Teaching eBusiness Concepts using SAP's OnLine Store
InSITE 2002
• Volume 2
• 2002
Many universities around the world have formed strategic alliances with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems vendors to incorporate these types of systems into their curriculum. Over the past few years the sharing of curriculum resources between universities has facilitated this process. Universities are now struggling with the concept of how to develop e-business curriculum incorporating their existing ERP system. Universities are faced with firstly having to implement the available functionality and then develop the appropriate curriculum. This paper describes a student centric method to assist universities with this curriculum delivery. Students at Victoria University have implemented and documented the implementation process of SAP’s OnLine Store. This documentation will be freely distributed to other universities to assist them with their implementation. Staff at the University are in the process of developing ebusiness curriculum based on the OnLine Store which will also be distributed to other universities.
Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, SAP, e-business, IS curriculum, OnLine Store
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