Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management (IJIKM)

Online ISSN: 1555-1237  •  Print ISSN: 1555-1229

Published Articles


Volume 20, 2025

Table of Contents for Volume 20, 2025, of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management
IJIKM, contents, Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management
.i - iii
Kai Jin, Md Kassim Normalini
Aim/Purpose: Chinese customers are now employing B2C E-Learning as a novel method to get an education. The issues of product homogenization, low user registration eagerness, and poor retention have become noticeable. The purpose of this research is to identify key elements that influence consumers’ intention to continue using E-Learning in China and to examine how user experience moderates the rel ...
E-Learning, eLearning, continuance usage intention, course trial, perceived cost, information quality, service quality, satisfaction, technology continuance theory
Abeer M. Azem Qashou, Nurhidayah Bahar, Hazura Mohamed
Aim/Purpose: The primary goal of this research is to analyze the factors that influence the implementation of Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).

Background: Despite MCC’s benefits in lowering technology and administration costs, HEIs, particularly in developing countries such as Palestine, are skeptical and hesitant to use this technology. This research provides ...
mobile cloud computing, cloud computing, higher education, diffusion of innovation, technology-organization-environment
Mohammed Rashed Mohamed Al Humaid Alneyadi, Md Kassim Normalini
Aim/Purpose: This research investigates factors influencing consumers’ decisions to use artificial intelligence cybersecurity technology in the United Arab Emirates.

Background: The cyber-security risks are getting more complex as technology develops, putting the United Arab Emirates (UAE) businesses and government agencies at risk of severe losses from cybercrime.

Methodology: A correlational s ...
artificial intelligence (AI), cybersecurity systems, PMT, intelligent systems, cyber threats, information security
Nuryani Nuryani, Rinaldi Munir, Ayu Purwarianti, Dessi Puji Lestari
Aim/Purpose: Most research on aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) classifies sentiment polarity into two classes (positive and negative) or three classes (positive, negative, and neutral) and does not include conflict sentiment. This study investigates the four-class sentiment classification (positive, negative, neutral, and conflict) and proposes a BERT-based model for identifying conflicting ...
aspect-based sentiment analysis, four-class sentiment classification, conflict or conflicting sentiment, pre-trained language models, large language models
Cris Norman Patacsil Olipas, Rose Anne G Cochanco
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate the demographic profile, support levels, and sentiments of Information Technology students regarding a proposed dedicated comfort room for LGBTQIA+ members. By assessing student attitudes and support, the study aims to inform initiatives that promote inclusivity and address the needs of LGBTQIA+ individuals within the college community.

Back ...
Dedicated Comfort Room, Gender-Inclusive Spaces, LGBTQIA+, SDG 5, Sentiment Analysis

Volume 19, 2024

Table of Contents for Volume 19, 2024, of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management
IJIKM, contents, Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management
.i - v
Devkant Kala, Dhani Shanker Chaubey, Rakesh Kumar Meet, Ahmad Samed Al-Adwan
Aim/Purpose: This study investigates the drivers of user satisfaction in e-government services and its influence on continued use intention and citizen trust in government. It employs the integration of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Information System Success Model (ISSM).

Background: Electronic government, transforming citizen-state interactions, has gained momentum worldwide, in ...
e-government, user satisfaction, continuance intention, citizen trust, India
Basil Alzougool
Aim/Purpose: This study examined the use of Social Media Applications (SMAs) for accessing health-related information within a heterogeneous population in Jordan. The objective of this study was therefore threefold: (i) to investigate the usage of SMAs, including WhatsApp, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook, for accessing health-related information; (ii) to examine potential varia ...
social media, health information, seeking, Internet, Jordan
Ahmed Ghazi Hameed Al-Rikabi, Putra Bin Sumari, Hussain A. Younis
Aim/Purpose: This study examines the adoption and continued use of m-learning in Iraqi universities amidst an unstable environment by extending the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) and Expectation-Confirmation Model (ECM) models. The primary goal is to address the specific challenges and opportunities in Iraq’s higher education institutions (HEIs) due to geopolitical i ...
mobile learning (m-learning), higher education institutions (HEIs), unified theory of acceptance and use of technology 2 (UTAUT2), expectation confirmation model (ECM)
Ayman Abdulhadi Alarabiat, Mohammad Al Hadidi
Aim/Purpose: The research aims to investigate the factors that influence the continuous use of mobile banking applications to complete banking monetary transactions.

Background: Despite a significant increase in the use of mobile banking applications, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, new evidence indicates that the use rate of mobile banking applications for operating banking monetary t ...
mobile banking applications, continuous use, process virtualization theory, post-adoption
Wiwin Suwarningsih, Rinda Kirana, Purnomo H Khotimah, Andri Fachrur Rozie, Dianadewi Riswantini, Ekasari Nugraheni, Devi Munandar, Andria Arisal, Noor Roufiq Ahmadi
Aim/Purpose: This research aims to evaluate models from meta-learning techniques, such as Riemannian Model Agnostic Meta-Learning (RMAML), Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML), and Reptile meta-learning, to obtain high-quality metadata. The goal is to utilize this metadata to increase accuracy and efficiency in identifying chili varieties in smart agriculture.

Background: The identification of chi ...
chili variety identification, meta-learning, 2-3 way classification, 5-10 shot classification
Avita Tri Utami, Teguh Raharjo, Ilham Zharif Mustaqim, Ni Wayan Trisnawaty
Aim/Purpose: The objective of this study is to summarize the challenges of Agile Requirements Engineering (Agile RE) in the public sector in republican and constitutional monarchy nations. Additionally, it offers recommendations to address these challenges.

Background: Failure of IT projects in the public sector results in financial losses for the state and loss of public trust, often attributed ...
Agile requirements engineering, public sector, Agile challenges, systematic literature review
Muhammad Alfi Syakir, Shafira Ayu Maharani, Yobelio Ekaharja Putra, Putu Wuri Handayani, Sali Rahadi Asih
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to analyze the factors that influence user addiction to AR face filters in social network applications and their impact on the online social anxiety of users in Indonesia.

Background: To date, social media users have started to use augmented reality (AR) face filters. However, AR face filters have the potential to create positive and negative effects for social media ...
augmented reality, face filter, Instagram, social media, Indonesia
Mohammad Alsharo, Yazan Alnsour, Anas Husain
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to identify the characteristics of YouTube video reviews that consumers utilize to evaluate review helpfulness and explores how they process such information. This study aims to investigate the effect of argument quality, review popularity, number of likes, and source credibility on consumers’ perception of YouTube’s video review helpfulness.

Background: Video reviews ...
review helpfulness, online reviews, video reviews, YouTube, elaboration likelihood model
Qiubo Huang, Pivithuru J Kumarasinghe, Gothami Sakunthala Jayarathna
Aim/Purpose: This paper aims to investigate and understand the intentions of management undergraduate students in Hangzhou, China, regarding the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in their education. It addresses the need to explore the factors influencing AI adoption in the educational context and contribute to the ongoing discourse on technology integration in higher education ...
AI integration in education, Chinese university education, student perspectives, diffusion theory, PLS-SEM analysis
Minyar Sassi Hidri
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to evaluate the success of deep learning in building user profiles for personalized information access.

Background: To better express document content and information during the matching phase of the information retrieval (IR) process, deep learning architectures could potentially offer a feasible and optimal alternative to user profile building for personalized infor ...
personalized IR, user profile, deep learning, recurrent neural networks, artificial neural networks, convolutional neural networks
Lindung Parningotan Manik, Dwi Setyo Rini, Priyanti Priyanti, Ariani Indrawati, Agusdin D. Fefirenta, Zaenal Akbar, Tutie Djarwaningsih Sumowardoyo, Niken Fitria Apriani, Yulia Aris Kartika
Aim/Purpose: This research investigated the determinant factors influencing the adoption intentions of Chatsicum, a Knowledge-Based Chatbot (KBC) aimed at enhancing the species literacy of biodiversity students.

Background: This research was conducted to bridge the gap between technology, education, and biodiversity conservation. Innovative solutions are needed to empower individuals with knowled ...
task-technology fit, diffusion of innovation, knowledge-based system, chatbot, trust, biodiversity, species literacy
Ahmad Mousa Altamimi, Hazem Qattous, Duaa Barakat, Lubna Hazaimeh
Aim/Purpose: This paper investigates the user acceptability of blockchain technology in the healthcare sector, with a specific focus on healthcare professionals in Jordan.

Background: The study seeks to identify the factors that affect healthcare professionals’ use and acceptance of blockchain technology in Jordan.

Methodology: The study’s research framework integrates factors from the Technolo ...
blockchain technology, healthcare, acceptance, TAM, UTAUT
Saja Alzubi, Ammar Abdallah, Alaeddin Ahmad
Aim/Purpose: This study focuses on two targeting strategies of out-store Location-Based Mobile Advertising (LBMA): the geo-fencing strategy (i.e., targeting customers who are near the focal store) and the geo-conquesting strategy (i.e., targeting those who are near competitors’ stores to visit the focal store). To the authors’ knowledge, no previous studies have compared the perceived intrusivenes ...
mobile marketing, location-based mobile marketing, location-based mobile advertising, geo-fencing, geo-conquesting, perceived intrusiveness, attitudes, purchase intention
Aim/Purpose: This paper intends to answer the question regarding the extent to which political postings with value differences/similarities will influence the level of implicit knowledge sharing (KS) among work colleagues in organizations. More specifically, the study assesses contributors’ responses to a workmate’s publicity about politics on social media platforms (SMP) and their eagerness to im ...
political communication, private organization, social media, tacit knowledge sharing, PLSSEM
Rudy Fadrial, Sujianto Sujianto, Harapan Tua Ricky Freddy Simanjuntak, Welly Wirman, Wahyu Setiawan Wibowo
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to investigate the influence of e-government public services on public trust at the local government level, addressing the pressing need to understand the factors shaping citizen perceptions and trust in government institutions.

Background: With the proliferation of e-government initiatives worldwide, governments are increasingly turning to digital solutions to enhanc ...
e-government, public trust, service quality, information quality, citizen perceptions, local government, Indonesia
Albertus A. K. Buitendag, Frederik Gerhardus Hattingh
Aim/Purpose: This research aims to develop a smart agricultural knowledge management framework to empower emergent farmers and extension officers (advisors to farmers) in developing countries as part of a smart farming lab (SFL). The framework utilizes knowledge objects (KOs) to capture information and knowledge of different forms, including indigenous knowledge. It builds upon a foundation of est ...
smart farming lab, emergent farmers, extension officers, agricultural knowledge management, AKM process model, knowledge objects, social media integration
Qusai Shambour, Mosleh Abualhaj, Ahmad Abu-Shareha, Qasem Kharma
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to develop a solution for personalized tourism recommendations that addresses information overload, data sparsity, and the cold-start problem. It focuses on enabling tourists to choose the most suitable tourism-related facilities, such as restaurants and hotels, that match their individual needs and preferences.

Background: The tourism industry is experiencing a signi ...
tourism recommendation, multi-criteria analysis, implicit trust network, data sparsity, cold start, new user
Maya Botvin, Alona Forkosh-Baruch, Arnon Hershkovitz
Aim/Purpose: This study explored teachers’ data-driven decision-making processes during routine and emergency remote teaching, as experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Background: Decision-making is essential in teaching, with informed decisions promoting student learning and teachers’ professional development most effectively. However, obstacles to the use of data have been identified in man ...
data-driven decision-making, emergency remote teaching (ERT), qualitative research, COVID-19
Vignesh U, Tushar Moolchandani
Aim/Purpose: Accurate detection of vacant parking spaces is crucial for autonomous parking. Deep learning, particularly Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), holds promise for addressing the challenges of diverse parking lot appearances and complex visual environments. Our GNN-based approach leverages the spatial layout of detected marking points in around-view images to learn robust feature representatio ...
parking slot detection, bird’s-eye images, graph neural networks, attention mechanism, autonomous vehicles, deep learning, real-time processing
Minh Hoang Vu, Anh Nguyen Tuan Doan, Anh Xuan Dinh, Hanh Minh Trinh, Long Phi Tran
Aim/Purpose: This study investigates the relationship between Electronic Word-of-Mouth (EWOM), Information Adoption, and the stock investment of Vietnamese investors.

Background: Misinformation spreads online, and a lack of strong information analysis skills can lead Vietnamese investors to make poor stock choices. By understanding how online conversations and information processing influence inv ...
Electronic Word-of-Mouth (EWOM), information adoption, investment decisions, social media groups, stock investors
Kari Eller
Aim/Purpose: This conceptual review analyzes the designs of global health virtual communities of practice (VCoPs) programming reported in the empirical literature and proposes a new typology of their functioning. The purpose of this review is to provide clarity on VCoP learning stages of (co)evolution and insight into VCoP (re)development efforts to best meet member, organization, and network need ...
global health, virtual community of practice, continuous learning, complexity
Soukaina Mouhib, Ossama Cherkaoui, Houda Anoun, Mohammed Ridouani
Aim/Purpose: While existing literature has extensively explored factors influencing the success of big data projects and proposed big data maturity models, no study has harnessed machine learning to predict project success and identify the critical features contributing significantly to that success. The purpose of this paper is to offer fresh insights into the realm of big data projects by levera ...
big data projects, success prediction, key factors, maturity model, machine learning
Norman A Mooradian
Aim/Purpose: The rise of modern artificial intelligence (AI), in particular, machine learning (ML), has provided new opportunities and directions for knowledge management (KM). A central question for the future of KM is whether it will be dominated by an automation strategy that replaces knowledge work or whether it will support a knowledge-enablement strategy that enhances knowledge work and upli ...
knowledge management, knowledge work, artificial intelligence, automation, knowledge enablement, tacit knowledge, abductive reasoning
Wiwin Suwarningsih, Nuryani Nuryani
Aim/Purpose: In this study, we developed a recommendation system model designed to support decision-makers in identifying consumers eligible for pay-later options via consensus-based decision-making. This approach was chosen due to the high and complex risks involved, such as delayed payments, challenges in reaching consumers, and issues of bad credit.

