InSITE 2025: Informing Science + IT Education Conferences: Hiroshima

Jul 20 - 28 2025, Hiroshima, Japan 


July 21

Day 2 – Monday included in base cost

08:40.      Leave your hotel for a 5-10 minute walk from your hotel to the meeting point at Hiroshima Station.

09:00-09:30. Bus from Hiroshima Station to the Mazda Museum.

09:45-11:30. Mazda Museum and factory tour.

11:30-12:30. Bus to Saijyo

12:30-13:30. Lunch (delegates are free to purchase at their own cost)

13:30-15:30. Saijyo Sake Tour.


Back to Hiroshima station to pick up extra delegates, and to drop-off guests who do not wish to attend the cocktail reception.

15:30-16:45. Bus to HIT.

17:00-18:30. Welcome Reception (at Leaf Garden Café – Level 1 HIT)

18:30-19:00. Bus to Hiroshima Station.

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