The Austrian Electronic Economic Chamber
InSITE 2002
• Volume 2
• 2002
1994 the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber has started to build an interactive portal on the internet ( This portal is at the moment one of the greatest information and know-how platforms in Europe and a combination betweer eGovernment and eBusiness. More than 370.000 companies have access to an extranet which includes more than 700.000 pages online. More than 1.000 organisations within the Chamber Network and their employees have access to an intranet and upload daily their information worldwide. Around 12.000.000 visitors per month download information in the field of law, business news, statistics and other content like WebTV, or use an eMarketplace. On the international side has business information about austrian products in 19 languages online. Online legislative projects as well as administrative procedures and other interactive possibilities are also implemented. The content of also appears in many other Austrian ePlattforms. Therefore is a best practice example of eAustria in eEurope.
eGovernment, eBusiness, Chamber Network Portal, Know-How Management Platform, eAustria, eEurope
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