Yet Another Role for Job Satisfaction and Work Motivation: Enabler of Knowledge Creation and Knowledge Sharing

Celina Pascoe, Irena Ali, Leoni Warne
InSITE 2002  •  Volume 2  •  2002
This paper describes a continuing study which uses a mixture of qualitative and quantitative research methods to identify factors which facilitate organizational and other types of collaborative learning. In this study, such learning is termed ‘social learning’, and refers to those factors which enable the sharing of knowledge and practice, and which foster generative learning. This paper’s specific focus is on the roles played by job satisfaction and morale in collaborative learning. The study to date has undertaken research in three settings: a tactical headquarters, a single service strategic headquarters; and a joint services strategic headquarters. The study’s long term aim is to develop architectures to support the development of organizational and information systems that enhance organizational learning and facilitate knowledge management.
knowledge management, organisational learning, organizational studies, job satisfaction, motivation, defence studies, architecture
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