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Shalini Misra, Gaetano R Lotrecchiano
InformingSciJ , Volume 21 , 2018
Aim/Purpose: This is an introductory paper for the Special Series on transdisciplinary communication. It summarizes the various articles in the special series and raises questions for future investigation.
transdisciplinary communication
Shouhong Wang , Hai Wang, Nadia Khalil
IJIKM , Volume 13 , 2018
Aim/Purpose: This study investigates the research profile of the papers published in Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management (IJIKM) to provide silhouette information of the journal for the editorial team, researchers, and the audience of the journal. Background: Information and knowledge management is an interdisciplinary subject. IJIKM defines intersections of multip ...
Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, IJIKM, research profile, content analysis, thematic analysis
Mohammad A. Alajmi, Awadh H. Alharbi, Husain F. Ghuloum
InformingSciJ , Volume 19 , 2016
Based on the diffusion of innovation (DOI) theory (Rogers, 2003), the uses and gratifications (U&G) theory, and trust theory, this study investigated the factors that influence the use of Twitter among the Kuwaiti community. The study surveyed Twitter users in Kuwait. A structured online questionnaire was used to collect data, and 463 respondents who provided complete answers participated. Multipl ...
social media, microblogging, Kuwait, diffusion of innovation, motivations, trust objects, communication technology
Andreas Drechsler
InformingSciJ , Volume 18 , 2015
This paper identifies areas in the design science research (DSR) subfield of the information systems (IS) discipline where a more detailed consideration of practitioner audiences of socio-technical design artifacts could improve current IS DSR research practice and proposes an initial conceptualization of these audiences. The consequences of not considering artifact audiences are identified throug ...
design science, informing science, artifacts, artifact audiences, relevance, fitness, utility
Danielle Morin, Jennifer D.E. Thomas, Raafat George Saadé
JITE:Research , Volume 14 , 2015
This article investigates students’ perceptions of the relationship between Problem-Solving and the activities and resources used in a Web-based course on the fundamentals of Information Technology at a university in Montreal, Canada. We assess for the different learning components of the course, the extent of perceived problem-solving skills acquisition including research, creativity and critical ...
critical thinking skills, information technology, problem-solving, web-based learning
Stefan Holgersson
IJIKM , Volume 10 , 2015
This paper contributes to the limited research on roles ICT can play in impression-management strategies and is based on case studies done in the Swedish Police. It also gives a theoretical contribution by adopting a holistic approach to explain how ICT can contribute to giving a misleading picture of conditions. Output generated by ICT has nowadays a central role in follow-up activities and decis ...
ICT, information quality, output, impression-management, misleading, decision-making
Pia Bøgelund, Erik de Graaff
IJDS , Volume 10 , 2015
The purpose of the doctoral education process is to create and legitimize scholarly researchers. This transformation, from student to scholar, is widely discussed in the literature. However, recent rapid changes in university culture have resulted in less time for supervision, stricter completion deadlines, and a greater focus on efficiency and productivity. This has had an impact on this transiti ...
Legitimate scholar, independence, interdependence, international PhD students, knowledge production
Kathryn Mac Callum, Lynn Jeffrey, Kinshuk
JITE:Research , Volume 13 , 2014
Eli Boyd Cohen
InformingSciJ , Volume 12 , 2009
Book , Volume 1 , 2009
The transdiscipline Informing Science was first theorized just a decade ago. So what is Informing Science.The Foundations of Informing Science provides a number of answer. But the question is not simple and so there are simple answers. The book consists of 23 chapters that explore this question and provides a fascinating read.
informing Science, Theory
Omar E. M. Khalil, Diane M. Strong, Beverly K. Kahn, Leo L. Pipino
InformingSciJ , Volume 2 , 1999

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