Workshop: Take Blackboard Course Design to a New Dimension
InSITE 2002
• Volume 2
• 2002
This workshop is on designing dynamic Blackboard courses. The purpose of this workshop is to teach professors how to create a "one click" to all information course. The workshop will teach professors how to create drop down menus and how to create lecture notes with outlines on the side of the page. The workshop will also teach professors how to create hyperlinks from their course lecture notes to the discussion threads or drop box. The workshop will provide templates for professors to insert their information and teach them how to zip their files together to upload them into their Blackboard course. Each participant in the workshop will receive a CD with web page templates for creating pages with drop down menus and frames for course notes. Also, on the CD will be a written manual with step-by-step directions and hints on creating a dynamic Blackboard course.
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