Reviewer Information
Thank you for volunteering to review for the conference. Before signing up, please make sure that you understand the obligation that we ask of you. We need to ask this because in the past some colleagues signed up as a reviewer, yet failed to complete their professional obligations as a reviewer. Our authors anticipate that the reviewers will provide them with mentoring ideas on how to improve the paper, If you agree with us that reviewing should be a constructive experience, please do volunteer. Since we will be relying on you, we need to ask the following:
- Reviewers need to review three papers during the review period of December, January, and February. Will you have time and availability during this holiday time? If not, do not sign up as a reviewer.
- Reviewing as a non-expert. Please note that some or all papers will not be in your exact field of expertise since this is a transdisciplinary conference! If you are unable to ascertain the correctness of the technical details, we need you to provide feedback on aspects you can comment upon (such as readability and development) and note that you are not commenting on other aspects (such as mathematics or literature review). Will you provide whatever feedback you can if you receive a paper outside your field of specialty? If you are unwilling to look at papers outside your specific research area, please do not sign up.
If you will have the time and commitment to provide three mentoring review to colleagues for papers assigned to you during the review period, perhaps outside your specialization, Thank You! Click the Become A Reviewer tab on this page to continue. Here is a link to our Reviewers' Manual.
If you are not currently in our ISI colleague database, you will need to verify the mail sent to your email address from our server reaches you. You will do this by responding to this initial email the system sends you. Then login in and be sure to select the topics for which you have expertise and interest. (Be sure to click on the TOPICS tab and select topics of your interest and expertise.