Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline (InformingSciJ)

Online ISSN: 1521-4672  •  Print ISSN: 1547-9684

Published Articles


Volume 19, 2016

Raafat George Saadé
InformingScienceJ, Volume 19, 2016 Table of Contents
table of contents, Informing Science
i - iii
Grandon Gill, Matthew Mullarkey, Joseph E Mohr, Moez Limayem
As the complexity of a system grows, the challenge of informing the stakeholders of that system grows correspondingly. Nowhere is that challenge more daunting than in business education, where globalization, technological innovation, and increasingly complicated regulations continuously transform the business environment facing graduates and practitioners. Informing science theory proposes that di ...
informing science, informing system, internships, externships, business education, case studies, research, channel, complexity, rugged landscape, business school, impact
1 - 73
Dimitar Grozdanov Christozov, Stefanka Chukova, Plamen S. Mateev
The following definition of “option” is given in Wikipedia - “In finance, an option is a contract, which gives the buyer (the owner or holder) the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset or instrument at a specified strike price on or before a specified date, depending on the form of the option” (“Option,” n.d.). Option as a risk management (mitigation) tool is broadly us ...
warranty of malfunctioning, warranty of misinforming, options, asymmetry, utility, risk of misinforming
75 - 87
Bill Davey, Karoly Bozan, Robert Houghton, Kevin R. Parker
Group work can provide a valuable learning experience, one that is especially relevant for those preparing to enter the information system workforce. While much has been discussed about effective means of delivering the benefits of collaborative learning in groups, there are some problems that arise due to pragmatic environmental factors such as the part time work commitments of students. This stu ...
action research, group work problems
89 - 102
Celina M. Olszak, Jerzy Andrzej Kisielnicki
The main aim of this paper is to provide a theoretically and empirically grounded discussion on IT-based organizational creativity support. This study attempts to answer the following questions: (1) what is the issue of organizational creativity and its IT-based support, (2) what is the demand for IT –based organizational creativity support; (3) what are the main determinants and barriers to IT-ba ...
Organizational creativity, IT-based organizational creativity support, success factors
103 - 123
Jeremy J Storer, Joseph T. Chao, Andrew T Torelli, Alexis D Ostrowski
Non-expert scientists are frequently involved in research requiring data acquisition over large geographic areas. Despite mutual benefits for such “citizen science”, barriers also exist, including 1) difficulty maintaining user engagement with timely feedback, and 2) the challenge of providing non-experts with the means to generate reliable data. We have developed a system that addresses these bar ...
Citizen Science, Cell-phone Spectrometer, Water Contaminant Analysis, Web and Mobile Development, Visualization
125 - 139
Erastus Karanja, Donna M. Grant, Shinetta Freeman, David Anyiwo
This study investigates the skill sets necessary for entry level systems analysts. Towards this end, the study combines two sources of data, namely, a content analysis of 200 systems analysts’ online job advertisements and a survey of 20 senior Information Systems (IS) professionals. Based on Chi-square tests, the results reveal that most employers prefer entry level systems analysts with an under ...
System Analysts, Information Systems, Education, Skills, Content Analysis, Empirical Study
141 - 160
Jerzy Andrzej Kisielnicki, Anna Maria Misiak
The global Business Intelligence (BI) market grew by 10% in 2013 according to the Gartner Report. Today organizations require better use of data and analytics to support their business decisions. Internet power and business trend changes have provided a broad term for data analytics – Big Data. To be able to handle it and leverage a value of having access to Big Data, organizations have no other c ...
Agile methods, Business Intelligence, efficiency, end-users needs, advanced analytics, sprint, iteration
161 - 172
Cheng Sun, Rita Spathis, Krithivasan Sankaranarayanan, Chim W. Chan, J. Koji Lum
The all-pervasive Internet has created serious problems, such as Internet overuse, which has triggered considerable debate over its relationship with addiction. To further explore its genetic susceptibilities and alternative explanations for Internet overuse, we proposed and evaluated four hypotheses, each based on existing knowledge of the biological bases of addiction, inattention, novelty-seeki ...
Internet overuse; inattentiveness; dopamine receptor D4 gene (DRD4); serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR); Internet Addiction Test
173 - 200
Sonja H Bickford, Angela K Hollman, Marina Nenasheva, Pamela Lesser, Timo Koivurova
In many cases, temporary websites may be simple, accessible solutions for knowledge management and dissemination of information. However, such sites may become outdated as the funding ends, but yet in many cases, still publicly available through the Internet. The issue of website sustainability is a relevant topic for all organizations that have websites. Website lifecycle, knowledge management, a ...
websites, lifecycle, knowledge management, sustainability, case study
201 - 213
Mohammad A. Alajmi, Awadh H. Alharbi, Husain F. Ghuloum
Based on the diffusion of innovation (DOI) theory (Rogers, 2003), the uses and gratifications (U&G) theory, and trust theory, this study investigated the factors that influence the use of Twitter among the Kuwaiti community. The study surveyed Twitter users in Kuwait. A structured online questionnaire was used to collect data, and 463 respondents who provided complete answers participated. Multipl ...
social media, microblogging, Kuwait, diffusion of innovation, motivations, trust objects, communication technology
215 - 237
Emad Moaddab

