An Applied Approach to Teaching HR Concepts Using an ERP System

Paul Hawking, Susan Foster, Penny Bassett
InSITE 2002  •  Volume 2  •  2002
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems offer a software-based system that handles an enterprise’s total information system needs in an integrated fashion. These systems are purported to incorporate “best business practice”. Many universities have realized the potential of these systems as educational tools and have developed curriculum accordingly. Many companies in recent times have identified the benefits of the Human Resources functionality offered by ERP systems. However universities in Australia have not realized the potential of this functionality as a teaching tool to reinforce many of the concepts covered in a Human Resource Management curriculum. This paper outlines the experiences at Victoria University where SAP Human Resources functionality was incorporated for the first time. It also describes a number of student projects under development that will enhance this curriculum development. The paper will provide a model to other universities who are considering developing similar type of curriculum. .
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