A Comprehensive Evaluation Rubric for Assessing Instructional Apps

Cheng-Yuan Lee, Todd Sloan Chener
Journal of Information Technology Education: Research  •  Volume 14  •  2015  •  pp. 021-053
There is a pressing need for an evaluation rubric that examines all aspects of educational apps designed for instructional purposes. In past decades, many rubrics have been developed for evaluating educational computer-based programs; however, rubrics designed for evaluating the instructional implications of educational apps are scarce. When an Internet search for existing rubrics was conducted, only two such rubrics were found, and the evaluation criteria used in those rubrics was not clearly linked to previously conducted research nor were their evaluative dimensions clearly defined. These shortcomings result in reviewers being unable to use those rubrics to provide teachers with a precise analysis of an educational app’s instructional potential. In response, this paper presents a comprehensive rubric with 24-evaluative dimensions tailored specifically to analyze the educational potential of instructional apps.
evaluation rubric, tablet technology, instructional apps, tablet devices, apps, public education, blended learning
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