Shaping New Paradigms In The Higher Education Development: Dilemmas For Transitional Countries

Denisa Krbec
InSITE 2002  •  Volume 2  •  2002
Higher education in Croatia, as well in the other transitional countries, is undergoing significant changes. Those reforming activities affect not only institutions directly but also their relationship to society at large. Recognizing that higher education plays also a crucial role in the various aspects of transitional transformation, many scientist and expert’s reviews place it in the current political, economic, cultural and social environment in which they operate. In this sense, and despite the specific reform start-point of each country, there is a general consensus on the need for regional cooperation. According the Bologna Declaration, the CEE countries need certain compatibility, which means certain similar structures of the educational system in order to strengthening the educational structure of the CEE region. This paper reviews different aspects of higher education challenges. Among many others, the use of IT in higher education effectively requires good tactics as well as a sensible strategy.
HE development, social inventions, transition, HITRA
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