An Instrument to Classify End-Users Based On the User Cube
InSITE 2002
• Volume 2
• 2002
End-user computing (EUC) has led to increased end-user productivity and satisfaction. In order to reduce the risks inherent to EUC, organizations should better manage EUC. As a first step different groups of end-users must be identified. Existing classification schemes have weaknesses and fail to capture the different roles contemporary end users play. Cotterman and Kumar (1989) proposed a user cube based on the three main dimensions of EUC -development, operation, and control. Even though this is rational approach to end user classification, it has been largely ignored by researchers. This may be due to the lack of an instrument to implement the cube. Hence, in this paper, a 10-item instrument is presented and data collected from 292 end users show that the instrument has strong construct validity. Practitioners can find this instrument very useful in determining the characteristics of EUC in their firms which in turn would be beneficial to devise strategies for EUC management.
End-user computing, EUC Support, End-user Types, Instrument for Classification
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