Global Information Technology Management
InSITE 2002
• Volume 2
• 2002
Globalization is the perception of the world as one big market place. The notion of the boundariless world is expected to produce dramatic changes in key markets, major competitors, and Information Technology products. As a result, organizations are encouraged to rise above the national boundaries and change their orientation to global corporations. Further, the increased spending in Global Information Technology, which is anticipated to grow several folds within the next five years, is adding fuel to this shift. Events such as economic integration of Europe, merging of the companies across national borders, stock exchanges, outsourcing of Information Technology services to the third world countries, and the use of World Wide Web are forcing companies to re-evaluate their Global Information Technology management and to develop Global Information Strategy so as to get the most out of their business in the world economy. As the scope of Global Information Technology spans the global market, it is going to present mangers with a host of thorny issues. This paper suggests the key issues to be used as a guide for the Global Information Technology Managers to be successful in this fast changing technology oriented market, and also recommends Global Managers Evaluation Wheel which can be used for the appraisal of managers, subordinates, peer managers, on-site supervisors and clients working in the global Information Technology environment.
Global Information Technology, Global Information Strategy, And Global Managers Evaluation Wheel
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