Panel on: Can Action Research be Successfully Used in Information Systems Doctoral Research?

Ned Kock, Robert Davison, Antonio Figueiredo, Paulo Rupino da Cunha
InSITE 2002  •  Volume 2  •  2002
This panel discusses the use of action-research in doctoral programs. Three researchers, from three different continents, speaking three different languages, and representing three different cultures, provide their view, based on the actual work they carried out, using this approach, to obtain their PhDs. The fourth member of the panel - a senior IS researcher - will provide the advisor’s perspective, drawing from his experience on advising candidates using various approaches, including action-research. The audience is encouraged to pose questions during and between presentations. A slot for widespread discussion is reserved at the end.
Research Approaches, Action-Research, Doctoral Research, Doctoral Advising, Information Systems
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