Internet Addiction Disorder and Identity on line: the Educational Relationship

Stefania Pinnelli
InSITE 2002  •  Volume 2  •  2002
In the mid 1990s people became fascinated with the Internet, a fact which has not only redesigned the geographic borders of communication within a totally new dimension, but has also created new profiles of personal identities. This paper aims to describe how identities are constructed in cyberspace and outline the risks and the opportunities of such an evolution of human identity. Moving from the identity concept from the theories of Goffman, Erikson and other authors, this paper intends to answer these questions and to discuss the problem of personal identity in the age of the Internet. The aim is to introduce and to discuss through a pedagogical point of view, a specific type of mental disturbance of the Internet age called Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD), a disturbance classified through the criteria of DSM IV as a new form of dependency.
Identity, social interaction, Internet Addiction Disorder, IAD, telematic communication, educational task.
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