E-Business Education: A Comparison of Graduate Programs and Curricula

James E. Novitzki
InSITE 2002  •  Volume 2  •  2002
This study looks at both MBA and MS E-business programs. Specifically it looks at the number and types of courses offered in these programs and compares and contrasts what is offered between the MS and MBA programs, and also between the different groups of schools being studied. Results indicate that there is no real consensus in what knowledge is core to the concentration. The programs offered at any particular school seem to have only incidental agreement with other programs, and many seem to be the result of faculty skills available and requests for specific skills from organizations, rather than a logical integrated approach to the issues inherent in the global issues of Ebusiness. There appears to be a major need to determine the core knowledge that is critical in the design, development, management, and operation of E-business in organizations to produce graduates with consistent knowledge that is school independent.
Electronic Commerce, Electronic Business, MBA, MS, curriculum, required courses
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