Background: The “pay-later” option, which al ...
pay-later, system recommendation, multi-stage analysis, ROAD, CNN, RNN, LSTM
Megia Nofita, Yonathan Dri Handarkho, Paulus Mudjihartono
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to develop a theoretical model based on the SOR (Stimulus – Organism – Response) framework and GETAMEL, which cover environmental, personal, and learning quality aspects to identify factors influencing students’ acceptance of the use of LMS in high schools, especially after COVID-19 pandemic.

Background: After the COVID-19 pandemic, many high schools reopened for in-p ...
SEM, Learning Management System (LMS), high school, GETAMEL, SOR
Yekti Wirani, Dana Indra Sensuse, Deden Sumirat Hidayat, Erisva Hakiki Purwaningsih, Yudho Giri Sucahyo
Aim/Purpose: This research aims to design a website-based group decision support system (DSS) user interface to support an integrated and sustainable waste management plan in Jagatera. The main focus of this research is to design a group DSS to help Jagatera prioritize several waste alternatives to be managed so that Jagatera can make the right decisions to serve the community.

Background: The In ...
group decision support system, analytical hierarchy process, soft system methodology, waste recycling company, user interface design DSS
Adedapo O Ojo, Abdulrauf Ali Aboulqassim Salam, Christine Nya-Ling Tan, Chin Wei Chong
Aim/Purpose: This study investigates the intention to invest in online peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms among the bottom 40% (B40) Malaysian households by income.

Background: The B40 group citizens earn less than USD 1,096.00 (i.e., RM 4,850.00) in monthly household income, thereby possessing relatively small capital investments suitable for online P2P lending.

Methodology: Drawing on the t ...
behavioural intention, B40 group, Malaysia, online P2P, Fintech, investment, financial inclusion
Pooja Chopra, Prachi Verma, Renu Lamba, Monica Bedi
Aim/Purpose: The last decade has witnessed a tremendous progression in mobile penetration across the world and, most importantly, in developing countries like India. This research aims to investigate and analyze the factors influencing the adoption of mobile payments (M-payments) in the Indian rural population. This, in turn, would bring about positive changes in the lives of people in these count ...
UTAUT, rural India, facilitating conditions, social influences, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, M-payments awareness, behavioral intentions, usage behavior
Theodosia Yunita Durman, Reny Nadlifatin
Aim/Purpose: This study investigated factors influencing the intention to engage in green innovation among small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the tourism sector, using an integrated approach from the pro-environmental planned behavior (PEPB) and technology organization environment (TOE) models.

Background: Green innovation is a long-term strategy aimed at addressing environmental challenges i ...
behavioral intention, green innovation, PEPB, TOE, SMEs, tourism
Maher Sami Farouqa, Mohammad Azzeh
Aim/Purpose: This research utilized a learn-to-rank algorithm to provide medical recommendations to prescribers. The algorithm has been utilized in other domains, such as information retrieval and recommender systems.

Background: Ranking the possible medical treatments according to diagnoses of the medical cases is very beneficial for doctors, especially during the coding process.

Methodology: ...
learn to rank, medicine ranking, decision making
Budhi Irawan, Rinaldi Munir, Nugraha Priya Utama, Ayu Purwarianti
Aim/Purpose: This study presents a novel deep learning-based framework designed to enhance spontaneous micro-expression recognition by effectively increasing the amount and variety of data and balancing the class distribution to improve recognition accuracy.

Background: Micro-expression recognition using deep learning requires large amounts of data. Micro-expression datasets are relatively small, ...
micro-expression, spatio-temporal, data augmentation, class balancing, 3DCNN, vision, deep learning
Sumayya Banna, Basil Alzougool
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to explore the use of mobile health applications (mHealth apps) by lay users in Kuwait. Specifically, it seeks to: (i) identify and highlight the impact of factors that contribute to their use of mHealth apps and (ii) validate a model of these users’ usage of mHealth apps.

Background: The advancement of information technologies has paved the way for efficiency and eff ...
lay users, health information, mHealth, Kuwait, mobile health applications
Abhimanyu Pal, Upendra Pratap Singh, Ashish Kumar
Aim/Purpose: This study investigates the factors that affect the repurchase intentions of Generation Z consumers in India’s online shopping industry, focusing on combining the Expectation-Confirmation Model (ECM) and Extended Technology Acceptance Model (E-TAM). The aim is to understand the intricate behaviors that shape technology adoption and sustained usage, which are essential for retaining cu ...
repurchase intention, e-satisfaction, ease of use, security, privacy concerns, internet self-efficacy, Generation Z, e-commerce
Paulo Mauricio Gonçalves Júnior, Sylvain Chartier
Aim/Purpose: This paper describes how to use a multilayer perceptron to improve concept drift recovery in streaming environments.

Background: Classifying instances in a data stream environment with concept drift is a challenging topic. The base learner must be adapted online to the current data. Several data mining algorithms have been adapted/used to this type of environment. In this study, two ...
data streams, concept drift, multilayer perceptron, online learning
Tshepiso L. Mokgetse, Hlomani Hlomani, Tshiamo Sigwele, Irina Zlotnikova
Aim/Purpose: The problem addressed by this research is the struggle of Botswana’s livestock sector to implement effective animal traceability systems due to limited interoperability, inadequate data integration, reliance on open grazing systems, and systemic challenges like high mortality, theft, and disease outbreaks. These challenges collectively undermine animal traceability system competitiven ...
ontology-based knowledge management, data interoperability, livestock traceability systems, trade compliance, systems integration, data quality enhancement
Arunachalam V, Maheswari N
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to propose an efficient implementation of identifying and detecting offensive and hate comments on social media platforms for Dravidian languages.

Background: There has been a notable increase in hate comments on social media platforms in recent years. Hate language and hate speech are expressions of conflicts that arise between different groups, both within and acros ...
BERT, NLP, F1-Score, Dravidian languages, Code-mix, Hate comment, Muril, mBERT

Volume 18, 2023

Table of Contents for Volume 18, 2023, of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management
IJIKM, contents, Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management
.i - v
Clarita I Nainggolan, Putu Wuri Handayani
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to examine the ten factors from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) theories in order to analyze behavioral intentions to use the Indonesian online capital market investment platforms and the effect of behavioral intentions on actual usage.

Background: The potential gro ...
behavioral intention to use, actual usage, financial technology, online investment platform, capital market
1 - 29
Ali Ahmad Trawnih, Ahmad Samed Al-Adwan, Anas Amayreh, Tha’er Majali, Hamood Mohammed Al-Hattami
Aim/Purpose: Social commerce is an emergent topic widely used for product and service sourcing. It helps companies to have frequent interaction with their customers and strive to achieve a competitive advantage. Yet there is only little empirical evidence focusing on social commerce and its adoption in SMEs to date. This study investigates the key factors affecting social commerce adoption in SMEs ...
perceived usefulness; security concerns; organizational readiness; consumer pressure; top management support; trading partner pressure; social commerce
31 - 58
Burkan Hawash, Muaadh Mukred, Umi Asma’ Mokhtar, Mohammed Islam Nofal
Aim/Purpose: The use of digital technology, such as an electronic records management system (ERMS), has prompted widespread changes across organizations. The organization needs to support its operations with an automation system to improve production performance. This study investigates ERMS’s potentiality to enhance organizational performance in the oil and gas industry.

Background: Oil and gas ...
big data, big data management, ERMS potentiality, oil and gas, digital transformation, electronic records
59 - 86
Hoang Dang Tran, Ngoc Le, Van-Ho Nguyen
Aim/Purpose: Previous research has generally concentrated on identifying the variables that most significantly influence customer churn or has used customer segmentation to identify a subset of potential consumers, excluding its effects on forecast accuracy. Consequently, there are two primary research goals in this work. The initial goal was to examine the impact of customer segmentation on the a ...
churn prediction, machine learning, banking industry, classification models, SMOTE
87 - 105
Gangaram Biswakarma, Poojan Bhandari
Aim/Purpose: Using the Agile Adoption Framework (AAF), this study aims to examine the agile potential of software development companies in Nepal based on their agile maturity level. In addition, this study also examines the impact of various basic agile practices in determining the maturity level of the agile processes being implemented in the software industry of Nepal.

Background: Even if most ...
agile practice, agile maturity, software companies, agile adoption framework
107 - 125
Ari V Alamäki, Marko Mäki, Janne Kauttonen
Aim/Purpose: This study aimed to increase our understanding of how the stages of the customer purchase journey, privacy trade-offs, and information sensitivity of different business service sectors affect consumers’ privacy concerns.

Background: The study investigated young consumers’ willingness to provide consent to use their personal data at different phases of the customer journey. This study ...
data privacy, information sensitivity, privacy concern, trade-offs, customer journey
127 - 147
Jehad Imlawi, Atallah AL-Shatnawi, Bader M AlFawwaz, Hasan M AL-Shatnawi, Sultan Al-masaeed
Aim/Purpose: The aim of this study is to develop and evaluate a comprehensive model that predicts students’ engagement with and intent to continue using mobile-Learning Management Systems (m-LMS).

Background: m-LMS are increasingly popular tools for delivering course content in higher education. Understanding the factors that affect student engagement and continuance intention can help educationa ...
engagement, continuance intention, m-LMS, TAM, TTF, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, interactivity, compatibility, enjoyment, social influence
149 - 172
Joshua Dwight
Aim/Purpose: This research study aimed to explore ecommerce fraud practitioners’ experiences and develop a grounded theory framework to help define an ecommerce fraud incident response process, roles and responsibilities, systems, stakeholders, and types of incidents.

Background: With a surge in global ecommerce, online transactions have become increasingly fraudulent, complex, and borderless. T ...
cyber incident response, ecommerce fraud, fraud prevention, grounded theory
173 - 202
Dat Tho Tran, Khoa Dinh Vu, Phong Ba Le, Phuong Thi Lan Tran
Aim/Purpose: Given the increasingly important role of knowledge and human resources for firms in developing and emerging countries to pursue innovation, this paper aims to study and explore the potential intermediating roles of knowledge donation and collection in linking high-involvement human resource management (HRM) practice and innovation capability. The paper also explores possible moderator ...
high-involvement HRM, knowledge sharing, knowledge donating, knowledge collecting, radical innovation, incremental innovation
203 - 224
Thanh Ho, Van-Ho Nguyen, Thien Le, Hoanh-Su Le, Dã Thôn Nguyen, Tu Mai, Anh Tran, Hoai-Phan Truong
Aim/Purpose: In this study, the research proposes and experiments with a new model of collecting, storing, and analyzing big data on customer feedback in the tourism industry. The research focused on the Vietnam market.

Background: Big Data describes large databases that have been “silently” built by businesses, which include product information, customer information, customer feedback, etc. This ...
data lake for big data, data collection, data storage, customer feedback, topic modeling, tourism
225 - 249
Khaled Halteh, Hakem Sharari
Aim/Purpose: This paper aims to empirically quantify the financial distress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on companies listed on Amman Stock Exchange (ASE). The paper also aims to identify the most important predictors of financial distress pre- and mid-pandemic.

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge toll, not only on human lives but also on many businesses. This provided the impetus ...
financial distress prediction, COVID-19, ANN, MDA, Jordan
251 - 267
Yunis Ali Ahmed, Muhammad Mahboob Khurshid
Aim/Purpose: The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that impact the behavioral intention to use social media (SM) for knowledge sharing (KS) in the disaster relief (DR) context.

Background: With the continuing growth of SM for KS in the DR environment, disaster relief organizations across the globe have started to realize its importance in streamlining their processes in ...
social media, knowledge sharing, determinants, behavioral intention to use, disaster relief, developing country
269 - 300
Caiyun Zhuang, Guohong Chen, Juan Liang, Yang Zou, Si Chen
Aim/Purpose: This study investigates the relationship between dual network embedding, dual entrepreneurial bricolage, and knowledge-creation performance.

Background: The importance of new ventures for innovation and economic growth has been fully endorsed. Establishing incubation organizations to help new startups overcome constraints and dilemmas has become the consensus of various countries. I ...
makerspace, network embedding, dual entrepreneurship bricolage, startups, knowledge-creation performance
301 - 319
Ammar Abdallah, Alain ABRAN, Malik Qasaimeh, Alaeddin Mohammad Khalaf Ahmad, Abdullah Al-Refai
Aim/Purpose: This study identifies the scale types and measurement units used in the measurement of enterprise architecture (EA) and analyzes the admissibility of the mathematical operations used.

