Electronic Commerce Specialisations in MBAs: An Australian University Case Study

Arthur Tatnall, Chris Groom, Stephen Burgess
InSITE 2002  •  Volume 2  •  2002
This paper looks at the development of Electronic Commerce specialisations in an MBA program, and particularly at a recent specialisation developed at Victoria University, Australia for its local and overseas MBA students. These MBA specialisations are very popular in Australia, and half of the MBA programs with specialisations have one in an e-Commerce related field. An examination of some of these specialisations highlighted in the literature, or in Australian universities, shows that the two most popular topics in them are e-Marketing, the management of e-Commerce in business and e-Commerce business models. Victoria University has recently introduced an e-Commerce specialisation that targets these areas, as well as other popular uses of Internet technologies in business and the development of e-Commerce web sites. This specialisation is explained in the paper, along with the different modes ol the specialisation delivered at Victoria University campuses in Melbourne, Singapore and Beijing.
Computers, information technology, electronic commerce, MBA programs, management education.
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