Using the Web to Serve Students as Information Clients
InSITE 2002
• Volume 2
• 2002
This paper presents an information-client strategy for an academic department’s use of the web. The goals of this strategy are to maintain the department’s range of course offerings in the face of low enrollments and budget constraints, serve different student constituencies, and engage faculty who have diverse web-capabilities and interests in web-sites and web courses. The paper illustrates web-delivery technology that is currently available rather than develop advances in web course or web site methods. Our discussion is based on our experience as accounting educators at a state-supported, commuter campus. We explain the intent of our academic department’s web pages and assess their effectiveness. The paper is developed from the perspective of a Business School’s Accounting Department that primarily teaches Accounting students. It deals with issues and IT capabilities representative of a non-information-technology faculty and non-IT-focused students.
faculty, web-pages, academic, cost-effective, web-courses
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