Background: The majority of measurement solutions proposed in the EA literature are based on researchers’ opinions and many with limited empirical validation and weak metrological properties. This means ...
Enterprise Architecture (EA), metrology, software metrics, scale types, admissible mathematical operations
321 - 352
Maayan Nakash, Dan Bouhnik
COVID-19 was an unprecedented disruptive event that accelerated the shift to remote work and encouraged widespread adoption of digital tools in organizations. This empirical study was conducted from an organizational-strategic perspective, with the aim of examining how the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak affected employees’ use of organizational information systems (IS) as reflected in fr ...
COVID-19, new normal, information systems, information technology, remote work, digital transformation, workplace environment
353 - 368
Pivithuru J Kumarasinghe, Qiubo Huang, Nilmini Rathnayake
Aim/Purpose: Most people use their phones for work and communication. Businesses today require sustainable mobile phones to limit the environmental impact of mobile phones. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a green product uses less energy. Green smartphones need low radiation emission, are made from recyclable materials, and are designed to last longer than typical smartphon ...
green awareness, environmental concern, altruism, green smartphones, purchase intention
369 - 385
Chih-Hung Chen
Aim/Purpose: The major challenges for firms to initiate corporate social responsibility (CSR) arise from resource constraints, complexity, and uncertainty. Consuming considerable financial and human resources is the main difficulty for smaller firms or those operating in less profitable industries, and the lack of immediate outputs from CSR initiatives poses a challenge for firms in prioritizing a ...
corporate social responsibility, blockchain technology, business performance, fixed-effects model, Taiwan Stock Exchange
387 - 405
Li Meiyi, Ree Chan Ho, Muslim Amin, Nelvin XeChung Leow
Aim/Purpose: Based on the stimulus-organism-response (SOR) model, the current study investigated social commerce functions as an innovative retailing technological support by selecting the three most appropriate features for the Chinese online shopping environment with respective value co-creation intentions.

Background: Social commerce is the customers’ online shopping touchpoint in the latest r ...
new retail, social commerce features, consumer value co-creation, stimulus-organism-response (SOR) model
407 - 434
Qusai Shambour, Mahran Al-Zyoud, Ahmad Abu-Shareha, Mosleh Abualhaj
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to devise a personalized solution for online healthcare platforms that can alleviate problems arising from information overload and data sparsity by providing personalized healthcare services to patients. The primary focus of this paper is to develop an effective medicine recommendation approach for recommending suitable medications to patients based on their specific ...
medicine recommendation, semantic filtering, multi-criteria filtering, sparsity, new item
435 - 457
Mohammed Rashed Mohamed Al Humaid Alneyadi, Md Kassim Normalini
Aim/Purpose: The UAE and other Middle Eastern countries suffer from various cybersecurity vulnerabilities that are widespread and go undetected. Still, many UAE government organizations rely on human-centric approaches to combat the growing cybersecurity threats. These approaches are ineffective due to the rapid increase in the amount of data in cyberspace, hence necessitating the employment of in ...
AI, cybersecurity systems, UAE, protection motivation theory (PMT), intelligent systems, cyber threats, information security
459 - 486
Venera Genia, Imairi Eitiveni, Muhammad Rana Tirtayasa, Wahyu Setiawan Wibowo, Tito Febrian Nugraha, Tifanny Nabarian
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to evaluate the success of ERP post-implementation and the factors that affect the overall success of the ERP system by integrating the Task Technology Fit (TTF) model into the Information System Success Model (ISSM).

Background: Not all ERP implementations provide the expected benefits, as post-implementation challenges can include inflexible ERP systems and ongoing ...
evaluation, enterprise resource planning, information system success model, task technology fit, organizational impact
487 - 519
Mohammad Muein Rasheed Shahin, Chin Wei Chong, Adedapo O Ojo
Aim/Purpose: The main aim of this study was to investigate the impact of knowledge-based Human Resources Management (HRM) practices on inbound and outbound open innovation in Jordanian small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

Background: SMEs in Jordan lack tangible resources. This insufficiency can be remedied by using knowledge as a resource. According to the Knowledge-Based View (KBV) theory, whic ...
knowledge-based HRM practices, open innovation, inbound open innovation, outbound open innovation
521 - 545
Wahyu Setiawan Wibowo, Setiadi Yazid
Aim/Purpose: Blockchain technology (BCT) has emerged as a potential catalyst for transforming government institutions and services, yet the adoption of blockchain in governments faces various challenges, for which previous studies have yet to provide practical solutions.

Background: This study aims to identify and analyse barriers, potential solutions, and their relations in implementing BC for ...
blockchain, distributed ledger, blockchain technology, government, challenge, problem, solution, systematic literature review, SLR, PRISMA, tollgate, TOE
547 - 581
Puspita Kencana Sari, Putu Wuri Handayani, Achmad Nizar Hidayanto, Pribadi Wiranda Busro
Aim/Purpose: This study analyzes health professionals’ information security behavior (ISB) as health information system (HIS) users concerning associated information security controls and risks established in a public hospital. This work measures ISB using a complete measuring scale and explains the relevant influential factors from the perspectives of Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) and Genera ...
information security behavior, hospital, health information system, protection motivation, deterrence
583 - 607
Omar Mohammed Horani, Ali Khatibi, Anas RATIB ALSoud, Jacquline Tham, Ahmad Samed Al-Adwan, S. M. Ferdous Azam
Aim/Purpose: This study utilized a comprehensive framework to investigate the adoption of Business Analytics (BA) and its effects on performance in commercial banks in Jordan. The framework integrated the Technological-Organizational-Environmental (TOE) model, the Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory, and the Resource-Based View (RBV).

Background: The recent trend of utilizing data for business ...
business analytics, technology adoption, banking, toe framework, data quality, diffusion of innovation, organizational readiness, business performance
609 - 643
Anas Husain, Mohammad Alsharo, saif Addeen AlRababah, Mohammed-Issa Riad Jaradat
Aim/Purpose: The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of review consistency between textual content and rating on review helpfulness. A measure of review consistency is introduced to determine the degree to which the review sentiment of textual content conforms with the review rating score. A theoretical model grounded in signaling theory is adopted to explore how different vari ...
review helpfulness, review consistency, regression analysis, sentiment analysis, signaling theory
645 - 666
Niko Ibrahim, Putu Wuri Handayani, Betty Purwandari, Imairi Eitiveni, Fadhil Dzulfikar
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to create customer segmentation who use Online Travel Agent (OTA) mobile applications in Indonesia throughout their hotel booking journey.

Background: In the context of mobile hotel booking applications, research analyzing the customer experience at each customer journey stage is scarce. However, literature increasingly acknowledges the significance of this stage in c ...
customer journey, customer segmentation, mobile hotel booking application, online travel agent, smartphone
667 - 689
Zainab Meskaoui, Abdelilah ELKHARRAZ
Aim/Purpose: The aim of this research paper is to suggest a comprehensive model that incorporates the technology acceptance model with the task-technology fit model, information quality, security, trust, and managerial support to investigate the intended usage of big data analytics (BDA) in banks and insurance companies.

Background: The emergence of the concept of “big data,” prompted by the wide ...
Big Data Analytics, TAM model, behavioral intention to use, Task Technology Fit, information quality, finance, banks, insurance companies, security, trust, managerial support
691 - 718
Tianpei Xu, Ying Ma, Changyu Ao, Min Qu, XiangHong Meng
Aim/Purpose: In this paper, we present an RFM model-based telecom customer churn system for better predicting and analyzing customer churn.

Background: In the highly competitive telecom industry, customer churn is an important research topic in customer relationship management (CRM) for telecom companies that want to improve customer retention. Many researchers focus on a telecom customer churn a ...
CRM, churn prediction, feature construction, RFM, K-means, XGBoost, SHAP method
719 - 737
Zhu Fei, Md Kassim Normalini, Wan Normila Mohamad
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to develop a comprehensive conceptual framework that incorporates personal characteristics, social context, and technological features as significant factors that influence the intention of small-city users in China to use mobile health.

Background: Mobile health has become an integral part of China’s health management system innovation, the transformation of the heal ...
mobile health, small cities, PMT, UTAUT, personal characteristics
739 - 767
Raed A Shatnawi
Aim/Purpose: To predict the change-proneness of software from the continuous evolution using machine learning methods. To identify when software changes become statistically significant and how metrics change.

Background: Software evolution is the most time-consuming activity after a software release. Understanding evolution patterns aids in understanding post-release software activities. Many me ...
software evolution, software metrics, change-proneness, machine learning
769 - 790
Venkateswaran Vinod, SUDARSANAM S K
Aim/Purpose: Acquisitions play a pivotal role in the growth strategy of a firm. Extensive resources and time are dedicated by a firm toward the identification of prospective acquisition candidates. The Indian manufacturing sector is currently experiencing significant growth, organically and inorganically, through acquisitions. The principal aim of this study is to explore models that can predict a ...
Indian manufacturing industry acquisitions, mergers and acquisitions modeling, predictive modeling, machine learning, artificial neural networks
791 - 818
Anbalagan Bhuvaneswari
Aim/Purpose: The understanding of disease spread dynamics in the context of air travel is crucial for effective disease detection and epidemic intelligence. The Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Recovered-Hospitalized-Critical-Deaths (SEIR-HCD) model proposed in this research work is identified as a valuable tool for capturing the complex dynamics of disease transmission, healthcare demands, and mort ...
epidemiology, SIS-SIR model, SEIR-HCD models, disease dynamics, air traffic networks, disease transmission
819 - 840
Rinto Priambodo, Putu Wuri Handayani, Rizal Fathoni Aji
Aim/Purpose: This paper illustrates the potential of health recommender systems (HRS) to support and enhance maternal care. The study aims to explore the recent implementations of maternal HRS and to discover the challenges of the implementations.

Background: The sustainable development goals (SDG) aim to reduce maternal mortality to less than 70 per 100,000 live births by 2030. However, progress ...
health recommender system, maternal care, antenatal care, systematic literature review
841 - 869
Ismail Bello, Mazida Ahmad, Maslinda Mohd Nadzir
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the key determinants hindering Knowledge Transfer (KT) practices for Information Technology Project Managers (ITPMs)

Background: The failure rate of IT projects remains unacceptably high worldwide, and KT between project managers and team members has been recognized as a significant issue affecting project success. Therefore, this study tries ...
knowledge transfer, knowledge transfer determinants, project manager, information technology project
871 - 891
Imran Mahmud, Kodisvaran Supramaniam, Nusrat Jahan, Afsana Begum, Adiba Masud
Aim/Purpose: The study aims to explore the attributes of self-phubbing and partner-phubbing, as well as their impact on marital relationship satisfaction and the quality of communication. Furthermore, it aims to comprehend how these characteristics could impact an individual’s total level of life satisfaction.

Background: The study aims to establish a clear association between specific mobile pho ...
phubbing, cellphone conflicts, communication quality, relationship satisfaction, and life satisfaction
893 - 914

Volume 17, 2022

Geoffrey Z. Liu
Table of Contents for Volume 17, 2022, of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management
IJIKM, contents, Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management
.i - iv
Anantha Raj A. Arokiasamy, Greeni Maheshwari, Khanh-Linh Nguyen
Aim/Purpose: ************************************************************************
After its investigation, the Research Ethics, Integrity, and Governance team at RMIT University found that the primary author of this paper breached the Australian Code and/or RMIT Policy and requested that the article be retracted.
Thi ...
ethical leadership, transformational leadership, employee creativity, private higher education institutions, Malaysia, organizational citizenship behavior
1 - 33
Niharika Prasanna Kumar
Aim/Purpose: This paper aims to analyze the availability and pricing of perishable farm produce before and during the lockdown restrictions imposed due to Covid-19. This paper also proposes machine learning and deep learning models to help the farmers decide on an appropriate market to sell their farm produce and get a fair price for their product.

Background: Developing countries like India hav ...
Machine Learning, Classification, Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, Deep Learning, Artificial Neural Network, Deep Neural Network, Covid-19, Agriculture
35 - 65
Chin Wei Chong, Yee Yen Yuen
Aim/Purpose: The aim of this paper is to examine the influences of KM-centred strategies on innovation capability among Malaysian R&D firms. It also deepens understanding of the pathways and conditions to improve the innovation capability by assessing the mediating role of both KM practices, i.e., knowledge exploration practices, and knowledge exploitation practices.

Background: Knowledge is the ...
KM-centred strategies, knowledge exploration, knowledge exploitation, innovation
67 - 86
Lusi Li, Liuliu Fu, Wenlu Zhang
Aim/Purpose: In this study, we aim to investigate the impact of an important characteristic of textual reviews – the diversity of the review content on review helpfulness.

Background: Consumer-generated reviews are an essential format of online Word-of-Month that help customers reduce uncertainty and information asymmetry. However, not all reviews are equally helpful as reflected by the varying n ...
review helpfulness, text diversity, latent dirichlet allocation, online consumer reviews
87 - 100
Isaac Asampana, Albert Akanlisikum Akanferi, Akwetey Henry Matey, Hannah Ayaba Tanye
Aim/Purpose: This paper aims to analyze how artisans in Ghana are incorporating mobile commerce into their everyday business and how perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, subjective norms, age, gender, expertise, and educational level affected the adoption and usage of m-commerce.

