Weaving a Web Development Curriculum

Wayne Haga, Janos Fustos
InSITE 2002  •  Volume 2  •  2002
Faculty in the Computer Information Systems department at the authors’ institution is in the process of developing a new Computer Information Systems degree with several areas of emphasis. One of the proposed areas of emphasis will be to prepare students for a career as a web developer. As part of the curriculum development process, the authors collected data regarding the current demand for web developers, the education level requested, salaries, and the specific skills employers are demanding. The research process included reading and recording the education level, experience, and specific skills employers are requesting for hundreds of jobs that have been posted on the Internet within the last few months. Additionally, data was gathered from other sources including courses and programs offered at other institutions of higher education. Using this data, a model curriculum for a degree leading to a career in the field of web development is proposed.
education, model, curriculum, web developer, job requirement
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