Content Management - Concept and Indexing Term Equivalence in a Multilingual Thesaurus
InSITE 2002
• Volume 2
• 2002
Languages and the thinking they reflect stem mainly from cultural needs for expression. A controlled vocabulary, thesaurus, can be seen as a cultural product. The focus of this study is the translatability of British-English social science indexing terms into Finnish language and culture on a conceptual, term and indexing term level. The emphasis is on Finnish language and human factors. The study is quantitative-qualitative and the perspectives are both linguistic and sociological - a combination through which a broader understanding of the phenomena is being aimed at in the general frame of information science. The study uses multiple cases aiming at theoretical replication. It is thus an empirical case study and the goal is to illustrate a new theory of “pragmatic indexing (term) equivalence”. Several data collection and analysis methods will be used in order to construct a theory by triangulation of evidence. The aim of this research is a doctoral thesis in information studies.
multilingual thesauri, translation problems, equivalence, controlled vocabularies, social science terminology
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