Background: This study integrates well-established theoretical models to create a new conceptual model that e ...
mobile commerce, attitude, artisans, behavioral intention, adoption, actual use
101 - 123
Saad Alaklabi, Kyeong Kang
Aim/Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore the factors driving individuals’ behavioral intention to use cryptocurrency in Saudi Arabia using the extended TRA model.

Background: Despite the great potential of cryptocurrencies and the exponential growth of cryptocurrency use throughout the world, scholarly research on this topic remained scarce. Whereas prior studies are mostly done in deve ...
cryptocurrency, TRA model, behavioral intention to use cryptocurrency, Saudi Arabia
125 - 149
Nkosikhona T Msweli, Hossana Twinomurinzi, Mymoena Ismail (was Sharif)
Aim/Purpose: Systematic literature reviews seek to locate all studies that contain material of relevance to a research question and to synthesize the relevant outcomes of those studies. The primary aim of this paper was to synthesize both research and practice reports on micro-credentials (MCRs).

Background: There has been an increase in reports and research on the plausibility of MCRs to support ...
micro-credentials, digital badges, online learning, credentials, education 4.0, COVID-19
151 - 190
Raphael W Jankeeparsad, Devi Datt Tewari
Aim/Purpose: This paper identified and explored the factors influencing Bitcoin adoption and use in South Africa.

Background: Since its introduction in 2008, the value and popularity of Bitcoin has risen exponentially. Captivating the eyes of the world, from regulators to economists, Bitcoin promises to revolutionize the digital currency space. Despite being over 10 years old, the concept of cryp ...
Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, South Africa
191 - 214
Sunayana Kumar, Anam Aslam, Aamir Aslam
Aim/Purpose: The present study examines the effect of perceived organisational and co-worker support on the adjustment of repatriates and its impact on their intention to transfer knowledge in multinational companies (MNCs). It also examines the relationship between perceived organisational support, co-worker support, and knowledge transfer through the mediating role of repatriate adjustment.

Bac ...
repatriates, repatriate adjustment, co-worker support, organisational support, repatriate knowledge transfer, structural equation modelling
215 - 234
Zeti Suzila Mat Jusoh, Nasruddin Hassan, Mazlan Hassan, Haslinda Hashim
Aim/Purpose: This research aims to analyze the effect of human resource management on humanitarian operations performance, using humanitarian organizations in Malaysia as a case.

Background: Humanitarian organizations need to develop and continue effective on-the-job human resource management, such as training and development and managing employee performance to enhance the performance of their h ...
PLS-SEM, humanitarian operations performance, human resource management, humanitarian organizations
235 - 258
Heba Alhajjaj, Alaeddin Mohammad Khalaf Ahmad
Aim/Purpose: This study aimed to explore the impact of environmental drivers and trust on consumers’ adoption of Fintech services in the Jordanian context. It had also evaluated the mediating role of trust on the relation between environmental drivers and consumers adoption of Fintech services.

Background: The reviewed studies on Fintech adoption demonstrated a lack of focus on the role of extern ...
environmental drivers, Fintech, adoption, Jordan, COVID-19
259 - 285
Albert Akanlisikum Akanferi, Isaac Asampana, Akwetey Henry Matey, Hannah Ayaba Tanye
Aim/Purpose: Mobile commerce adoption is low in developing countries; hence, public servants may not consider mobile commerce and mobile payments. Understanding the factors that influence mobile commerce and mobile payments in their context will aid in promoting those services.

Background: The study investigates the factors that influence public servants’ mobile commerce and mobile payments in Gh ...
mobile commerce, Ghanaian public servants, trust, behavioural intention, adoption
287 - 313
Ashraf Ahmed Fadelelmoula
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to examine the roles of key traits of m-university services and their users in promoting two crucial post-adoption outcomes of these services; namely, continuance usage intention and perceived value.

Background: M-university (i.e., a university providing services via mobile technologies) has gained a great interest in the higher education sector as a driver of new bus ...
m-university, faculty-oriented m-university services, m-university service trait, user trait, continuance usage intention, perceived value
315 - 338
Dmaithan Abdelkarim Almajali
Aim/Purpose: This study identifies the elements that influence intentions to purchase from the most popular Arabic online classifieds platform,

Background: Online purchasing has become popular among consumers in the past two decades, with perceived risk and trust playing key roles in consumers’ intention to purchase online.

Methodology: A questionnaire survey was conducted of Inter ...
online purchasing, trust, transaction security, perceived risk, privacy concern
339 - 359
Zaenal Akbar, Dadan Ridwan Saleh, Yulia Aris Kartika, Widya Fatriasari, Adila A Krisnadhi, Deded Sarip Nawawi
Aim/Purpose: Although the significance of data provenance has been recognized in a variety of sectors, there is currently no standardized technique or approach for gathering data provenance. The present automated technique mostly employs workflow-based strategies. Unfortunately, the majority of current information systems do not embrace the strategy, particularly biodiversity information systems i ...
temporal data provenance, biodiversity, ontology, rule-based reasoning
361 - 385
Priscilla I Maliwichi, Wallace Chigona
Aim/Purpose: The aim of the study is to explore factors that affect how healthcare clients in rural areas use infomediaries in maternal mHealth interventions. The study focuses on maternal healthcare clients who do not own mobile phones but use the mHealth intervention.

Background: Maternal mHealth interventions in poor-resource settings are bedevilled by inequalities in mobile phone ownership. ...
infomediaries, mHealth, maternal mHealth interventions, volunteers
387 - 411
Ali Shakir Zaidan, Dr. Khai Wah Khaw, Alhamzah Alnoor
Aim/Purpose: This study examines the impact of decision-making, crisis management, and decision-making on sustainability through the mediation of open innovation in the energy sector.

Background: Public companies study high-performance practices, requiring overcoming basic obstacles such as financial crises that prevent the adoption and development of sustainability programs.

Methodology: Due to ...
crisis management, innovation, decision-making environment, sustainable performance
413 - 442
Amro Al-Madadha, Mohammad Hamdi Al Khasawneh, Ola Al Haddid, Ahmad Samed Al-Adwan
Aim/Purpose: Currently, the world faces unprecedented challenges due to COVID-19, particularly concerning individuals’ health and livelihood and organizations and industrial performance. Indeed, the pandemic has caused rapid intensifying socio-economic effects. For instance, organizations are shifting from traditional working patterns toward telecommuting. By adopting remote working, organizations ...
telecommuting, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), employee’s self-efficacy, behavioral intentions, banking
443 - 470
Audrey Poh Choo Cheak, Chin Wei Chong, Yee Yen Yuen, Irene Yoke Chu Leong
Aim/Purpose: This study examined the relationship between critical success factors (CSFs), perceived benefits, and usage intention of Mobile Knowledge Management Systems (MKMS) via an integrated Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Information Systems Success Model (ISSM).

Background: This study investigates the CSFs (i.e., Strategic Leadership, Employee Training, System Quality, and Information ...
Technology Acceptance Model, Information Systems Success Model, mobile knowledge management systems, strategic leadership, employee training, system quality, information quality, perceived benefits, perceived user-friendly, usage intention
471 - 496
Shehu Malami SarkinTudu, Alawiyah Abd Wahab, Huda H Ibrahim
Aim/Purpose: The aim of this study was to identify the critical predictors affecting project desertion in Blockchain projects.

Background: Blockchain is one of the innovations that disrupt a broad range of industries and has attracted the interest of software developers. However, despite being an open-source software (OSS) project, the maintenance of the project ultimately relies on small core de ...
blockchain project, open source software, project desertion, expert review
497 - 521
Niko Ibrahim, Putu Wuri Handayani
Aim/Purpose: The main goal of this systematic literature review was to look for studies that provide information relevant to business intelligence’s (BI) framework development and implementation in the tourism sector. This paper tries to classify the tourism sectors where BI is implemented, group various BI functionalities, and identify common problems encountered by previous research.

Background ...
business intelligence, framework, functionalities, literature review, tourism
523 - 541
Ramina Farshadi, Eslam Nazemi, Neda Abdolvand
Aim/Purpose: The aim of this study is to identify Critical Success Factors (CSF) of Business Intelligence (BI) and provide a framework to classify CSF into layers or perspectives using an enterprise architecture approach, then rank CSF within each perspective and evaluate the importance of each perspective at different BI maturity levels as well.

Background: Although the implementation of the BI ...
business intelligence, critical success factor, maturity model, enterprise architecture
543 - 575
Sariseelia Sore, Minna Saunila, Juhani Ukko
Aim/Purpose: This study focuses on the connection between IT-producing firms’ digital service capabilities and the digital service performance of IT-consuming firms, especially online shop operators.

Background: The acquisition and integration of knowledge regarding digital service capabilities and performance can increase the level at which employees assimilate information, organize with IT-cons ...
product capabilities, service capabilities, relationship capabilities, digital service, performance
577 - 600
Nufri Wilis, Lindung Parningotan Manik
Aim/Purpose: This study investigated a model of mobile esports acceptance among urban citizens based on an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).

Background: Currently, esports are increasingly popular and in demand by the public. Supported by the widespread development of mobile devices, it has become an interactive market trend to play games in a new model, mobile esports.

Methodology: Th ...
esports, technology acceptance model, mobile
601 - 624
Ayushi Tandon, Sabra E. Brock, Yogini Joglekar
Aim/Purpose: This study examines the impact of transitioning from in-person classrooms to remote online business education and provides analysis of key factors impacting course and instructor ratings as well as strategies for higher education institutions to provide engaging instruction.

Background: “Zoom”ing into teaching and moving out of traditional classrooms during the COVID-19 pandemic has ...
online teaching, student evaluations, teaching and learning
625 - 643

Volume 16, 2021

Geoffrey Z. Liu
Table of Contents for Volume 16, 2021, of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management
IJIKM, contents, Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management
.i - iv
Anshul Jain, Tanya Singh, Satyendra Kumar Sharma, Vikas Prajapati
Aim/Purpose: 5G and IoT are two path-breaking technologies, and they are like wall and climbers, where IoT as a climber is growing tremendously, taking the support of 5G as a wall. The main challenge that emerges here is to secure the ecosystem created by the collaboration of 5G and IoT, which consists of a network, users, endpoints, devices, and data. Other than underlying and hereditary security ...
IoT, 5G, network slicing, 5G security, IoT security, IoT ecosystem, intrusion detection system
1 - 38
Yahel Giat, Dan Bouhnik
Aim/Purpose: The first goal is to develop a decision support system for pricing and production amounts for a firm facing high levels of product returns. The second goal is to improve the management of the product returns process.

Background: This study was conducted at a food importer and manufacturer in Israel facing a very high rate of product returns, much of which is eventually discarded. The ...
supply chain, pricing model, Israel, food industry, product returns, decision support system, ergonomics
39 - 54
Adlin Ugo-Agharanya, Anthony Igwe, Ejikeme Emmanuel Isichei
Aim/Purpose: The need to explore leaders’ role as a mediating factor between knowledge sharing and firms’ competitiveness was the focus of this paper. Further, gaps related to knowledge sharing influence on firms’ competitiveness from an emerging economy perspective was a major driver of this study.

Background: The relevance of knowledge sharing is today crucial for firms that seek to harness int ...
leaders’ behaviour, knowledge sharing, competitiveness, Nigeria manufacturing firms
55 - 75
Carolina F Abrantes, Óscar Mealha, Diogo Gomes, João Paulo Barraca, Carlos Ferreira
Aim/Purpose: In this work, the authors propose an augmented model for human-centered Unified Communications & Collaboration (UC&C) product design and evaluation, which is supported by previous theoretical work.

Background: Although the goal of implementing UC&C in an organization is to promote and mediate group dynamics, increasing overall productivity and collaboration; it does not seem to provi ...
human-computer interaction, organizational communication and collaboration, human-centred design, interpersonal communication, empirical study
77 - 99
Paul Kariuki, Lizzy O Ofusori, Prabhakar Rontala Subramanniam, Moses Okpeku, Maria L Goyayi
Aim/Purpose: The paper’s objective is to examine the challenges of using the mobile phone to mine location data for effective contact tracing of symptomatic, pre-symptomatic, and asymptomatic individuals and the implications of this technology for public health governance.

Background: The COVID-19 crisis has created an unprecedented need for contact tracing across South Africa, requiring thousand ...
COVID-19, contact tracing, public governance, South Africa
101 - 124
Elan N Purwanto, Ernie T Sule, Imas Soemaryani, Yudi Azis
Aim/Purpose: The aim of this study is to develop a research model derived from relevant literature to guide empirical efforts.

Background: Companies struggle to innovate, which is essential for improving their performance, surviving in competition, and growing. A number of studies have discussed company innovation capability, stating that innovation capability is influenced by several variables s ...
knowledge management, cooperation, innovation capability
125 - 145
Fahad Sawaean, Khairul A. M. Ali
Aim/Purpose: This paper aimed to examine the impact of learning orientation on organizational performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) via the mediating role of total quality management (TQM) practices and the moderating role of innovation culture.

Background: SMEs’ organizational performance in developing countries, particularly in Kuwait, remains below expectation due to increasing co ...
small and medium enterprises, learning orientation, total quality management practices, innovation culture, organizational performance, resource-based view, Kuwait
147 - 172
Ahmad A. Rabaa'i, Xiaodi Zhu
Aim/Purpose: The aim of this study is to determine the variables which affect the intention to use Near Field Communication (NFC)-enabled smart wearables (e.g., smartwatches, rings, wristbands) payments.

