Shared Visions: Professional Development for Teacher Education Faculty

Leslie Hall, Clint Fisher, Sandra Musanti, Don Halquist, Matthew Magnuson, Darcy Simmons-Klarer
InSITE 2002  •  Volume 2  •  2002
This paper discusses a professional development program in the area of technology integration for teacher education faculty. The program was funded by a Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers This initiative involved one assistant professor of educational technology and five doctoral students as Tech Guides as the professional development team. Twenty-five faculty members who teach methods courses for licensure participated in the program. Each graduate student mentored five faculty members. The design of the professional development relied on the faculty members as professional educators to co-design the program with the professional development team. We discuss some of our insights gained from this three-year initiative and suggest ways in which this and similar programs could be supported and institutionalized in colleges of education.
teacher education, professional development, technology integration, mentoring, graduate students
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