Network Monitoring Tool
InSITE 2002
• Volume 2
• 2002
A Network Monitoring Tool “NETMON” is presented in this paper We have developed the tool that will Monitor the Network of any company say “XYZ” by performing certain Tests. NETMON will monitor the network by performing certain tests such as ping test, memory test, disk test, uptime test and URL test that would help to analyze where exactly the problem lies in the Network. The Results of the Tests are displayed in the forms of graphs that can be viewed on the browser. These Tests will produce the Results as the ouput, which will be stored in the database. Test Graphs will be generated from the Test Results stored in the database. These Test Graphs will help us to analyze where and at what time in the Network the congestion had occurred.
Monitor, Collector, PerformanceAgents (PASP), Tests, Test Graphs, Network, Congestion.
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