An e-Business Class Using Just-in-Time Teaching and Cooperative Learning with a Constructivist Approach

Nina McGarry, Mary Granger
InSITE 2002  •  Volume 2  •  2002
This paper reviews the inventiveness of faculty combined with the resources of the World-Wide-Web in creating a just-in-time course for seniors studying e-Business. Additionally, the instructor incorporated cooperative learning adhering to a constructivist teaching approach. Adherence to just-in-time teaching using cooperative learning following a constructivist approach supports the goals of rapid access to the latest information, exchange of ideas and evolution of new concepts. It was an opportunity to develop a real project, incorporating meaningful skills learned in other business disciplines, with the potential for enhancing their future careers. This course is an exposure to searching for and using the most current and vital information necessary to thrive in the changing situations. It also enables students to learn how to learn.
JiTT (Just in Time Teaching), Cooperative Learning, Constructivist Approach.
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