A Study of the B2B Progress in Japanese Enterprises
InSITE 2002
• Volume 2
• 2002
Most Japanese enterprises are confronted with a rapid decline of business performance due to the long time recession of the Japanese economy. They gradually lost their competitive advantages in global marketplaces especially in the business domains of matured products including PCs. Most of them are forced to take prompt measures to respond to their business environment. For the past few years, we have been conducting questionnaire surveys repeatedly about B2B information systems in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The results of these surveys show clearly that their business performances have no clear relevance to the utilization B2B informatior systems. In conclusion, from a management strategy point of view, Japanese SMEs are classified into the following four types: (a) a group of high technical skills in special fields irrelevant to the utilization of information systems, (b) a new business model oriented group, (c) a manpower cost reduction oriented group, and (d) a foreign manufacturing subsidiary group. In the near future, these groups seem to polarize into group (a) and group (d).
competitive advantage, B2B, small and medium-sized enterprises, Japanese companies, management strategy
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