Learning by Doing: How to Develop a Cross-Platform Web App

Minh Q. Huynh, Prashant Ghimire
InSITE 2015  •  2015  •  pp. 916
As mobile devices become prevalent, there is always a need for apps.  How hard is it to develop an app especially a cross-platform app? The paper shares an experience in a project involved the development of a student services web app that can be run on cross-platform mobile devices.  The paper first describes the background of the project, the clients, and the proposed solution.  Then, it focuses on the step-by-step development processes and provides the illustration of written codes and techniques used.  The goal is for readers to gain an understanding on how to develop a mobile-friendly web app.  The paper concludes with teaching implications and offers thoughts for further development.  

A revised version of this paper was published in the journal Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, Volume 14, 2015
Web-app, mobile-friendly web app, open-source software, web database, cross platform app.
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