In his “Theses on the Philosophy of History”, Walter Benjamin suggests that all cultural treasures “owe their existence not only to the efforts of the great minds and talents who have created them, but also to the anonymous toil of their contemporaries. There is no document of civilization which is not at the same time a document of barbarism”. The most obvious and prominent examples of cultural ...
cinematic thinking, monumental architectural works, cultural documents, montage, cultural imaginary geography
239 - 251
Layla Hasan
This research aims to suggest key design characteristics that are necessary for developing usable e-commerce websites in the Arab world. A comprehensive usability evaluation of four leading Arab e-commerce websites was conducted using the heuristic evaluation method. The results identified major and minor usability problems and major and minor good design characteristics on the selected websites. ...
key design characteristics, usability, e-commerce websites, Arab world, heuristic evaluation, informing
253 - 275
Marc Pelteret, Jacques Ophoff
The privacy of personal information is an important area of focus in today’s electronic world, where information can so easily be captured, stored, and shared. In recent years it has regularly featured as a topic in news media and has become the target of legislation around the world. Multidisciplinary privacy research has been conducted for decades, yet privacy remains a complex subject that stil ...
privacy, information privacy, personal information, privacy management, consumers, clients, transdisciplinary, organizations, literature review
277 - 301
Elsje Scott , Terrina Govender, Nata van der Merwe
In the fast changing global economic landscape, the cultivation of sustainable entrepreneurial ventures is seen as a vital mechanism that will enable businesses to introduce new innovative products to the market faster and more effectively than their competitors.
This research paper investigated phenomena that may play a significant role when entrepreneurs implement creative ideas resulting in s ...
entrepreneurial start-ups, partnerships, education, idea generation, innovation, design thinking, common features for the foundation of a successful company
303 - 324
Chris W Callaghan
Certain trends in scientific research have important relevance to bioethics theory and practice. A growing stream of literature relates to increasing transparency and inclusivity of populations (stakeholders) in scientific research, from high volume data collection, synthesis, and analysis to verification and ethical scrutiny. The emergence of this stream of literature has implications for bioethi ...
biomedical ethics, citizen science, informing science, probabilistic innovation, crowdsourcing, transparency, scientific inclusiveness
325 - 343
Ulrich Schmitt
The article presents Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) as an overdue individualized as well as a collaborative approach for knowledge workers. Designing a PKM-supporting system, however, resembles a so-called “wicked” problem (ill-defined; incomplete, contradictory, changing requirements, complex interdependencies) where the information needed to understand the challenges depends on upon one’s i ...
Personal Knowledge Management (PKM), Design Science Research (DSR), Informing Science (IS), Popper’s Three Worlds, Knowledge Worker, Organizational Knowledge Man-agement (OKM), Human Capital, Capacity Development, Lifelong learning, Digital Ecosystems, Complexity, Memes, Memex, Knowcations
345 - 379
Junghyun Nam
Web portals have been used as information products to deliver personalized, feature-rich, and flexible information needs to Internet users. However, all portals are not equal. Most of them have relatively a small number of visitors, while a few capture the majority of surfers. This study seeks to uncover the factors that contribute the perceived quality of a general portal. Based on 21 factors der ...
web portal, web portal quality, information quality, information product quality, perceived quality; intention to use
381 - 409

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