Towards the Realization of the ICT Education Living Lab – The Success Story
InSITE 2015
• 2015
• pp. 909
[The final form of this paper was published in the journal Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology.] This paper presents the success story of the intuitive vision of an ICT high school educator in South Africa. The growth and evolution of a Community of Practice, towards a full-fledged living lab is investigated. A grounded theory study analyses the living lab concept and highlights some of the current challenges secondary high school ICT education face within the South African educational landscape. Some of the concepts, ideas, best practices and lessons learned in the establishment and running of two web based technologies to support secondary school ICT subjects is discussed. The researchers present a motivation for the use of living labs to address some of the issues identified and highlights how the existing platforms fits into bigger design.
Collaboration, Community of Practice, ICT Education, Living Labs, TechTeachers
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