The Emerging IS Global Profession: Accreditation - The Quality Assurance Dimension
InSITE 2002
• Volume 2
• 2002
As the global economy has expanded, the demand for quality information systems (IS) people increased globally. Ascertaining the quality of education in IS programs at colleges located within and outside the boundaries of the USA has become increasingly important to employers, students and the public. Accreditation is the quality assurance dimension of IS. IS accreditation is a reality in the USA and “Substantial Equivalency” status is available to computing programs outside the United States now that CSAB has joined ABET. What is the status of IS accreditation? What is “Substantial Equivalency”? How can “Substantial Equivalency” be available to programs outside the USA? What constitutes an accredited program? Who benefits from accreditation? What are the criteria for accrediting information systems programs? This paper addresses these and other accreditation issues and questions.
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