Data Communications and Networking in IS Curriculum: Framework for the Class Project

Andrzej Tomasz Jarmoszko, Michael Gendron
InSITE 2002  •  Volume 2  •  2002
Both practitioners and academics have recognized the importance of Data Communications and Networking (DCN) in undergraduate and graduate Information Systems education. This is confirmed, in particular, by the content of IS’97 and MSIS 2000 model curricula for degree programs in Information Systems (note IS’97.6 and MSIS2000.3). Experience shows that one of the most effective ways to teach Information Systems concepts is via the juxtaposition of theory and practice in the setting of a group class project. Yet, in contrast to other IS courses, there appears to be no established way to conduct the class project in a DCN course, particularly in relation to the methods of logical and physical network design, and cost/benefit evaluation of network implementation. Our research addresses this shortcoming through an attempt to synthesize the experience of IS programs, and through an effort to take that experience a step forward.
IS’97.6, MSIS2000.3, class project, data communications, networking, network design
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