Background: Despite the enormous potential of wearable payments, studies investigating the adoption of this technology are scarce.

Methodology: This study extends the Technology Acceptance Model ...
gender, mobile payment, near field communication, smart wearables, wearable payment, Kuwait
173 - 211
Ghilan Al-Madhagy Taufiq-Hail, Ayed Rheal A. Alanzi, Shafiz A Mohd Yusof, Madallah M Alruwaili
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to propose and empirically validate a model and investigates the factors influencing acceptance and use of Software as a Services cloud computing services (SaaS) from individuals’ perspectives utilizing an integrative model of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with modifications to suit the objective of the study.

Background: Even ...
common method bias, PLS-SEM, SaaS cloud computing, subjective norms, technology acceptance, TPB and TAM integrated model
213 - 253
Sally Saad Fadhil, Ramlee Ismail, Alhamzah Alnoor
Aim/Purpose: This research investigates the influence of soft skills on graduates’ employability in the technology industry, using the technology industry sector in Malaysia as a case.

Background: Organizations are looking for appropriate mechanisms to hire qualified employees with strong soft skills and hard skills. This requires that job candidates possess a set of qualifications and skills whi ...
soft skills, human development, unemployment, industry, employability, human resource
255 - 283
Kamila Usmanova, Daoping Wang, Eli Sumarliah, Kawthar Mousa, Safiatou S Maiga
Aim/Purpose: The study attempts to analyse the influences of knowledge management capacity on company performance and supply chain practices. It also examines whether supply chain practices significantly and positively impact company performance.

Background: Knowledge management capacity is an essential tactical resource that enables the integration and coordination among supply chain stakeholder ...
knowledge management capacity, company performance, supply chain practices, China, halal food industry
285 - 306
Maitha Al Ketbi, Khaled Shuaib, Ezedin Barka, Marton Gergely
Aim/Purpose: The aim of this paper is to propose a new information security controls framework for blockchain technology, which is currently absent from the National and International Information Security Standards.

Background: Blockchain technology is a secure and relatively new technology of distributed digital ledgers, which is based on inter-linked blocks of transactions, providing great bene ...
blockchain technology, standards, security controls, information security, security governance
307 - 330
Anshul Jain, Tanya Singh, Satyendra Kumar Sharma
Aim/Purpose: The primary purpose of this study is to provide a cost-effective and artificial intelligence enabled security solution for IoT enabled healthcare ecosystem. It helps to implement, improve, and add new attributes to healthcare services. The paper aims to develop a method based on an artificial neural network technique to predict suspicious devices based on bandwidth usage.

Background: ...
IoT, Network Slicing, Software Defined Network (SDN), IoT Ecosystem, IoT Security, Healthcare, Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
331 - 369
Mohamed Emran Hossain, Imran Mahmud, Rozhan M Idrus
Aim/Purpose: The main aim of this study is to identify the factors that influence the continuance intention of use of innovative systems by non-academic employees of a private university and associated academic institutions in Bangladesh.

Background: The targeted academic institutions have introduced many new online services aimed at improving students’ access to information and services, inclu ...
continuance intention, technostress, business intelligence, Bangladesh
371 - 395
Ahmad A. Rabaa'i, Shareef Abu ALmaati, Xiaodi Zhu
Aim/Purpose: This study aims at investigating the factors that influence students’ continuous intention to use Moodle, as an exemplar of learning management systems (LMSs), in the post-adoption phase.

Background: Higher education institutions (HEIs) have invested heavily in learning management systems (LMSs), such as Moodle and BlackBoard, as these systems enhance students’ learning and improve t ...
continuance use, expectation confirmation model (ECM), Kuwait, learning management systems (LMS), Moodle
397 - 434
Anantha Raj A. Arokiasamy, Khanh-Linh Nguyen, Hoa Thi Nhu Nguyen
Aim/Purpose: ********************************************************************************************
After its investigation, the Research Ethics, Integrity, and Governance team at RMIT University found that the primary author of this paper breached the Australian Code and/or RMIT Policy and requested that the article be retracted.
********************************************************** ...
knowledge management, firm innovativeness, innovative culture, MNEs, Malaysia
435 - 457
Fahad Awad Sawaean, Khairul A. M. Ali, Ahmad Awad Alenezi
Aim/Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the impact of innovation management and learning orientation as the mechanisms playing the role of an intermediate relationship between entrepreneurial leadership and organisational performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Kuwait.

Background: SMEs are currently among the principal economic instruments in most industrialised and developing ...
small and medium enterprises, entrepreneurial leadership, innovation management, learning orientation, organisational performance, Resource-Based View, Kuwait
459 - 489
Amichai Mitelman, Yahel Giat
Aim/Purpose: This paper reports a case study of organizational transition from a non-competitive selection method to a novel bidding method for the selection of consultants in the Architectural and Engineering (A/E) industry.

Background: Public procurement agencies are increasingly relying on external consultants for the design of construction projects. Consultant selection can be based on either ...
A/E services, consultant selection, public procurement, design management, team building
491 - 503
Qiubo Huang, Qing Xia, Rukmal Nishantha Weerasinghe
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the mechanism of the front/back-office structure affecting new service development (NSD) performance and examine the role of knowledge transfer in the relationship between front/back-office structure and NSD.

Background: The separation of front and back-office has become the prevailing trend of the organizational transformation of modern s ...
new service development, NSD, front and back-office, social capital, knowledge transfer
505 - 527

Volume 15, 2020

Geoffrey Z. Liu, June Lu
Table of Contents for Volume 15, 2020, of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management
IJIKM, contents, Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management
.i - iii
Chunjiang Yang, Aobo Chen
Aim/Purpose: Based on the social exchange theory, this study aimed to explore the underlying mechanisms and boundary conditions between organizational socialization and knowledge sharing.

Background: With the advent of the era of the knowledge economy, knowledge has been replacing traditional resources such as capital, labor, and land to become the critical resources of enterprises. The competiti ...
organizational socialization, job embeddedness, trust, knowledge sharing
1 - 23
Anthony Igwe, Uzoma Heman Ononye
Aim/Purpose: This study investigates social media use and its effect on knowledge sharing. Based on the review of related literature, we hypothesised that social media use has a significant effect on outward and inward knowledge sharing.

Background: While the notion of social media use in work organisations has been progressively developed, empirical studies linking social media to the context of ...
social media, knowledge sharing, outward knowledge sharing, inward knowledge sharing, public organisation
25 - 37
Rogerio Ferreira da Silva, Itana Maria de Souza Gimenes, José Carlos Maldonado
Aim/Purpose: This paper presents a study of Virtual Communities of Practice (VCoP) evaluation methods that aims to identify their current status and impact on knowledge sharing. The purposes of the study are as follows: (i) to identify trends and research gaps in VCoP evaluation methods; and, (ii) to assist researchers to position new research activities in this domain.

Background: VCoP have beco ...
systematic mapping, virtual community of practice, evaluation
39 - 64
Haili Pan
Aim/Purpose: This study examines the kind of community value companies should provide when strengthening the relationship between customers and brands through the establishment of an online brand community, and how this kind of community value promotes customers’ sense of community engagement and willingness to spread brand reputation. The paper also discusses how an enterprise’s brand symbolism a ...
WOM, online brand community, brand symbolism, customer engagement
65 - 90
Saud Altaf, Muhammad Waseem Soomro, Laila Kazmi
Aim/Purpose: The clustering techniques are normally considered to determine the significant and meaningful subclasses purposed in datasets. It is an unsupervised type of Machine Learning (ML) where the objective is to form groups from objects based on their similarity and used to determine the implicit relationships between the different features of the data. Cluster Analysis is considered a signi ...
clustering, density-based, large data sets, parameter, IDCUP, arbitrary shapes
91 - 108
Golan Carmi, Dan Bouhnik
Aim/Purpose: This paper examines the behavior of financial firm employees with regard to information security procedures instituted within their organization. Furthermore, the effect of information security awareness and its importance within a firm is explored.

Background: The study focuses on employees’ attitude toward compliance with information security policies (ISP), combined with various n ...
information security behavior, information security awareness, information security management, information security policy, employee compliance finan-cial corporation
109 - 125
Michael Hart, John Burke
Aim/Purpose: Based on business-IT alignment, this study addresses the understudied practice of DevOps.

Background: Although organizations continue to implement DevOps practices, few studies explore connections with prior theory. This study contributes to this need by developing the DevOps strategic IT alignment model.

Methodology: The sample included 57 firms from the current Forbes Global 2000 ...
DevOps, strategic IT alignment, contingency theory, continuous integration, knowledge sharing, continuous deployment, software theory
127 - 154
Caiyun Zhuang, Guohong Chen, Xiaoyu Du
Aim/Purpose: Drawing on theories of organizational learning, this study analyzes the mechanism of Internet integration capability affecting knowledge generation by 399 Chinese enterprises. This paper will further explore whether there is a moderating role of learning orientation in the mechanism of Internet integration capability affecting enterprise knowledge generation.

Background: The Internet ...
internet integration capability, organizational learning, knowledge genera-tion, learning orientation
155 - 174
Mina Ranjbarfard, Zeynab Hatami
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for Business Intelligence (BI) implementation projects by studying the existing BI project implementation methodologies and to compare these methodologies based on the identified CSFs.

Background: The implementation of BI project has become one of the most important technological and organizational innovations ...
business intelligence, business intelligence project implementation, business intelligence implementation methodologies, Fuzzy Delphi method, critical success factors (CSF)
175 - 202
Hani H Al-Dmour, Futon Asfour, Rand Al-Dmour, Ahmed Al-Dmour
Aim/Purpose: This study aimed to examine the effect of marketing knowledge management (MKM) on bank performance via the mediating role of the Fintech innovation in Jordanian commercial banks.

Background: An extensive number of studies found a significant relationship between Marketing knowledge management and bank performance (e.g., Akroush & Al-Mohammad, 2010; Hou & Chien 2010; Rezaee & Jafari, ...
marketing knowledge management, Fintech innovation, bank performance
203 - 225
Carlos Santos-Mangudo, Antonio J. Heras
Aim/Purpose: This article proposes a methodology for selecting the initial sets for clustering categorical data. The main idea is to combine all the different values of every single criterion or attribute, to form the first proposal of the so-called multiclusters, obtaining in this way the maximum number of clusters for the whole dataset. The multiclusters thus obtained, are themselves clustered i ...
clustering, categorical data, K-Modes
227 - 246
Ahmed A. Al-Hunaiyyan, Andrew Thomas Bimba, Salah Alsharhan
Aim/Purpose: This study describes a conceptual model, based on the principles of concept algebra that can provide intelligent academic advice using adaptive, knowledge-based feedback. The proposed model advises students based on their traits and academic history. The system aims to deliver adaptive advice to students using historical data from previous and current students. This data-driven approa ...
e-advising, academic advising, academic model, student model, cognitive knowledge-based model, course selection, adaptive algorithm
247 - 263

Volume 14, 2019

Geoffrey Z. Liu, June Lu
IJIKM, contents
Ra'ed Masa'deh, Dmaithan Abdelkarim Almajali, Ala'aldin Alrowwad, Bader Obeidat
Aim/Purpose: This research aims to examine the role of Knowledge Management (KM) infrastructure (technological, structural, and cultural) in enhancing job satisfaction in the context of developing countries, as exemplified by Jordan.

Background: Despite the presence of job satisfaction studies conducted in educational institutions across the world, knowledge management issues have not been taken ...
knowledge management infrastructure, knowledge management, job perfor-mance, Jordan
1 - 25
Da Thon Nguyen, Hanh T Tan, Duy Hoang Pham
Aim/Purpose: In this article, we provide a better solution to Webpage access prediction. In particularly, our core proposed approach is to increase accuracy and efficiency by reducing the sequence space with integration of PageRank into CPT+.

Background: The problem of predicting the next page on a web site has become significant because of the non-stop growth of Internet in terms of the volume o ...
Webpage access prediction, sequence prediction, compact prediction tree, PageRank algorithm
27 - 44
Alexei Botchkarev
Aim/Purpose: The aim of this study was to analyze various performance metrics and approaches to their classification. The main goal of the study was to develop a new typology that will help to advance knowledge of metrics and facilitate their use in machine learning regression algorithms

Background: Performance metrics (error measures) are vital components of the evaluation frameworks in various ...
performance metrics, error measures, accuracy measures, distance, similarity, dissimilarity, properties, typology, classification, machine learning, regression, forecasting, prognostics, prediction, evaluation, estimation, modeling
45 - 76
Brenda M Scholtz, Jean-Paul Van Belle, Kennedy Njenga, Alexander Serenko, Prashant Palvia
Aim/Purpose: This study forms part of the World IT Project, which aims to gain a deeper understanding of individual, personal and organisational factors influencing IT staff in a modern, work environment. The project also aims to provide a global view that complements the traditional American/Western view. The purpose of this study is to investigate and report on some of these factors, in particu ...
turnover intention, job satisfaction in IT staff, IS personnel, workforce, burn-out, exhaustion
77 - 97
Mawarny M Rejab, James Noble, Stuart Marshall
Aim/Purpose: This paper aims to discuss the activities involved in facilitating self-selecting teams for Agile software development projects. This paper also discussed how these activities can influence the successful expertise coordination in Agile teams.

