An Empirical Study of Online Discussion Forum by Library and Information Science (LIS) Postgraduate Students Using Technology Acceptance Model 3
InSITE 2015
• 2015
• pp. 923
E-learning is an important trend globally accepted to enhance the acquisition of knowledge by students within and outside the classroom to improve their academic pursuit. Online Discussion Forum (ODF) is one of the tools that are used for e-learning in Nigerian universities. It facilitates interaction among postgraduate students as they can communicate and share information sources with one another to promote learning. However, the optimum use of this forum is determined by anchor factors in TAM 3 such as computer self-efficacy, perceptions of external control, computer anxiety and computer playfulness. A conceptual model based on TAM 3 was proposed and empirically tested. Using the survey research design and an online questionnaire for 121 Library and Information Science (LIS) postgraduate students, the paper revealed that computer self-efficacy, perceptions of external control, computer anxiety and computer playfulness has significant influence on the use of ODF. The paper therefore proposes that Online Discussion Forum should be encouraged for learning in postgraduate education.
A revised version of this paper was published in the Journal of Information Technology Education: Research
Volume 14, 2015
A revised version of this paper was published in the Journal of Information Technology Education: Research
Volume 14, 2015
Online discussion forum, E-learning, TAM 3, Postgraduate students, Nigeria
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