Implementing an Interdisciplinary Masters Program in Internet Technology and E-Commerce

Dan Farkas, Narayan Murthy
InSITE 2002  •  Volume 2  •  2002
The explosion of the Internet has lead to a revolutionary way of doing business. Electronic commerce is currently estimated at $30 billion, but analysts predict that figure to grow to $400 billion by the year 2002. This leads to a tremendous need for skilled personnel who can handle both the technical and business aspects of e-commerce. One magazine article heading reads: "Looking for a New Job? Head for the Web." A recent announcement by U.S. Small Business Administration states that lack of technical expertise and lack of qualified IT employees are two of the major E-Commerce obstacles facing small firms. Working with the existing administrative infrastructure, Pace University's School of Computer Science and Information Systems has designed an interdisciplinary program, Master of Science in Information Technologies for Electronic Commerce. This short paper is an overview of the M.S. program.
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