Information Technology Applications in the Material Handling Equipment Industry
InSITE 2002
• Volume 2
• 2002
This study is an exploratory review of the determinants and extent of information technology’s influence on the operations of material handling dealerships in the USA. The goal is to develop an analysis framework specifying which factors contribute to the transformation of the material handling industry’s practices in relation to using information technology to optimize transactions in goods, knowledge, and services. Knowledge management, sales force automation, customer relationship management, demand chain management, customer service automation, inventory management, and enterprise resource planning, will be investigated. A survey instrument will be used to elicit both information technology ideas that have already changed operations and those that are expected to impact future approaches to informing clients effectively and efficiently. The primary objectives of this research are to identify relevant issues, develop a pilot case study, and provide an analysis of the participant’s responses to an initial survey questionnaire about these topics.
knowledge management, sales force automation, customer relationship management, demand chain management, customer service automation, inventory management, enterprise resource planning
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