Benefit, Monitoring & Evaluation System: A Case Study of Malaysian Technical Education System
InSITE 2002
• Volume 2
• 2002
This paper presents a case study of the Malaysian technical education system. The Technical and Vocational Department (TVED) is designated to prepare skilled technical and intelligent workforce to Malaysia in order to meet the goals of Vision 2020. For that reason, a web-based management support system is proposed to TVED for its planning, management and decision-making activities. e-BME is a system for education monitoring and evaluation by means of establishing internal and external efficiency indicators. e-BME would receive input mainly from Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) schools and graduates. There are four types of reports that are generated by the system: Management, Financial, Research and Planning. TVED could use these reports in its policy and decisionmaking activities. This system promotes faster data collection, higher integrity of generated information and a systematic channel for distribution of reports.
Education Monitoring, Education Evaluation, Internal Efficiency, External Efficiency, Management Support System
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