The Use of DSS/EIS for Sustainable Development in Developing Nations
InSITE 2002
• Volume 2
• 2002
The use of information technology over the last two decades has been growing in different sectors and industries tackling many issues in the economy and penetrating many aspects of decision-making and organizational development. Information and communication technologies are also seen as a building block that can support socioeconomic development. Therefore, nations around the world have been attempting to capitalize on the capacities of various information and communication technologies to support their planning, development and growth processes. Egypt, as a developing country, attempted since the mid 1980s to invest in its information infrastructure and focus on the development of information and management support systems to leverage the decision making process in the government and the public sector with an emphasis on its local administration using management support systems such as decision support systems and executive information systems for socioeconomic development objectives. Following is the outcome of a research conducted covering the GIDSC project, sponsored by the government, and aiming to leverage the decision making process for governors. This paper is partially based on a research conducted in 2001 by Yosra Gadallah on the use of advanced information systems applications in the decision making process at the public administration level in Egypt.
Developing Nations, Egypt, EIS, DSS, Sustainable Development
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