Impact of Information Systems Implementations on Vertical Mergers and Acquisitions: A Framework

Nikhil S Gurjar, Sharadchandra D. Jog, Manoj K Jha, S. Amanullah
InSITE 2002  •  Volume 2  •  2002
The present work is an attempt to develop a conceptual framework for evaluating the impact of information systems implementations on Mergers and Acquisitions (referred to as M&A). Although this work focuses on vertical M&A, the framework can easily be extended to horizontal and conglomerate mergers. We begin by attempting to understand what M&A really are. We then move on to understand information systems as we know them today. Thereafter, we classify the nature of businesses from an information perspective. Technology assessment is then carried out on the existing information systems that are implemented in a company. This gives us an understanding of the characterization of the merging entities. We then go about understanding what the strategic options for the companies post merger are. These options are then evaluated to study the impact on the merger. An analytical framework is then developed in two cases that have been considered. Keywords: Merger and Acquisitions (M&A), Information Systems, Information Strategy.
Merger and Acquisitions (M&A), Information Systems, Information Strategy
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