Information Security in Education: Are We Continually Improving?

Dennis Bialaszewski
InSITE 2015  •  2015  •  pp. 902
[The final form of this paper was published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology.] This paper will shed light on the lack of the development of appropriate monitoring systems in the field of education. Test banks can be easily purchased. Smart phones can take and share pictures of exams. A video of an exam given through Blackboard can easily be made. A survey to determine the extent of cheating using technology was given to several university students. Evidence is provided that shows security is lacking as evidenced by the number of students who have made use of technological advances to cheat on exams. The findings and conclusion may serve as evidence for administrators and policy makers to re-assess efforts being made to increase security in online testing.
education, security, testing, cheating, monitoring
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