Background: Self-selecting teams enable Agile team members to choose teams based on whom they prefer to work with. Good team bonding allows A ...
agile software development, self-selecting teams, expertise coordination, grounded theory
99 - 117
Ewa Wanda Ziemba, Monika Eisenbardt, Roisin Mullins, Sandra Dettmer
Aim/Purpose: The main purpose of this paper is to identify prosumers’ engagement in business process innovation through knowledge sharing.

Background: In the increasingly competitive knowledge-based economy, companies must seek innovative methods of doing business, quickly react to consumer demand, and provide superior value to consumers. Simultaneously, contemporary consumers, named “prosumers ...
consumer engagement, consumer knowledge, prosumer, knowledge sharing, business processes, consumer innovations
119 - 143
Ying Han
Aim/Purpose: This study examines the influence of ambidextrous knowledge sharing in industrial clusters on innovation performance from the perspective of knowledge-based dynamic capabilities.

Background: The key factor to improving innovation performance in an enterprise is to share knowledge with other enterprises in the same cluster and use dynamic capabilities to absorb, integrate, and create ...
industrial cluster, ambidextrous knowledge sharing, innovation, dynamic capabilities, China
145 - 163
Hsiaoping Yeh, Fenghung Kuo
Aim/Purpose: This study empirically analyzed and examined the effectiveness of the online advocacy banners on customers’ reactions to make replacements with the similar products in their shopping carts.

Background: When a product in a shopping cart is removed, it might be put back into the cart again during the same purchase or it may be bought in the future. Otherwise, it might be abandoned and ...
recommendation banner, product similarity, association rule
165 - 181
Uzoma Heman Ononye, Anthony Igwe
Aim/Purpose: This study investigates the relationship between knowledge sharing process and innovation success with specific emphasis on tacit knowledge. Based on the literature review, we hypothesised that knowledge donating and collecting have a positive relationship with innovation success.

Methodology: The hypotheses were empirically tested using the partial least square path modelling with d ...
tacit knowledge, knowledge sharing, knowledge donating, knowledge collecting, innovation success
183 - 198
Kenneth Chukwujioke Agbim, Anthony Igwe
Aim/Purpose: This study seeks to investigate if participation in business association’s programs through the traditional and new media platforms influences family businesses in South Eastern Nigeria to diversify into similar or different businesses.

Background: Before the advances in information and communication technology, businesses were carried on via the traditional media. The application of ...
family business, social network, unrelated diversification strategy, related diversification strategy
199 - 234
Abed Al-Fatah A. Karasneh
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between knowledge management (KM) and organizational innovation (OI). It also enriches our understanding of the mediating effect of organizational learning (OL) in this relationship.

Background: KM’s relationship with OL and OI has been tackled extensively in developed countries’ literature. Nowadays, the challenges of dev ...
knowledge management, organizational learning, organizational innovation, Jordanian manufacturing companies
235 - 252
Rana Nabeel-Rehman, Mohammad Nazri
Aim/Purpose: Despite the fact that the plethora of studies demonstrate the positive impact of information technology (IT) capabilities on SMEs performance, the understanding of underlying mechanisms through which IT capabilities affect the firm performance is not yet clear. This study fills these gaps by explaining the roles of absorptive capacity and corporate entrepreneurship. The study also ela ...
information technology capabilities, IT integration, IT alignment, absorptive capacity, corporate entrepreneurship, innovation performance, firm perfor-mance
253 - 276
Dwi Suhartanto, David Dean, Gundur Leo, Ni Nyoman Triyuni
Aim/Purpose: To examine millennial satisfaction towards online food delivery services, including e-service quality, food quality, and perceived value as the determinants and behavioral intention as the consequence.

Background: Among the generational cohorts, millennials are a demanding target group for many retailers, including restaurants. Despite many studies examining millennial behavior in th ...
millennial, satisfaction, online food, home delivery service
277 - 294
Ahmad Samed Al-Adwan
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to identify the main factors influencing consumers’ adoption of social commerce (s-commerce). Based on the socio-technical theory, the study suggests a research model that investigates the key social and technical factors driving consumers’ decision to purchase from social commerce websites. In addition, the research model explores the interactive relationship among th ...
social commerce, trust, e-commerce, post purchase experience, familiarity, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, TAM
295 - 324
Salah Kabanda, Fernanda Matsinhe
Aim/Purpose: This study explores how women-led SMMEs in developing countries, specifically in the Mozambican context, institutionalise e-commerce by focusing on the ongoing interaction between the SMME, its context, and process of e-commerce institutionalization.

Background: It is believed that institutionalization of e-commerce provides significant benefits of unlimited access to new markets, an ...
small micro and medium enterprises (SMMEs), contextualist inquiry, e-commerce, developing countries
325 - 341
SenthilKumar Narayanasamy, Dinakaran Muruganantham, Atilla Elçi
Aim/Purpose: Vis-à-vis management of crisis and disaster situations, this paper focuses on important use cases of social media functions, such as information collection & dissemination, disaster event identification & monitoring, collaborative problem-solving mechanism, and decision-making process. With the prolific utilization of disaster-based ontological framework, a strong disambiguation syste ...
disaster management, social media, ontological support, semantic search, SPARQL, RDF
343 - 366
Omar Hasan Salah, Prof.Dr. Zawiyah Mohammad Yusof, Dr.Hazura Mohamed
Aim/Purpose: This study aimed to examine the relationships among compatibility, relative advantage, complexity, IT Infrastructure, security, top Management Support, financial Support, information Policies, employee engagement, customer pressure, competitive pressure, information integrity, information sharing, attitude toward adopting technology factors, and CRM adoption

Background: Customer rela ...
customer relationship management system, small and medium enterprise, CRM adoption, Palestine
367 - 403

Volume 13, 2018

Geoffrey Z. Liu, June Lu
IJIKM, contents
. i - iii
Abdoulaye Kaba, Chennupati K. Ramaiah
Aim/Purpose: This study investigates the issue of knowledge acquisition among faculty members.

Background: The paper reports the use of knowledge acquisition tools and reading knowledge sources by faculty members. It also identifies demographic differ-ences among participants in using knowledge acquisition tools and reading knowledge sources.

Methodology: The study used an online survey-based q ...
knowledge, knowledge sources, knowledge acquisition tools, faculty members, universities, colleges, UAE
1 - 20
Ashraf Ahmed Fadelelmoula
Aim/Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine empirically the effects of certain key Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for the implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems on the comprehensive achievement of the crucial roles of Computer-Based Information Systems (CBISs)

Background: The effects of the CSFSs were examined in the higher education sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arab ...
enterprise resource planning, critical success factors, ERP implementation, comprehensive achievement of the CBIS’s roles
21 - 44
Abdul Waheed, Jianhua Yang, Jon K. Webber
Aim/Purpose: The current study investigates the relationship between mobile and email marketing and consumer impulse buying tendencies in Pakistan.

Background: Technology has become a primary driver for all business operations, which has dramatically transformed the wireless communications marketing paradigm. However, researchers have claimed that further inquiry is still needed to explore the ro ...
marketing communications, mobile marketing, email marketing, impulse buy-ing tendencies, Islamic Republic of Pakistan
45 - 60
Lanto Ningrayati Amali, Muhammad Rifai Katili
Aim/Purpose: This study is carried out to determine the factors influencing the implementation of IT governance in public sector.

Background: IT governance in organizations plays strategic roles in deciding whether IT strategies and investments of both private and public organizations could be efficient, consistent, and transparent. IT governance has the potential to be the best practice that cou ...
IT governance process, public organizations
61 - 77
Boniface K Alese, Aderonke Favour-Bethy Thompson, Olufunso Dayo Alowolodu, Blessing Emmanuel Oladele
Aim/Purpose: The wide use of online banking and technological advancement has attracted the interest of malicious and criminal users with a more sophisticated form of attacks.

Background: Therefore, banks need to adapt their security systems to effectively stem threats posed by imposters and hackers and to also provide higher security standards that assure customers of a secured environment to ...
multilevel-security, authentication, soft-token, cybercrime
79 - 94
Ewa Wanda Ziemba, Monika Eisenbardt
Aim/Purpose: The main purpose of this paper is to answer the research question whether the ways in which prosumers share their knowledge with enterprises and public organizations are in line with the ways in which enterprises and public organizations expect them to get engaged in knowledge sharing.

Background: Contemporary consumers do not wish to be passive consumers anymore. They want to satisf ...
knowledge, knowledge sharing, prosumer, prosumption, consumer, product evaluation, product co-creation
95 - 115
M. Thangaraj, M Sivakami
Aim/Purpose: The aim of this paper is to analyze various text classification techniques employed in practice, their strengths and weaknesses, to provide an improved awareness regarding various knowledge extraction possibilities in the field of data mining.

Background: Artificial Intelligence is reshaping text classification techniques to better acquire knowledge. However, in spite of the growth a ...
classification, machine learning, statistical methods, analysis
117 - 135
João Aguiar, Ruben Pereira, José Braga Vasconcelos, Isaias Bianchi
Aim/Purpose: This research aims to develop an information technology (IT) maturity model for incident management (IM) process that merges the most known IT frameworks’ practices. Our proposal intends to help organizations overcome the current limitations of multiframework implementation by informing organizations about frameworks’ overlap before their implementation.

Background: By previously ide ...
IT framework, maturity model, DSR, incident management, overlap, ITIL, COBIT, CMMI
137 - 163
Aiden J Walton, Kevin A. Johnston
Aim/Purpose: This paper explored the factors (enablers and barriers) that affect Bitcoin adoption in South Africa, a Sub-Saharan country with the high potential for Bitcoin adoption.

Background: In recent years, Bitcoin has seen a rapid growth as a virtual cryptocurrency throughout the world. Bitcoin is a protocol which allows value to be exchanged over the internet without a central bank or inte ...
Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, virtual community, virtual investment community, South Africa
165 - 182
Ananda Sabil Hussein, Mintarti Rahayu, Nadiyah Hirfiyana Rosita, Risca Fitri Ayuni
Aim/Purpose: Two research objectives were addressed in this study. The first objective was to determine the effect of knowledge management orientation behaviour on business performance, and the second objective was to investigate the mediating effect of market orientation in the relationship between knowledge management orientation behaviour and business performance.

Background: In business strat ...
knowledge management orientation, market orientation, business performance, economy creative, small and medium enterprises
183 - 199
Shouhong Wang , Hai Wang, Nadia Khalil
Aim/Purpose: This study investigates the research profile of the papers published in Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management (IJIKM) to provide silhouette information of the journal for the editorial team, researchers, and the audience of the journal.

Background: Information and knowledge management is an interdisciplinary subject. IJIKM defines intersections of multip ...
Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, IJIKM, research profile, content analysis, thematic analysis
201 - 231
Ahmed Al-Azawei
Aim/Purpose: This study aims at (1) extending an existing theoretical framework to gain a deeper understanding of the technology acceptance process, notably of the Facebook social network in an unexplored Middle East context, (2) investigating the influence of social support theory on Facebook adoption outside the work context, (3) validating the effectiveness of the proposed research model for en ...
social media networks, Facebook acceptance, unified theory of acceptance and use of technology, (UTAUT), social support theory, perceived playfulness, individual differences, Middle East
233 - 258
Caiyun Zhuang, Guohong Chen, Jian Hou, Juan Liang
Aim/Purpose: This study analyzes the mechanism of Internet capability (IC) driving knowledge creation performance (KCP). We consider the mediating role of strategic flexibility and the moderating role of informatization density.

Background: The key to achieving KCP for firms is to transform knowledge created into new products or services and to realize the economic benefits. However, the research ...
Internet capability, knowledge creation performance, strategic flexibility, informatization density
259 - 278
Shadi Abualoush, Ra'ed Masa'deh, Khaled Bataineh, Ala'aldin Alrowwad
Aim/Purpose: The objective of this study was to assess the interrelationships among knowledge management infrastructure, knowledge management process, intellectual capital, and organization performance.

Background: Although knowledge management capability is extensively used by organizations, reaching their maximum financial and non-financial performances has not been fully researched. Therefore, ...
knowledge management infrastructure, knowledge management process, intellectual capital, organization performance, Jordan
279 - 309
Mohammad Sharaf Al-Qdah, Amer Nizar Fayez AbuAli, Juhana Salim, Tarek Issa Khalil
Aim/Purpose: A vital business activity within organizations is tacit knowledge (TK) transfer. This work aims to propose a novel framework for TK transferability in multinational corporations (MNCs) from the information and communication technology (ICT) perspective.

Background: In the past two decades, researchers have developed several frameworks for TK transfer based on humanistic, business, an ...
tacit knowledge, transferability, information and communication technology, multinational corporations
311 - 335
Tapushe Rabaya Toma, Imran Mahmud, Mohamed Emran Hossain, Nusrat Jahan, T. Ramayah, Pravina Jayapal
Aim/Purpose: In this research, we examined the influence of the information system (IS) quality dimensions proposed by Wixom and Todd on reading satisfaction of online newspaper readers in Bangladesh, especially the readers’ intention to revisit and recommendations through electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM).

Background: We identified the top 50 most visited websites, of which 13 were online newspape ...
information quality, system quality, IS success model, online newspapers, PLS
337 - 359
Ibrahim Hussien Musa Magboul, Muneer Abbad
Aim/Purpose: This paper identifies the antecedents that affect E-Banking (EB) adoption and investigates the relationship between the level of EB adoption and the performance of private banks.

