Comparing Social Isolation Effects on Students Attrition in Online Versus Face-to-Face Courses in Computer Literacy

Azad Ali , David T Smith
Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology  •  Volume 12  •  2015  •  pp. 011-020
This paper compares the effect of social isolation on students enrolled in online courses versus students enrolled in on campus courses (called in this paper Face-to-Face or F2F). Grade data was collected from one online section and two F2F sections of a computer literacy course that was recently taught by one of the authors of this study. The same instructor taught all sections thereby providing a controlled comparison between the two forms of teaching (F2F and online). This paper first introduces the plan and the limitation of this study. It provides a literature review and notes the trend of social isolation found in online courses. This paper then presents a summary of the collected data; and offers a conclusion based on the collected data.
Online course withdrawal, social isolation in online courses, attrition in online courses
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