A Flipped Classroom Approach to Teaching Systems Analysis, Design and Implementation to Second Year Information Systems University Students

Maureen Tanner, Elsje Scott
InSITE 2015  •  2015  •  pp. 900
[The final form of this paper was published in the Journal of Information Technology Education: Research]

This paper describes the flipped classroom approach followed in two second year Information Systems courses. The various techniques employed through this approach are described. These techniques were underpinned by a theory of coherent practice, which is a pedagogy that provides a framework for the design of highly structured interventions to guide students in their learning experiences. The paper also describes the students’ perceived benefits and limitations of the approach. The students’ performance was compared with that of the previous year where a traditional teaching method was followed. Overall, the flipped classroom approach had a positive impact on students’ attitude to learning, level of understanding, ability to apply concepts, engagement and performance. Limitations were mostly in line with a reluctance to take charge of their own learning (for some of them) and inability to engage in group discussions. A set of recommendations are proposed to address these gaps in line with what has been prescribed in literature. 
Flipped Classroom Approach, Inverted Classroom, Active Learning, Teaching & Learning, Problem-Solving
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