Teaching Database Research Methods in Marketing Research Classes: A View from the Trenches

Joseph L. Orsini
InSITE 2002  •  Volume 2  •  2002
The opportunities provided by the continuous growth in computer storage capacity have led to the development of methods to investigate large databases. However, while industry is heavily involved in research using databases, primarily for marketing purposes, the university academic component of the marketing research discipline has not yet caught up with industry practice. This study discusses database research methods, along with the impact on the neec for the teaching of business and marketing research using databases and their methodologies. Suggestions made, include team teaching and the formation of a university-wide Informing Sciences Department. This organization structure would be analogous to that currently found in most universities: a separate statistics department, while utilizing disciplinary specialists to teach statistical applications within the various disciplines.
database, research, teaching, data mining, organization, university, marketing
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