Background: Rapid technological advancement has transformed the business environment dramatically. These advancements particularly the Internet has reshaped the way businesses operate. Over the last decade, ...
technology acceptance, e-banking, adoption, performance, Sudan
361 - 381
Basem Y. Alkazemi
Aim/Purpose: This paper reports our implementation of a prototype system, namely PRATO (Proposals Reviewers Automated Taxonomy-based Organization), for automatic assignment of proposals to reviewers based on categorized tracks and partial matching of reviewers’ profiles of research interests against proposal keywords.

Background: The process of assigning reviewers to proposals tends to be a compl ...
reviewers matching, taxonomy-based, Jaccard index, proposals auto assignment
383 - 396
Hadi AL-Abrrow, Alhamzah Alnoor, Hasan Oudah Abdullah
Aim/Purpose: This explanatory study aimed to determine the mediating role of ERP in the relation between the effect of a socio-technical approach and decision-making environment, and firms’ sustainable performance.

Background: Although earlier studies have discussed the critical success factors of the failure or success of an ERP system and the extent to which it achieves its desired objectives, ...
organizational culture; socio-technical approach; decision-making environment; ERP system; sustainable performance
397 - 415
Mochamad Agung Wibowo, Rudi Waluyo, Zhabrinna Zhabrinna
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to investigate the relationship between the knowledge management (KM) process and the performance of construction companies. The ultimate goal is to promote better efficiency and competitive advantage in the construction industry by making the best use of knowledge.

Background: While attention to KM is currently on the rise, as shown by the number of studies conducted ...
knowledge, knowledge management, corporate performance, construction
417 - 435

Volume 12, 2017

Table of Contents for the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, Volume 12, 2017
i - iii
Kennedy Njenga
Aim/Purpose: Violations of Information Systems (IS) security policies continue to generate great anxiety amongst many organizations that use information systems, partly because these violations are carried out by internal employees. This article addresses IS security policy violations in organizational settings, and conceptualizes and problematizes IS security violations by employees of organizati ...
information security, violations, paradox, systematic literature review (SLR), security policies
1 - 15
Chien-Ta Ho, Jhong-Min Yang, Wei-Ting Chen
Aim/Purpose: This study uses a cosmetic virtual community (VC) as the research context and the UTAUT model as the theoretical structure aim to explore factors affecting the re-usage intentions of VC members.

Background: The Internet use rate of VC was up to 50%, thereby implying that VC gained the attention of Internet users. Therefore, operating a VC will be an effective way to communicate w ...
virtual community, cosmetic products, UTAUT model, structural equation modelling approach, effort expectancy, performance expectancy, social influ-ence, trust, re-usage intentions
17 - 36
Benjamin Wagner vom Berg, Jorge Marx Gómez, Alexander Sandau
Aim/Purpose: The topic of this study is the ICT-enabled transformation of car dealerships to regional providers of sustainable mobility (e.g., car sharing).

Background: Car dealerships offer specific conditions that enable a sustainable mobility offer, based on individual motorized transport like car sharing. This is especially useful in small towns or rural areas where people’s mobility is st ...
car dealership, automotive retailer, car sharing, SusCRM, sustainability CRM, sustainable mobility, rural regions
37 - 51
Vaughan Henriques, Maureen Tanner
Background/Aim/Purpose: A commonly implemented software process improvement framework is the capability maturity model integrated (CMMI). Existing literature indicates higher levels of CMMI maturity could result in a loss of agility due to its organizational focus. To maintain agility, research has focussed attention on agile maturity models. The objective of this paper is to find the common resea ...
Agile, Scrum, XP, Maturity Model, Agile Maturity Model, Agile Process Improve-ment
53 - 73
Ahmed A. Al-Hunaiyyan, Andrew T Bimba, Norisma Idris, Salah Al-Sharhan
Aim/Purpose: This work aims to present a knowledge modeling technique that supports the representation of the student learning process and that is capable of providing a means for self-assessment and evaluating newly acquired knowledge. The objective is to propose a means to address the pedagogical challenges in m-learning by aiding students’ metacognition through a model of a student with the tar ...
m-learning, pedagogy, mobile device, knowledge modeling
75 - 98
Shreyas Suresh Rao, Ashalatha Nayak
Aim/Purpose: A vital business activity within socio-technical enterprises is tacit knowledge externalization, which elicits and explicates tacit knowledge of enterprise employees as external knowledge. The aim of this paper is to integrate diverse aspects of externalization through the Enterprise Ontology model.

Background: Across two decades, researchers have explored various aspects of tacit ...
tacit knowledge, enterprise ontology, socio-technical enterprise, externalization, certainty-factor
99 - 124
Jeanne Moore
Aim/Purpose: This journal paper seeks to understand historical aspects of data management, leading to the current data issues faced by organizational executives in relation to big data and how best to present the information to circumvent big data challenges for executive strategic decision making.

Background: This journal paper seeks to understand what executives value in data visualization, b ...
big data, data analytics, data visualization, cognitive fit theory, Cynefin Frame-work, executive strategic decision making
125 - 138
Abdul Waheed, Jianhua Yang, Jon K. Webber
Aim/Purpose: The present study investigates the relationship between the five-factor model (FFM) of personality traits and sales performance in Pakistan.

Background: Personality is a well-researched area in which numerous studies have examined the correlation between personality traits and job performance. In this study, a positive effect between the various dimensions of the five-factor mode ...
personality traits, five-factor model (FFM), sales performance, sales force of Pakistan, females, religious and cultural forces
139 - 157
Alrence S Halibas, Rowena Ocier Sibayan, Rolou Lyn Maata
Aim/Purpose: Countries today strategically pursue regional development and economic diversification to compete in the world market. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are at the crux of this political strategy. The paper reviews how HEIs can propel regional socio-economic growth and development by way of research innovation and entrepreneurship.

Background: Offering an academic perspective ab ...
entrepreneurship, HEI, innovation, knowledge economy, Penta Helix
159 - 174
Joy Fluker, Meg Coffin Murray
Aim/Purpose: Unified Communications (UC) is touted as a technology that will transform business communication. While positive claims abound, the factors of UC attributable to its success have yet to be identified. By examining how users perceive UC impacts productivity, this study aids organizations in making better decisions regarding investments in and usage of communications technologies.

Unified Communications (UC), business communications, communications channels, perceived productivity
175 - 187
Isaac Asampana, Albert Akanlisikum Akanferi, James Ami-Narh
Aim/Purpose: This study investigates the factors that affect the post implementation success of a web-based learning management system at the University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA).

Background: UPSA implemented an LMS to blend Web-based learning environment with the traditional methods of education to enable working students to acquire education.

Methodology: An explanatory sequen ...
web-based learning, information system, information technology, IT infrastructure, web-based learning management system, Moodle
189 - 208
Iris A Humala
Aim/Purpose: This study aims to develop a descriptive typology to better identify leadership toward creativity in virtual work in different types of companies.

Background: The study empirically explores how leadership toward creativity occurs in virtual work and uses the theoretical lenses of creativity-conducive leadership and heterarchy to generate a typology.

Methodology : A multiple qua ...
virtual work, creativity, leadership, typology, heterarchy
209 - 243
Millicent Agangiba, salah Kabanda
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the key research foci, methodologies, and theoretical perspectives adopted by researchers when studying E-government accessibility for persons with disabilities (PWDs), particularly in developing countries. The study aims to develop a conceptual framework for designing accessible E-government for PWDs in developing countries.

Background: Stu ...
e-government accessibility, persons with disabilities, developing countries
245 - 268
Uzoma Heman Ononye, Anthony Igwe
Aim/Purpose: Facebook has made it possible for organisation to embrace social and network centric knowledge processes by creating opportunities to connect, interact, and collaborate with stakeholders. We have witnessed a significant increase in the popularity and use of this tool in many organisations, especially in the private sector. But the utilisation of Facebook in public organisations is at ...
social media, Facebook, knowledge sharing
269 - 282
Ayman N. Alkhaldi
Aim/Purpose: This work aims to understand why a disparity between the popularity of smart phones and the limited adoption of m-banking exists. Accordingly, this study investigates factors that affect a person’s decision to adopt m-banking services. Such an investigation seeks to determine if and to what extent customers’ mobile phone experience as well as their awareness of m-banking services infl ...
mobile banking, mobile commerce, mobile phone experience, awareness of services, behavioral intention to use
283 - 308
Shamsudeen Ladan Shagari, Akilah Abdullah, Rafeah Mat Saat
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the interrelationship among the quality measures of information system success, including system quality, information, quality, and service quality, that eventually influence accounting information systems effectiveness.

Background: It is generally believed that investment in an information system offers opportunities to organizations for b ...
accounting information systems effectiveness, system quality, information quality, service quality, Nigeria
309 - 335
Andre Calitz, Margaret Cullen
Aim/Purpose: This paper aims to present an example of the application of a Knowledge Man-agement (KM) framework to automotive original component manufacturers (OEMs). The objective is to explore KM according to the four pillars of a selected KM framework.

Background: This research demonstrates how a framework, namely the George Washington University’s Four Pillar Framework, can be used to determi ...
knowledge management, knowledge management system, framework, automotive industry
337 - 365

Volume 11, 2016

table of contents, IJIKM, Information, Knowledge, Management
i - iii
Babak Teimourpour , Vahid Eslami, Maghsoud Mohammadi, Milad Padidarfard
Helping a company organize and capture the knowledge used by its employees and business processes is a daunting task. In this work we examine several proposed methodologies and synthesize them into a new methodology that we demonstrate through a case study of an electric power distribution company. This is a practical research study. First, the research approach for creating the knowledge map is p ...
Knowledge mapping, knowledge breakdown structure, knowledge levelling, business-process oriented knowledge management, knowledge meta-model
1 - 16
Prokreeti Mitra, Sasmita Mishra
Recently ERP implementation has seen increasing significance in different sectors. The research related to the implementation issues of ERP has also increased during the past decade. Particularly the behavioral aspects of ERP implementations have been researched in terms of identifying appropriate frameworks, critical success factors, perception and attitude of users and managers, the role of chan ...
ERP Implementation, critical success factors, perception of users, leadership
17 - 30
Karoly Bozan, Pratim Datta
A central premise for the creation of Electronic Health Records (EHR) is ensuring the portability of patient health records across various clinical, insurance, and regulatory entities. From portability standards such as International Classification of Diseases (ICD) to data sharing across institutions, a lack of portability of health data can jeopardize optimal care and reduce meaningful use. This ...
Design Theory, Data Availability, Data Portability, Satisfaction, Stakeholders, Patient Care Processes
31 - 53
Irena Malgorzata Ali
This paper reports on research with a broad objective to examine the relationship between two organizational entities, the formally structured organization and informal organizational structures, in a changing operational environment, more specifically during military deployments. The paper draws on organizational and complexity paradigms; based on empirical evidence obtained through qualitative t ...
organizational studies, formal and informal organizational structures – symbiotic re-lationship, organizational adaptation, organizational agility, organizations and institutions, complexity, frameworks, case studies
55 - 72
Olusola I. Akinbobola, Akinniyi A. Adeleke
Several studies extended the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) by examining the antecedents of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use; the present study looks at demographic aspect of external variables in virtual library use among undergraduate students. The purpose of this study is to identify the demographic factors sex, level of study, cumulative grade point average, and computer knowl ...
Technology acceptance model, Theory of reasoned action, demographic variables, users’ perception, virtual library usage
73 - 87
Ewa Ziemba
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) encompassing computer and network hardware and software, and so on, as well as various services and applications associated with them, are assuming a growing presence within the modern homestead and have an indelible impact on the professional and everyday life of people. This research aims to explore factors influencing the successful adoption and ...
ICTs, households, ICT adoption, ICT usage, success factors, Poland
89 - 113
Christian Nedu Osakwe, Titus Chukwuemezie Okeke
A general belief is that Mobile Money (mMoney) has the catalytic effect of spurring mCommerce growth and driving financial inclusion in developing nations like Nigeria. In Nigeria, mMoney service is certainly a new financial service innovation in the country, and as a result critical issues surrounding its early critical mass adoption, including its perceived usefulness, remain largely opaque. In ...
BoP, consumer behaviour, financial inclusion, mMoney, mCommerce, Nigeria, SSA, sub-Saharan Africa
115 - 139
Luis E Valdez-Juárez, Domingo García-Pérez de Lema, Gonzalo Maldonado-Guzmán
For more than two decades, knowledge management (KM) has been examined in the literature and considered a basic factor in business management. The purpose of this article is to explore the ability of knowledge management to achieve small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) innovation and business performance. Data analysis procedures of PLS-SEM was used to analyze the data based on responses from th ...
Knowledge management (KM), innovation, performance, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), information and communication technology (ICT)
141 - 176
Chris W Callaghan
Knowledge management research applied to the development of real-time research capability, or capability to solve societal problems in hours and days instead of years and decades, is perhaps increasingly important, given persistent global problems such as the Zika virus and rapidly developing antibiotic resistance. Drawing on swarm intelligence theory, this paper presents an approach to real-time ...
Knowledge management, crowdsourcing, swarm solving, theory development, complex problem solving
177 - 199
Eunyoung Kim, Hideyuki Horii
Analogical thinking is one of the most effective tools to generate innovative ideas. It enables us to develop new ideas by transferring information from well-known domains and utilizing them in a novel domain. However, using analogical thinking does not always yield appropriate ideas, and there is a lack of consensus among researchers regarding the evaluation methods for assessing new ideas. Here, ...
analogical thinking, idea generation, innovation workshops, thinking processes in idea generation, assessment of new ideas
201 - 214
Shahram Nasiri, Mohammad Javad Nasiri, Asiyeh Sa’adati Azar
In order to reduce cost, improve functionality and gain competitive advantages, organizations resort to reengineering projects by developing and making changes to organizational processes. The absence of a unified methodology and appropriate analytic approaches prior to the implementation of reengineering projects has made authorities not to adopt correct decision making approaches in this respect ...
Business Process Reengineering, Redesigning Processes, Improvement Process, Multiple-criteria decision-making, Analytical Hierarchy Process
215 - 234
Faisal Iddris
Purpose: Innovation capability is a growing and significant area of academic research. However, there is little attempt to provide a cumulative overview of this phenomenon. The purpose of this systematic review is to synthesize peer reviewed articles published in the area to develop a conceptual framework and to aid future research.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The paper adopted a systematic revi ...
innovation capability, collaboration, creativity, innovation, systematic review
235 - 260
Chengyi LE
According to the different behavior characteristics of knowledge contribution of enterprise employees, a multi-task principal-agent relationship of knowledge contribution between enterprise and employees is established based on principal-agent theory, analyzing staff’s knowledge contribution behavior of knowledge creation and knowledge participation. Based on this, a multi-task principal agent mod ...
multi-task principal-agent model, knowledge contribution, knowledge creation and participation, Incentive measures
261 - 271
Alastair Irons, Jacques Ophoff
This paper explores the issues facing digital forensics in South Africa. It examines particular cyber threats and cyber threat levels for South Africa and the challenges in addressing the cybercrimes in the country through digital forensics. The paper paints a picture of the cybercrime threats facing South Africa and argues for the need to develop a skill base in digital forensics in order to coun ...
digital forensics, cybercrime, legislation, skills development, South Africa
273 - 283
Eeva M. Järvenpää, Miia-Johanna Kopra, Minna Lanz
Efficient knowledge and information management is essential for companies to prosper in the rapidly changing global environment. This article presents challenges of a large Finnish multinational company relating to their current knowledge and information management practices and systems. The focus is on New Product Introduction (NPI) process. The study is based on interviews and facilitated worksh ...
knowledge management, information management, knowledge creation, knowledge sharing, information sharing, information flows, case study
285 - 308
Brenda M Scholtz, Imran Mahmud, Ramayah T.
Though the field of management information systems, as a sector and a discipline, is the inventor of many guidelines and models, it appears to be a slow runner on practical implications of interface usability. This usability can influence end users’ attitude and behavior to use IT. The purpose of this paper was to examine the interface usability of a popular Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) soft ...
Enterprise Resource Planning, Interface usability, ERP usability, Technology Acceptance Model, Partial Least Squares
309 - 330
Adebowale I Ojo
Universities have traditionally been leaders in the field of knowledge production, research, and societal development. They are expected to be drivers of innovation, thereby contributing to the development of a learning society. The array of challenges facing universities in Nigeria and other developing countries forces one to question their levels of innovation. While knowledge management has bee ...
knowledge management, higher education, innovation, university, Nigeria
331 - 345
Maxine P Esterhuyse, Brenda M Scholtz, Danie Venter
Together, the fields of education and information technology have identified the need for an online solution to training. The introduction of e-learning has optimised the learning process, allowing organisations to realise the many advantages that e-learning offers. The importance of user involvement in the success of e-learning makes it imperative that the forces driving intention to use e-learni ...
e-learning, intention, satisfaction, survey, self-efficacy, enjoyment, computer anxiety
347 - 365

