Building a Regional Community with IT: The Practical IT Education in My Case
InSITE 2003
• Volume 3
• 2003
In Japan, e-Japan planning (Nihon Keizai Shinbun Inc., 2002) is actively moving forward and the infrastructure for a computerized society is being worked on. But, at present it is fumbling and groping to find good ways for a regional community to use IT. This university’s administration department (Administration Science), with information technology (IT) as its base, is pursuing increasing the effectiveness of public administration and management commonality. Namely, that public administration, companies, the public and NPO co-operate with the aim of realizing a “Citizen Centered Society” and an “Active Regional Community. ” This paper introduces “Research into How Building a Regional Community with IT Can be done” (Philosophy) and four actual examples of “Specifically using IT for Trial Information Systems” (Practical Science) implemented by the department’s 4th year student’s graduation research in accordance with the complementary theme “Regional Close-contact Information Systems”. Through this practical research, the students were able to understand the methods for planning and building a system to use IT in a regional community. The task from here on is how to expand the functions in order to deal with new technology and effectively use the system.
Multidiscipline, Regional community, IT system design, E-business, Undergraduate research
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