Panel: One Size Does Not Fit All: Critical and Timely Issues in Computer Centered Curriculum Development

William H.Burkett, Linda Knight, Gail Burkett, Thorne Donnelley, Ian Newman
InSITE 2002  •  Volume 2  •  2002
The rapidly changing environment of the information age and the need to provide a well-rounded education, often times, are diametrically opposed. Local, regional, national, and international industry needs and pressures interact with school and discipline tradition. The basic requirements of a school’s degree often account for over half of the courses required for graduation. Administrations often do not know the difference between the parallel degrees of Computer Information and Information Technology or the complexities of Computer Science as opposed to Informing Science, thus complicating the process. The key question is “does one size fit all” when it comes to determining what a computer centered curriculum should be for a given school of higher education and to what extent do outside influences affect curriculum decisions.
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