Informing Across a Cultural Divide: Delivery of Distance Education

Iwona Miliszewska, John Horwood
InSITE 2002  •  Volume 2  •  2002
Victoria University offers a Computer Science degree in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong program matches the one in Melbourne, but both the content coverage and the delivery model of the Hong Kong program are affected by expectations and demands of the Hong Kong government and students. The paper outlines challenges, legislative, cultural, quality, time and distance that shaped the program delivery model. It examines the social construction of the program curriculum, and identifies cultural factors that have had most impact in modifying the program. The paper regards distance education as an informing discipline and discusses the program delivery model in terms of the Informing Science Framework. It uses a Project subject to illustrate the model and rationale behind it, and comments on suitability of various multimedia components as program delivery vehicles. The paper concludes by considering the implications of the Hong Kong program experience on future directions in distance education.
distance education, informing environment, cultural constraints, project model
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