial intelligence, software development, programming, experiential learning, inquiry education, mob programming, artificial intelligence
157 - 158
Frederik Gerhardus Hattingh, Albertus A. K. Buitendag, Manoj Lall
Aim/Purpose: In this paper the authors explore and analyse the literature to determine the common reasons why a student may choose to plagiarise. The predominant purpose of the research formed part of a larger study to develop metrics and methods to identify potential plagiarism within coding-based assignments.

Methodology: A systematic literature review with the objective to identify and rank ...
students’ attitudes towards plagiarism, plagiarism metrics, plagiarism deterrents
159 - 182
Agyei Fosu
[The full paper was previously published in the International Journal of Community Development & Management Studies, 3, 65-77.]

Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this study is to expand the knowledge base on factors likely to impede implementation and adoption of web-based learning management systems to blend with traditional methods of lecturing in universities to cater for the next generation of le ...
ICTs, next generation of learners, teaching, technological skills, lecturers, web-based learning management system, 21st century digital economies
183 - 184
Terry McGovern
Aim/Purpose: To inform educational stakeholders about of the emerging digital educational badging technology, the industry, and how it applies to adult learning.

Background: An overview of the developing badging system, concepts, key terminology, advantages, challenges, and examples of badge utilization.

Methodology: Exploratory study.

Contribution: Makes known how the current state of the badg ...
badges, open badges, badging, access to higher education, transcript ambi-guity, credential-fraud, open pathways, badge challenges
185 - 204
Joy Penman, Glenna C Lear
Aim/Purpose: [This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the journal "Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology,"16, 21-40.]

The purpose of this paper is to illuminate the learning that happens in assuming a supervisee’s role during the postgraduate study.

Background: The facilitators and barriers students encountered while pursuing postgraduate studies, strategies to ach ...
postgraduate study, supervisee, autoethnographic reflection, supervisory relationship, transformation
205 - 206
Alrence S Halibas, Rolou Lyn Maata, Mohamed Abdul Kader Varusai, Ali Al-Badi, Peyman Nouraey
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the journal "Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology," 16, 21-40.]

Aim/Purpose: The need for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to maximize the use of their intellectual property and strategic resources for research and teaching has become ever more evident in recent years. Furthermore, little attention is paid in developing ...
knowledge management, knowledge management system, research-teaching nexus, social computing, tacit knowledge
207 - 211
Grandon Gill, Tommy R Gill
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the journal "Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline," 23, 47-76.]

Aim/Purpose: Use of the term “rigor” is ubiquitous in the research community. But do we actually know what it means, and how it applies to transdisciplinary research?

Background: Too often, rigor is presumed to mean following an establis ...
rigor, relevance, resonance, interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, research
213 - 214
Dror Mughaz, Michael Cohen, Sagit Mejahez, Tal Ades, Dan Bouhnik
[This Proceedings paper was revised and published in the "Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning," 16, 1-17.]

Aim/Purpose: Using Artificial Intelligence with Deep Learning (DL) techniques, which mimic the action of the brain, to improve a student’s grammar learning process. Finding the subject of a sentence using DL, and learning, by way of this computer field, to analyze h ...
deep-learning, text-mining, Hebrew, subject-tagger
215 - 218
Ruti Gafni, Anat Goldstein
Aim/Purpose: [The full version of this paper is published in the Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning (IJELL)]

The purpose of this study is to discover usage differences in task performance by students of different cultures, by examining procrastination patterns from a national cultural perspective, exploring the effect of multicultural virtu ...
procrastination, virtual teams, multicultural teams, individual procrastination
219 - 220
Kenneth A. Grant, Michael Moorhouse, Candace T Grant
Aim/Purpose: To guide faculty who wish to use the case method in large undergraduate classes

Background: The paper reviews a range of case teaching methods and provides specific guidance on how to use them in various classroom situations.

Methodology: Literature review, reflective experience, interviews, and surveys

Contribution: This paper addresses a gap in case teaching research which ...
case teaching, active learning, experiential learning, large classes
221 - 236
Clara A. Nkhoma, Mathews Nkhoma, Susan Thomas, Nha Quoc Le
Aim/Purpose: This study will review the existing literature on the advantages and challenges associated with rubric design and implementation. The role of rubric as an authentic assessment instrument will also be discussed.

Background: This study provides an overall understanding of ‘rubric design, the benefits and challenges of using rubrics, which will be useful for both practitioners and res ...
rubric, authentic assessment, rubric design, assessment method, scoring guide
237 - 276

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