Developing a Model of Student Learning in a Studio-Based Teaching Environment
InSITE 2002
• Volume 2
• 2002
This paper evaluates a studio based teaching model in a core first year subject of a traditionally delivered IT degree. It reports on first year students’ reactions to four aspects of the studio-based teaching and learning environment; the physical learning space, IT tools and infrastructure, teaching philosophy and portfolio assessment. Data was obtained through online Web-based surveys, issued mid-year and at the end of the year. The surveys were used to construct a model of students' satisfaction, including what influences the students’ use of the new environment and their perceptions of its value to their learning. Results revealed various factors that influence the students' satisfaction of studio-based teaching. Students found the studio precinct an inviting and comfortable place to learn; however, although students appreciated the working environment they were continuously frustrated with endless IT-related problems. Students' comments indicate the teaching environment facilitated collaboration, and by the end of the year they began to see the course as being better integrated. An unexpected finding was the evidence of students developing metacognitive skills via portfolio assessment.
evaluation, studio-based teaching and learning model, portfolio assessment
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