Volume 10, 2015

Kevin A. Johnston, Elsje Scott , Mike Hart
This table of contents will be updated throughout the year as new papers are published.
i - iii
Danny Wee Hock Quik, Nevan Wright, Ammar Rashid, Sivadass Thiruchelvam
The purpose of the study is to identify influential factors in the use of collaborative networks within the context of manufacturing. The study aims to investigate factors that influence employees’ learning, and to bridge the gap between theory and praxis in collaborative networks in manufacturing. The study further extends the boundary of a collaborative network beyond enterprises to include supp ...
Employees’ learning, collaborative networked learning, collaborative networks, socio-technical systems theory
1 - 19
Yan Lu, Joseph T. Chao, Kevin R. Parker
This project shows a creative approach to the familiar scavenger hunt game. It involved the implementation of an iPhone application, HUNT, with Augmented Reality (AR) capability for the users to play the game as well as an administrative website that game organizers can use to create and make available games for users to play. Using the HUNT mobile app, users will first make a selection from a lis ...
Software Engineering, Augmented Reality, iOS Application, Scavenger Hunt
21 - 35
George Gatuha, Tao Jiang
Health Data collection is one of the major components of public health systems. Decision makers, policy makers, and medical service providers need accurate and timely data in order to improve the quality of health services. The rapid growth and use of mobile technologies has exerted pressure on the demand for mobile-based data collection solutions to bridge the information gaps in the health secto ...
Health Data collection, Short Message Service, Open Source data frameworks, Mobile Technologies, Vaccination, Kenya
37 - 46
Ewa Ziemba, Iwona Oblak
It can be argued that public organizations, in order to provide the public with sufficient services in the current, highly competitive and continuously evolving environment, require changes. The changes that become necessary are often related to the implementation of information systems (IS). Moreover, when organizations are faced with changes, a change management (CM) process needs to be put in p ...
project management, change management, public organizations, information systems, IS, critical success factors, CSF
47 - 62
Raafat George Saadé, Heliu Dong, James Wan
This research seeks to analyse the project success factors related to project managers’ traits. The context of the research entails a ‘United Nations’ type of organization. Critical success factors from previous recent studies were adopted for this research. Nineteen factors were adopted and a survey methodology approach was followed. Sixty six participants completed the survey. Exploratory factor ...
Project Manager, United Nations, Critical Success Factors.
63 - 80
Ayman Alarabiat, Samer Al-Mohammad
The purpose of this paper was to explore the current and potential use of Facebook for learning purposes by Jordanian university students. The paper attempted to compare such use with other uses of Facebook. Further, the paper investigated Jordanian university students’ attitudes towards using Facebook as a formal academic tool, through the use of course-specific Facebook groups. To that end, quan ...
Facebook, social networks, academic context, purposes, uses, universities, Jordan
81 - 103
Nemwel Aming'a
Knowledge management and knowledge assets have gained much prominence in recent years and are said to improve organizational performance. Knowledge capture and acquisition mechanisms enhance organizational memory and performance. However, knowledge capture and acquisition mechanisms in higher education institutions are not well known. The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge capture ...
Knowledge Management, Mechanisms, Knowledge Capture and Acquisition mechanisms, knowledge capture and acquisition
105 - 116
Thale Kvernberg Andersen
Power differences affect implementation of information and communication technology (ICT) in a way that creates differences in ICT use. Involuntary non-use of new ICT at work occurs when employees want to use the new technology, but are unable to due to factors beyond their control. Findings from an in-depth qualitative study show how involuntary non-use of new ICT can be attributed to power diffe ...
ICT implementation, power, organizational change, involuntary non-use, working conditions, learn-ing, ICT resistance
117 - 143
Soud Almahamid, Omer Awsi
This study aims to examine the impact of organizational environment (top management support, company-wide support, business process reengineering, effective project management, and organizational culture) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) vendor environment (ERP vendor support) on ERP perceived benefits. In order to achieve the study’s aim, a questionnaire was developed based on the extant li ...
top management support, business process reengineering, effective project management, company-wide support, organizational culture, vendor support, SMEs, ERP benefits
145 - 172
Ryan Wark, Jon K. Webber
Collaboration technologies enable people to communicate and use information to make organizational decisions. The United States Navy refers to this concept as information dominance. Various collaboration technologies are used by the Navy to achieve this mission. This qualitative descriptive study objectively examined how a matrix oriented Navy activity perceived an implemented collaboration tec ...
Government, Business Intelligence, Collaboration, Information Technology, E-collaboration
173 - 192
Stefan Holgersson
This paper contributes to the limited research on roles ICT can play in impression-management strategies and is based on case studies done in the Swedish Police. It also gives a theoretical contribution by adopting a holistic approach to explain how ICT can contribute to giving a misleading picture of conditions. Output generated by ICT has nowadays a central role in follow-up activities and decis ...
ICT, information quality, output, impression-management, misleading, decision-making
193 - 215
Alexei Botchkarev
Return on Investment (ROI) is one of the most popular performance measurement and evaluation metrics. ROI analysis (when applied correctly) is a powerful tool in comparing solutions and making informed decisions on the acquisitions of information systems. The purpose of this study is to provide a systematic research of the accuracy of the ROI evaluations in the context of information systems imple ...
Return on Investment, ROI, evaluation, costs, benefits, accuracy, estimation error, error propagation, uncertainty, information system, performance measure, business value
217 - 233

Volume 9, 2014

Joseph T. Chao, Tanxin Du, Christopher Wagenheim, Theodore Rippey
19 - 30
Joseph Johnson, Susan J. Lincke, Ralf Imhof, Charles Lim
89 - 116
Noushin Ashrafi, Lori Kelleher, Jean-Pierre Kuilboer
117 - 130
131 - 152
Ying Huang, Xingjun Wang, Mickaël Gardoni, Coulibaly Amadou
175 - 191
David J. Cornforth, Dean Robinson, Ian Spence, Herbert Jelinek
This work investigated the suitability of a new tool for decision support in training programs of high performance athletes. The aim of this study was to find a reliable and robust measure of the fitness of an athlete for use as a tool for adjusting training schedules. We examined the use of heart rate recovery percentage (HRr%) for this purpose, using a two-phased approach. Phase 1 consisted of t ...
heart rate recovery, decision support, training schedule, high performance sport, aerobic fitness
193 - 207

Volume 8, 2013

Olusola I. Akinbobola, Akinniyi A. Adeleke
43 - 57
99 - 119

Volume 7, 2012

Joseph Barjis, Ashish Gupta, Ramesh Sharda, Tatiana Bouzdine-Chameeva, Peggy D. Lee, Alexander Verbraeck
237 - 255

Volume 6, 2011

Hamid Rahimi, Azizollah ArbabiSarjou , Sayeed Mohsen Allammeh , Razieh Aghababaei
17 - 33
Raafat George Saadé, Fassil Nebebe, Tak Mak
35 - 72
Kirby McMaster, Samuel Sambasivam, Nicole Anderson
73 - 83
85 - 94
Jo Coldwell, Annemieke Craig, Annegret Goold
95 - 106
Maja Dimitrijevic, Zita Bošnjak
137 - 150
Dimitar Christozov, Stefanka Chukova, Plamen Mateev
163 - 176
217 - 230
Raafat George Saadé, Serge Elgaly, Fassil Nebebe
231 - 243

Volume 5, 2010

Dimitar Christozov, Stefanka Chukova, Plamen Mateev
61 - 72
83 - 99
139 - 151
Olufunke R. Vincent, Olusegun Folorunso, Adio Taofiki Akinwale, Adebayo D. Akinde
153 - 166
Anuoluwapo Ajayi, Emmanuel A. Olajubu, D. F. Ninan, S. A. Akinboro, H. Abimbola Soriyan
277 - 291
Adio Taofiki Akinwale, Adekoya Felix Adebayo, S. Adebukola Onashoga
293 - 303
305 - 326
Dragana Martinovic, Timothy Pugh, Jelena Magliaro
375 - 394

Volume 4, 2009

Nelson K. Y. Leung, Seung Hwan Kang, Sim Kim Lau, Joshua Fan
37 - 50
Oludele Awodele, Emmanuel Rotimi Adagunodo, Adio Taofiki Akinwale, Sunday Idowu, M. Agbaje
51 - 62

Volume 3, 2008

Wei-Bang Chen, Yufeng Li, Seng-Jaw Soong, Dongquan Chen
11 - 21
Simon Mukenge Tshinu, Gerrit Botha, Marlien Herselman
39 - 53
Amanda Regolini, Frédéric Berger, Emmanuelle Jannès-Ober, Luuk Dorren
103 - 113
135 - 146

Volume 2, 2007

Vesna Bosilj-Vuksic, Vlatko Ceric, Vlatka Hlupic
73 - 88
Aneerav Sukhoo, Andries Barnard, Mariki M. Eloff, John A. Van der Poll
99 - 118
Mojca Indihar Stemberger, Andrej Kovacic, Jurij Jaklic
119 - 133
Adesina S. Sodiya , Olumide Babatope Longe, S. Adebukola Onashoga, Oludele Awodele, L. O. Omotosho
163 - 177
Wernher R. Friedrich, John A. Van der Poll
179 - 193

Volume 1, 2006

Tzyh-Lih Hsia, Li-Min Lin, Jen-Her Wu , Hsien-Tang Tsai
13 - 22
23 - 36
37 - 45
Line Dube, Anne Bourhis, Real Jacob
69 - 93
Eric C. Okafor, Charles C. Osuagwu
95 - 107
109 - 123
125 - 136
137 - 149

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