Soon after the conference's conclusion, this page will include links to the recorded presentations.
InSITE 2022 Papers, Recordings, Slides
The Translational Learning EcoSystem Gaetano R Lotrecchiano, Marie K Norman VIDEO
Modern Transdisciplinarity: Results of the Development of the Prime Cause and Initial Ideas Vladimir Mokiy, Tatiana Lukyanova slides
Facilitating Scientific Events Guided by Complex Thinking: A Case Study of an Online Inter/Transdisciplinary Advanced Training School Ana Teixeira de Melo, Rita Campos VIDEO
Informing at the Crossroads of Design Science Research, Academic Entrepreneurship, Digital Transformation: A Platform Ecosystem Roadmap Ulrich Schmitt VIDEO (audio)
Understanding of the Quality of Computer-Mediated Communication Technology in the Context of Business Planning Junghyun Nam slides VIDEO
Does Publishing During the Doctorate Influence Completion Time? A Quantitative Study of Doctoral Candidates in Australia Meryl Pearce Churchill, Daniel Lindsay, Diana H Mendez, Melissa Crowe, Nicholas Emtage, Rhondda Jones VIDEO
Using Analytical Thought Process to Develop Instructional Rubrics in Writing Doctoral Dissertation Research Problem Statement – A Follow-Up Study Azad Ali, Shardul Pandya, UMESH C VARMA VIDEO
Doctoral Journey During Covid-19: Reflections From a Collaborative Autoethnography Aireen Grace Andal, Shuang Wu VIDEO
Industrial PhD Education – Exploring Doctoral Students Acting in the Intersection of Academia and Work-Life Irene Bernhard, Anna Karin Olsson VIDEO
Writing Doctoral Dissertation Literature Review: Identifying the Prerequisites, Corequisites and the Iterative Process for Writing the Literature Azad Ali, Shardul Pandya, Umesh C Varma VIDEO
A Classification Schema for Designing Augmented Reality Experiences Shaun Bangay, Sophie McKenzie slides VIDEO
Retail Quest: Student Perceptions of a Virtual Field Trip App Mary Lebens presentation
A Study of University Students' Adoption of 3D Online Immersive Worlds Reza Ghanbarzadeh, Amir Hossein Ghapanchi
Integrating Information Technology in Precollege Education in Kuwait: Teachers’ Perspectives on a Botched Initiative Zainab M AlQenaei, Omar Khalil, Abrar Y Aldekheel VIDEO
Factors Affecting the Quality of E-Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic From the Perspective of Higher Education Students Kesavan Vadakalu Elumalai, Jayendira P Sankar, Kalaichelvi R, Jeena Ann John, Nidhi Menon, Mufleh Salem M Alqahtani, May Abdulaziz Abumelha slides VIDEO
Using Teach Back to Overcome Pandemic Learning Gaps Steven Sherman, Benjamin Larson, Jeffrey A Bohler, E Fran Smith VIDEO
E-Readiness of Preservice Kindergarten Teachers for Teaching Practices During the COVID-19 Lockdown Period [Abstract] Merav Aizenberg, Gila Cohen Zilka
Why do Students not Choose to Study Information Systems? A Survey Study in Norway Ali Acilar, Øystein Sæbø
Affordances in Educational Technology: Perceptions of Teachers and Students in Oman Wafa Al-Maawali VIDEO
The Tutor’s Role in the Online Training of Preservice Teachers: Tutor and Tutee Perspectives Gila Cohen Zilka VIDEO
Student Learning Using MongoDB Sharding on a Cluster of Ubuntu Raspberry Pi 4B Servers Robert Thomas Mason, William K Masters Slides (PDF) VIDEO
Digital Literacy in the Core: The Emerging Higher Education Landscape Meg Coffin Murray, Jorge Pérez, Joy Fluker VIDEO
Student Ownership of Learning: A Student’s Experience Rena Sakai, Christine Bakke
An Exploration of a Virtual Connection for Researchers and Educators by Exploring Strategies Enterprise Information Systems Specialists Need to Integrate Novel Neural Network Algorithms Into an Imaging Application – A Design Science Study Emma Quindazzi, Samuel Sambasivam VIDEO
Impact of Gender on Perceived Work Climate in Business Information Systems Georg Disterer
Understanding the Value of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems Teboho Talasi, Lisa F Seymour VIDEO
Transition to a Competitive Consultant Selection Method: A Case Study of a Public Agency in Israel Amichai Mitelman, Yahel Giat VIDEO
A Cybersecurity Study: Examining the Relationship between Converged-Network Architecture and Remote Grassfire Alert Transmission Delay in Southeast Colorado Mark P Wagoner, Samuel Sambasivam VIDEO
COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories in Canada: Know, Crack, Knock Bob Travica VIDEO
The Journey From Isolation to Community Donna Armes-Thomas, Angela Matthews, Miguel Sanchez slides VIDEO
I Do Better, Feel Less Stress and Am Happier” – A Humanist and Affective Perspective on Student Engagement in an Online Class Geraldine Torris-Steele VIDEO
The Effect of a Blended Learning Course of Visual Literacy for In-service Teachers Catalina Huilcapi-Collantes, Azucena Hernández Martín, Juan Pablo Hernández-Ramos VIDEO
Teacher-Student Interaction in Distance Learning in Emergency Situations Hava Sason, Avichai Kellerman
Using Design-Based Research to Layer Career-Like Experiences onto Software Development Courses Christine Bakke, Rena Sakai VIDEO
Student Ownership of Learning: A Student’s Experience Rena Sakai, Christine Bakke VIDEO