The Scope of e-Learning: Expanded Horizons for Life-Long Learning

Elspeth McKay, Bill Martin
InSITE 2002  •  Volume 2  •  2002
The purpose of this paper is to open a discourse on the broad scope of e-Learning. The authors provide an overview of a much larger debate—mindful that the consequential topics are far reaching. The discussion first deals with the need to utilize meta-knowledge within the context of Web-based learning providing the background for the process of scoping e-Learning. The e-Learning phenomenon we experience today provides courseware designers with an opportunity to revisit all the fundamentals of instructional science involving learning theories and human performance. In setting the scene for the reader, it is useful to drill into the background issues of the digital learning context. It will be shown that the scope of e-Learning is more comprehensive than the commonly accepted issue of electronic delivery of instructional/learning materials. Wise use of the technologies can provide the leverage human beings require at this point for expanding their horizons for life-long learning.
meta-knowledge, knowledge management, human-computer interaction, Web-based instruction
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